The statement that China is passing through an unprecedent-edrevolution has almost become a platitude, but its very obviousnessin no way diminishes its truth. The changes which this huge andvenerable country experienced in the past are negligible whencompared with the developments of the last decade. The reason forthis difference in degree-which amounts to a qualitative change-isthat developments in the past hardly influenced fundamentals, ifthey ever did so at all, whereas the present transformation deeplyaffects them. It is even consciously aimed at changing the socialstructure and all that this entails.
本书是作者根据其2009年到2011年在蒙古国立教育大学教授汉语的亲身经历撰写的随笔集,是了解中国外派汉语教师、了解中蒙文化交流的精彩读本。 本书以一个外派汉语教师的独特视角,介绍了蒙古国的衣食住行、风土人情,记录了作者致力于中蒙文化交流的点点滴滴,其中选录了作者近40首原创诗歌、170余张实景照片,并收录了6篇对外汉语教学课堂实践的专题论文。无论是身在海外的汉语教师还是即将奔赴海外的志愿者都能从中获取裨益。
All the things carried in our bags.pile up far beyond our limited memories,fret they often become cultural signs or markers of social, economic and historical changes. Bags and their contents in different periods depict the living standards as well as spiritual vision of the people. Revealing the economic and cultural development of society they servt to create a fascinating mirror of historical and living Changes in this vast country.Bags, entangled with the complex threads of recent history, produce a stream of apt images and anecdotes reflecting a dynamically changing China.
汉字由人而生,是人的见识和智慧的外在表达。中国人的情感,大抵都逃不过汉字的表述。阐释汉字的目的,就是为了满足好学深思的人进一步深入认识汉字的文化需求。 但脱离文字学材料与理论,根据各自知识背景和表达需求加以解释,带有随意性,甚至有些是错误的汉字说解。 本书通过开放性设问引导读者进一步思考汉字阐释理论实践的可能性和误区。在传统文化热的当下,本书不失为一部出色的大众了解、理解和实践汉字阐释方法的基础读物。
本书分为三大部分:理论篇、工具篇与案例篇,主要介绍了语料库语言学的基本理论,运用“汉语助研”软件进行建库、检索和统计的方法,以及相应的语料库统计和分析的具体案例。全书理论与实践相结合,内容翔实,通俗易懂,能很好地满足汉语研究者对于语料库语言学的学习需求。 大数据+统计+工具,让语言研究 轻松。
《 通用语言学用口袋书·应急交际》主要面向民族地区和农村地区的 通用语言文字学习者,采取“语言交流+应急知识”有机融合的学习形式,重在提高广大人民群众、救援人员、基层干部等群体在应急场景下的 通用语言应用能力,使其在面对各类突发公共事件时,能够以顺畅的语言沟通,提升应急处置效率,助力防灾减灾,从而 好地守护人民群众生命财产安全。 本册共20个单元,以《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》界定的突发事件种类为总体框架,以《 突发公共事件总体应急预案》界定的事件场景为划分单元的基本依据,主要包括洪水、干旱、暴雨、雷电、台风、寒潮、暴雪、冰雹、高温、地震、泥石流、滑坡、海啸、森林草原火灾、麦田火灾、家庭火灾、生产事故、交通事故、踩踏事故、食物中毒等。我们主要参考了应急管理部、 林业和草原局、 应急
Monkey king Chinese is a series of elemen-tary chinese language primers for primaary school children from the 1st year to the 3rd year in English-speaking corntries.This series of textbooks is divided into three levels according to the year rank.Each level consists of two volumes,A and B. 本教材专门为欧美 7~9岁儿童学汉语设计,使儿童在精美的插画和有趣的游戏中对汉语有初步的了解和认识,为以后系统学习汉语打下基础。
China won its first Olympic gold medal at the 23rd Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984, which ushered in a new era in Chinese Olympic history. Since then, Chinese athletes have broken and improved world records one after the other, and gradually established China's image as a major sports power. At the same time, the Chinese traditional folk sports have also been protected and developed. The national fitness campaign started in 1995 sparked a new nationwide upsurge of enthusiasm about participating in sports activities. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008, and the Olympic flame will be burned in this ancient but energetic country. All the people of China are working together diligently so that China can hold a grand gathering for the people of the world in order to share "One World, One Dream!" Contents: The Chinese Journey to the Olympics China and the Olympics before 1984 An end to zero -- China's first Olympic gold medal China's place in the medal tally and the world records it set at t
11篇作品反映了生活在21世纪的中国人所经历的青春岁月。作品主人公的身份形形色色,所处的生活时代与环境也各有不同,但他们所处的青春世界却有着很多共同的特质。青春的世界总是充满了很多的的理想主义和无节制的青春意想,单纯而复杂,成长的过程亦充满了残酷(如《阿瑶》、《梅雨》、《打铁打铁》、《河滩上的尸体》等),青春期所具有的特殊情感历程(如《我疼》、《碎玻璃》、《在明孝陵乘凉》等),以及错过的青春岁月所烙下的深深地印迹(如《打火机》、《吉诺的跳马》、《葡萄藤下的女人》、《裸夏》等)。作品风格或冷峻、凌厉;或委婉、细腻;或现实客观,或赋予戏剧性。 11篇作品在不同的年份都曾入选当年的小说排名榜,也获得过不同的奖项。作者除了一个是60年代出生,其他都是70、80年代出生,其中三个是80后。新生代作家对“
