《简明英英·英汉·汉英词典》正文收录了25000余个英语词条,主要选自《高中英语新课程标准》、《大学英语课程教学要求》、《英语专业四、八级词汇表》和剑桥证书考试(The Cambrige First Certificate Examination)所要求掌握的英语词汇。
The Wordsworth Advanced Learners' Dictionary is unique in that it combines the elements of thesaurus, usage guide, lexicon and historical survey in one volume. As well as the usual features of a dictionary, this book includes expository panels which present a point of usage,the history of the word, the area of vocabulary or the nuances of a definition. As David Crystal says of the book in his Introduction, ' The test,quite simply, is to open it, at any page, and see if you can stop yourself browsing. I couldn't.