了解一个国家,必先了解此国的人。在本书中,你将一览中国历史长河,认识曾在哲学、艺术、文学、宗教、科技和政治等领域留下深深烙印的88位重要人物。 To understand a country is to understand its people. In this book, we will take you on a tour through the long history of China to recall the life stories of 88 important figures who left their personal marks in philosophy, art and literature, religion, science and technology and political movements.
《讲给孩子的中国传统节日》(套装4册)是一套好看好听又好玩的中华传统文化通识绘本,由 民族学专家萧放、张晓莉倾情主编、 审定。通过 中国特色的图画和通俗精炼的文字,为孩子们讲述12个中国传统节日故事,普及与节日有关的文化、历史和民俗知识,让孩子传承中华 传统文化精神。书中还别具匠心地选取了12首小学 的节日古诗词、12首经典流传的节日童谣、12个妙趣横生的游戏,让孩子边学边听边玩,在沉浸式的学习中体会古文的魅力,提升文化涵养,助力大语文学习。套书附赠12张精美的节日书签,24段同步免费音频,既是艺术审美的熏陶也是学习的工具,让节日文化融入孩子的学习和成长。
《大中华文库:孟子(汉西对照)》是儒家经典之一,记述了战国中期的思想家、教育家孟子及其弟子的言论,由儒家学派代表人物孟子及其门人所著。 《大中华文库:孟子(汉西对照)》现存7篇,主要记载了孟子的政治活动、政治学说及其哲学伦理、教育思想等。孟子大力宣扬孔子学说,把孔子的“仁学”思想发展为“仁政”学说,他还提出“性善论”,作为“仁政”学说的理论基础;他主张法尧舜,制井田,提倡“尚贤”、“薄赋”、行“王道”;在君民关系上,他主张“民贵君轻”。
Catalogued according to different scientific fields, the book draws wisdom from authoritative experts in the institute of the History of Natural Sciences (IHNS) from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and comprehensively introduces ancient Chinas scientific and technological achieve- ments in such fields as astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, agriculture, medicine, printing, spinning and weaving, metal-lurgy and foundry, machinery, architecture, ship-building and navigation, and military technology, etc. This book is Of high academic quality yet writ- ten in the simplest language possible, and thus is a very readable popular science collection.
Health Qigong — 12-Step Daoyin Health Preservation Exercises, asa new series of qigong exercises, was designed and compiled by theChinese Health Qigong Association. It consists of 12 steps ofexercises from over 50 routines of Daoyin health qigong developedsince 1974 by Zhang Guangde, a professor from the Beijing SportsUniversity. Based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicineconcerning viscera and meridians, yin-yang and the Five Elements,and qi and blood, this new set of qigong exercises combines Daoyinwith healthcare,limb exercises and mental cultivation, beinggraceful in movements, easy-to-learn, suitable for all ages, andeffective for keeping good health and prolonging life.
宋代的社会繁荣,为其文学艺术的发展提供了广阔的空间和有利条件。宋词成为和唐诗相提并论的中国古代文学的另一座高峰。宋代人填词成为时尚,“文人学子相聚,凡不能一道背育其诗词者,皆自惭形秽。”宋代大词人以苏轼、辛弃疾为代表的豪放派和李清照、柳永为代表的婉约派为著名。宋词韵律优美,意境幽远,意味深长,具有独特的魅力,甚至有人认为吟诵宋词或许可以使人灵秀。 宋代的画家对绘画艺术有了进一步的理解。宋代大文学家、画家苏轼(1037-1101)不仅留下了大量不朽的词作和画作,而且提出了“诗中有画、画中有诗”的主张,成为后来历代画家追求的境界。 本书精选部分宋词和宋画,并配以英文翻译,以期和更多不同语言文化背景的读者共享宋词与宋画之美。
本书分为37章,抓住中国文化中一些有特色的内容和亮点(如四大发明、建筑、绘画、饮食、功夫、围棋),用典型的事例和材料进行具体和深入的介绍,在介绍知识的同时,力求讲出中国文化的精神,讲出中国文化的内在意味,讲出中国文化的核心价值。 读者对象为:1.对中国文化感兴趣的、有一定中文水平的外国读者;2.在21世纪中华民族将要实现伟大复兴的历史时刻,有志于对我们自己的文化进行重新认识的中国读者。
This book was written by Lu Hsun, pioneer and standard-bearer of modern Chinese literature, during the early 1920s. It is a study of the historical development of Chinese fiction from- early myths and legends, down to wall-developed long novels written at the end of the Qing Dynasty.
