对于维京人的入侵,达科、塞拉和瑞奇显然无法理解,而且看起来他们根本无法阻止这些维京人的入侵。 当数以百计的船只载着无数战士准备围攻中世纪的巴黎时,巴黎人民也在努力守卫着自己的土地,但是,显然这个局面已经无法维持多久了。 当达科被捕之后,他被迫站在维京人一边,帮助维京人一起作战,而塞拉和瑞奇却在努力防守。 究竟哪一边会赢呢? 集合图书、互动游戏和值得收藏的“历史学家知道手册”的跨媒体少儿故事多平台系列产品将历史知识与各种趣味活动结合在一起,小读者对历史知识的吸收更快,记忆更多。 书本首页附有在线游戏线索图,登入网站输入信息即可开始游戏,边玩游戏边学历史知识,记忆起来更加容易! 个性鲜明的人物,惊险刺激的情节设计,搭配真实历史的大背景,知识、趣味两
At the age of fourteen, Francisco Jimenez, together with hisolder brother Roberto and his mother, are caught by la migra.Forced to leave their home, the entire family travels all night fortwenty hours by bus, arriving at the U.S. and Mexican border inNogales, Arizona. In the months and years that follow, Francisco,his mother and father, and his seven brothers and sister not onlystruggle to keep their family together, but also face crushingpoverty, long hours of labor, and blatant prejudice. How theysustain their hope, their goodheartedness, and tenacity is revealedin this moving sequel to The Circuit. Without bitterness orsentimentality, Francisco Jimenez finishes telling the story of hisyouth.
Revised edition! A dictionary written especially for studentsgrades 9 and up, ages 14 and older. More than 100,000 entries.Nearly 1,000 illustrations, many brand new. Abundant word historyparagraphs, synonym paragraphs, and example sentences. Updated toreflect groundbreaking Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary,Eleventh Edition.
Book De*ion Many months have passed since the cataclysmic Battle ofMount Hyjal, where the demonic Burning Legion was banished fromAzeroth forever. But now, a mysterious energy rift within themountains of Kalimdor propels three former warriors into thedistant past -- a time long before orcs, humans or even high elvesroamed the land. A time when the Dark Titan Sargeras, and his demonpawns persuaded Queen Azshara and her Highborne to cleanse Azerothof its lesser races. A time when the Dragon Aspects were at theheight of their power -- unaware that one of their own would soonusher in an age of darkness that would engulf the world of...WarCraft. In the first chapter of this epic trilogy, the outcome ofthe historic War of the Ancients is forever altered by the arrivalof three time-lost heroes: Krasus, the dragon mage whose greatpower and memories of the ancient conflict have inexplicablydiminished; the human wizard Rhonin, whose thoughts are dividedbetween his family and the seductive source of his
《安琪拉的灰烬》是影响全球的成长小说杰作,荣获美国文学荣誉普利策奖。当我回首童年,我总奇怪自己竟然活了下来。当然,那是一个悲惨的童年,幸福的童年是不值得在这儿浪费口水的:家庭贫困潦倒;父亲一无所长、醉话连篇;母亲虔诚而沮丧,坐在火炉旁哀叹个不停;神父自以为是;教师恃强凌弱…… 我们在物质上*贫穷,但我们总是很快乐,有很多渴望,很多梦想,很多激情,我们感觉很富有。 “When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I managed to survive at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood.”So begins the luminous memoir of Frank McCourt, born in Depression-era Brooklyn to recent Irish immigrants and raised in the slums of Limerick, Ireland. Frank’
Part fantasy, part travelogue, Onibi: Diary Of A Yokai Ghost Hunter follows the adventures of two foreign visitors as they tour Japan. When they buy an antique camera along the way, they discover they can capture images of Japan's invisible spirit world. The forgotten spirits they meet can be kindly, mischievous, and some, downright dangerous. Armed with their magical camera, they enjoy local foods in each region and meet with people who tell them about the forgotten spirits who lie in wait ready to play tricks on them. Yokai, the Japanese word for supernatural monsters, ghosts, ghouls, and demons can be kindly, mischievous, and downright dangerous. Readers 10-18 who cherished books like Cool Japan Guide and Diary of a Tokyo Teen will delight in this comic book style adventure. The graphic novel format will appeal to diehard anime and manga fans while stressing the importance this ancient spirit world is to the Japanese culture. 部分幻想,部分旅行,Onibi:Yokai幽灵猎人的日记跟随两个
Partly autobiographical, this is first of the internationallyacclaimed trilogy by Judith Kerr telling the unforgettable story ofa Jewish family fleeing from Germany at the start of the SecondWorld WarSuppose your country began to change. Suppose that withoutyour noticing, it became dangerous for some people to live inGermany any longer. Suppose you found, to your complete surprise,that your own father was one of those people.That is what happenedto Anna in 1933. She was nine years old when it began, too busywith her schoolwork and toboganning to take much notice ofpolitical posters, but out of them glared the face of Adolf Hitler,the man who would soon change the whole of Europe – starting withher own small life.Anna suddenly found things moving too fast forher to understand. One day, her father was unaccountably missing.Then she herself and her brother Max were being rushed by theirmother, in alarming secrecy, away from everything they knew – homeand schoolmates and well-loved toys – right out o
Nine of us came here. We look like you. We talk like you. We live among you. But we are not you. We can do things you dream of doing. We have powers you dream of having. We are stronger and faster than anything you have ever seen. We are the superheroes you worship in movies and comic books—but we are real. Our plan was to grow, and train, and become strong, and become one, and fight them. But they found us and started hunting us first. Now all of us are running. Spending our lives in shadows, in places where no one would look, blending in. we have lived among you without you knowing. But they know. They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. They killed them all. I am Number Four. I am next.