《轻松学中文》(少儿版)是专门针对海外非华裔小学生开发的汉语教材,共4册,每册分为a、b两册课本(含CD),并配有a、b两册彩色练习册、一套彩色图卡(学生用)和一套词语卡片(教师教学用)。 本套教材围绕丁一、田力、京京和乐乐4个中外小学生的故事展开,用精美的插图、简短的句子和对话、优美的歌曲等生动的形式培养起学生学习汉语的兴趣,使其轻松打好汉语学习的基础,掌握如数字、汉字基本笔画、家庭成员、日常用语等汉语知识,并且每册以精美的图片、简洁的文字和有趣的彩色贴纸等形式介绍一个中国文化小知识。 本册为《轻松学中文》(少儿版)(法文版)的课本4a,图片精美,四色印刷。共7课,包括电话号码、语言、日常作息、出行交通工具等内容。本册开始深入复习拼音,每课学习3个偏旁并复习以前所学独体字,提供
The rapidity of China s high-speed railwaydevelopment symbolizes the China Speed which is manifesting itself during theera of Reform and Opening Up. China s high-speed railways are known forsafety, convenience and comfort the top choice for people on the move. Withthe Four South-North and Four East-West high-speed rail network takingshape in China, the zooming high-speed trains are changing the ways people workand live. The whole world has been amazed at the speedwith which China has developed its railways. Even US President Obama once said, There is no reason why Europe or China should have the fastest trains. Chinais competitive worldwide in railway transportation infrastructure on thestrength of its quality production capacity, advanced technology and deliveryof value for money. The result is a brand-new calling card for Chinesemanufacturing. As a witness to and participant in thedevelopment of high-speed railways in China, the author has extensivelyconsulted archives, held in-depth i
《轻松学中文》(少儿版)是专门针对海外非华裔小学生开发的汉语教材,共4册,每册分为a、b两册课本(含CD),并配有a、b两册彩色练习册、一套彩色图卡(学生用)和一套词语卡片(教师教学用)。 本套教材围绕丁一、田力、京京和乐乐4个中外小学生的故事展开,用精美的插图、简短的句子和对话、优美的歌曲等生动的形式培养起学生学习汉语的兴趣,使其轻松打好汉语学习的基础,掌握如数字、汉字基本笔画、家庭成员、日常用语等汉语知识,并且每册以精美的图片、简洁的文字和有趣的彩色贴纸等形式介绍一个中国文化小知识。 本册为《轻松学中文》(少儿版)(法文版)的课本4b,图片精美,四色印刷。共7课,包括天气、穿着、正在进行的行为动作、学校设施、喜欢的科目、业余运动等内容。作为少儿版 一册,本册全面复习拼音和学过
This book has several parts. Chapters Ⅱ and Ⅲ are briefreviews of the political ideas and institutions of ancent China.The four chapters that follow Give a brief account of political andinstitutional development during the generation preceding theKuomintang Government of 1928. Chapters VIII and IX describe theKuomintang and the theory and practice of politicaltutelage asadvocated by it. The body of the book deals with the organizationand operation of the Kuomintang Government. The last chapters,Chapters XX to XXIV inclusive, are concerned more with politics.There are also an introductory and a concluding chapter.
Li Daokui Li Daokui is currently the Mansfield Freeman Clair Professor andhead of the Department of Finance of the School of Economics andManagement of Tsinghua University. He is also the Director of theCenter for China in the World Economy (:CCWE) at the School ofEconomics and Management of Tsinghua University.In 2006, ProfessorLi was chosen by Wall StreetWire as one of the top ten mostinfluential economists in China. He is also a member of theMonetary Policy Committee of the People's Bank of China, a delegateto the Beijing People's Congress, and a member of the Chinese People's Political: ConsultativeCommittee (CPPCC). He is now a member of the Global Agenda Councilsand a rapporteur for the International Financial InstitutionsReform Cluster of the Global Redesign Initiative (GR.I) ofthe World Economic Forum based in Davos,Switzerland.
《 中文教育教学资源发展报告(2021)》是 中文教育领域 部 中文教学资源发展报告,也是迄今为止调研范围 广、涉及 多、时间跨度 长的 中文教育教学资源报告。报告秉持“标准 、教材本位、数字融合、国别透视、专题前沿”的理念,以事实为依据,以数据为支撑, 展现新中国 中文教育70余年的发展历程和成果,向世界传达 中文教育的“中国声音”。报告从 视野的广度,全面梳理 中文教学资源状况,既关注纸质教学资源,又密切跟踪新技术、新媒体环境下的数字教学资源发展动态。报告撰写中贯彻“六个注重”和“四个兼顾”:注重报告的整体性和全局性,注重数据的全面性和客观性,注重信息的前沿性和动态性,注重案例的典型性和代表性,注重结论的可靠性和建设性,注重报告的科学性和客观性;兼顾整体与专题,兼顾历时与共时,兼顾通用与专用,兼
该项目内容涵盖中国的政治、经济、社会、文化、军事、外交、文学、艺术、旅游等各个方面,从中央到地方,从政策介绍到反映科学发展的具体方面,以全新的形式向国内外读者介绍中国。该项目区别于一般的纸质图书,以美国出版的Encarta DVD百科全书为编辑参考蓝本,融文字、图片、视频、音频、动画为一体,兼具查找搜索功能,方便使用和携带。该项目的出版具有里程碑式的意义,从内容到出版形式都将填补国内外出版业中国百科英文版的空白。《百科中国》光盘配书,主要是光盘的功能介绍,使用指南。