Li Yangzheng,a researcher in Taoism,was born in t 925 in Gong'an County,Hubei Province,and graduated from National Wuhan University in 1949.When the Chinese Taoist Association was founded in 1957,he joined the organization and devoted himself to Taoist research under the guidance of the reputed Taoist scholar Chen Yingning.Li Yangzheng used to be the Deputy,Dean of the Chinese Taoist College.His published works indude An Introduction to Taoism.Taoism and Chinese Society,Modern Chinese Taoism,Taoism and Various Pre-Qin Schools of Thought,among others.He has also compiled A Handbook of Taoism,The Taoist Culture Series,A Collection of Materials on the History of Taoism,The Great Dictionary of Taoism (with coeditor Min Zhiting),etc.,as well as published almost a hundred academic articles.
Peking-Oper ist nicht in Beijing entstanden, sondern vonHuiban-Kuenstker und Han-Oper-Kuenstlernherausgebildet, indem sie sich vonandern beeinfluesst unddie Vorteile der anderen lokalen Oper uebernommen haben.Peking-Oper war damals eine neue Oper, sie hat heute aberschon eine Geschichte von mehr als 200 Jahre. Peking-Operhat seinen Wurzeln in der Ostkultur, dem fruchtbaremBoden, geschlagen. Zwischen ihr und der westlichen Opergibt es grundlegende Unterschiede. Diejenigen, die sichzum ersten Male Peking-Oper ansehen, koennten sich vonihr distanziert fuehlen, sie koennten nichts verstehen, wasgesprochen und gesungen worden isto Aber wenn sieEigenarten und kulturellen Sinn sowie Inhalt desjeweiligenvorgefuehrten Dramas wissen, dann koennten sie schonbemerken, dass Peking-Oper sehr interessant ist. Wenn sieeines Morgens ploetzlich finden, dass eine Peking-Opernarie, die sie hoeren, gut klingt, dann heisst das schon,dass sie die Peking-Oper schon liebhaben. Dies Buch ist in Chinesisch, Englisch, Japanisch, R
This book is intended to reconsider the ethosof Chinese culture against the status quo ot China and the world today, and with aparticular reference to the human conditionin the context of globalization and itschallenges. It features an engaging and in- depth discussion about such notions asheaven-and-human oneness, harmonizationwithout being patternized, and happiness inphilosophies and religions, among others. Allthis is applied not merely to the development otcultural ideals, social norms, human relationsand even world outlooks, but also to theformation of thinking strategies, personalcultivation, aesthetic contemplation, andspiritual nourishment, etc.
“灵感”,多么神奇的字眼,古人用它来指人获得了来自神灵的灵性力量,今人用它来描述蓦地从心灵深处爆发出的无穷无尽的创造力。灵感在中国古代文化中是普遍存在的,它是中国传统文化的灵魂。中国是一个充满诗性智慧的国家,灵感与悟性使中国文化充满创造性。《灵感与悟性 灵感思维与中国传统文化精神》试图从文化人类学出发,从早期人类的灵感思维入手,来揭示中国传统文化中的灵感文化,从而窥视中国传统文化的基因,为重塑中国人的民族文化心态提供参考,为全面认识中华文化提供帮助。
L'Art de la guerre de Sun Zi, paru vers la fin du VIe sicecle avant notre ere, est le premier traite de strategie connu au monde.Classique du genre, sa comprehension depasse le domaine militaire et peut etre etendue e la plupart des domaines de l'activite humaine.