Ponyboy can count on his brothers and his friends, but not onmuch else besides trouble with the Socs, a vicious gang of richkids who get away with everything, including beating up greaserslike Ponyboy. At least he knows what to expect--until the nightsomeone takes things too far. Written forty-five years ago, S. E. Hinton's classic story of a boywho finds himself on the outskirts of regular society remains aspowerful today as it was the day it was written.
Grubbs Grady has so far escaped the family curse, but when hebegins to experience alarming symptoms at the onset of the fullmoon, he is scared that the jaws of fate are opening and about toswallow him whole. He has cheated death, defeated demons,moved on with his life. But Grubbs is torn between the world ofmagic and his wolfen genes. Can he fight the beast inside or willhe fall victim to his tainted blood?
De*ion of this Book The wildly popular series by K.A. Applegate is back! The first six books of Animorphs return, with striking new lenticular covers that morph. It all started with the dreams. But Cassie didn't pay much attention to them. She and her friends have been having nightmares ever since they acquired the power to morph. But when Cassie discovers that Tobias has been having dreams too -- the exact same dreams -- about the ocean, and a voice that's calling to them for help, she decides it's time to start listening. Now she and the others have to figure out if the dreams are a message, or a trap.
这是一套合辑,包括一本“高效能”图书和一本与其相配套的练习册。练习册中的内容与图书相呼应,帮助孩子复习学到的知识,重复记忆能够增强孩子对书本内容的理解。 本书是一个密集的训练计划,在美国青少年中*影响力,它直接影响着美国青少年的素质。 书中充满聪明的点子、伟大的格言和令人惊异的人生经验,对于年轻人来说,这是一本不可或缺的好书;对于青少年的父母、老师以及足以影响青少年的任何一位成年人来说,本书也是读物。 习惯成就性格,性格决定命运。青少年时期短短几年,可以在叛逆中虚度光阴,也可以在习惯养成中成就未来。肖恩?柯维以亲身经历,通过幽默风趣的文章,与青少年进行交流,通过生动的故事和漫画,帮助青少年突破“一般”的界限,从而出类拔萃。本书自2003年出版以来,以其轻松幽默的文笔、丰富多
我们因天使之血而生,但你的爱,却令我不舍堕入黑暗…… “爱即是毁灭,而被爱即是遭到毁灭。” 瓦伦汀已死,杰斯却对自己再度产生了质疑──血缘,是否真能战胜后天的教养?梦境之中,他一次又一次地伤害着克莱莉……纵使知道,一切只是恐惧的倒影,他仍旧害怕自己的恶如同“父亲”一般,本性难移。 伊德瑞斯的圣战结束,克莱莉回到纽约展开全新生活,母亲乔瑟琳与卢克即将成婚,她也开始接受学院训练,准备成为一名暗影猎人。重要的是,她和杰斯之间终于毫无阻碍,能以男女朋友相称;但杰斯的有意闪避,已在克莱莉心中投下了不安的种子。 恋人间的隔阂使女孩神伤,不专一的男孩却会令女孩发怒。西蒙同时与伊莎贝和梅雅约会,而且彼此互不知情,眼看一场“爱”的圣战就要引爆,西蒙却无暇担忧。古老的吸血鬼因他额上的“流浪者印记
借助魔法神刀,莱拉和威尔穿梭于各个险象环生的黑暗世界,与恶魔、鬼怪、教会,甚至上帝的摄政王进行着殊死战斗。为了神圣的事业,在爱的感召下,阿斯里尔勋爵和库尔特夫人与邪恶的摄政王搏斗在一起,同归于尽…… 威尔、莱拉和马隆,也就是预言中的亚当、夏娃和蛇终于会合了,阻止了尘埃的流失。但是,阿斯里尔勋爵的天堂共和国无法永久地存在,因为人和精灵只有在属于自己的世界里才能生存,他们可以通过窗口穿越世界,但不能长久。同时这些窗口又会导致尘埃的流失,而且每打开一个即生出一个吞噬精灵的妖怪,所以所有的窗口必须关闭,只可以留下一个。已深深相爱的莱拉和威尔将惟一的窗口留给了鬼魂世界,让亡灵可以从冥府进入到人间获得重生。而等待两个回归各自世界的少年的,却是那不可抗拒的命运和犹如生死之隔的永别……
This book tells the story of how a young man from Tier, in what is now Germany, became the father of communism, an economic sysytem that changed the world.Readers will learn about Karl Marx's life, the revolution of his thought, and the effect that his ideas had on society.