With a lasting civilization of several thousand years.China offers the world a rich culture.which constitutes an important part of human civilization and wisdom.Chinese culture is both unique and inclusive,and consists of what is grown in this 0riental 0and as well as diverse elements from other Cultures. Chinese arts are the gems of Chinese culture.They carry the heritage of traditional Chinese culture,embody the personalities of artists and cultivate the national character.Chinese artists strive for an integration of beauty and goodness,communication between passion and reason and harmony between man and nature.For several thousand years,Chinese people have enjoyed their lives and creations through their artistic pursuits.
Ce livre represente le premier volume des documents Mes Impressions Sur la Chine-La Chine aux yeux des officiers etrangers, les auteurs sont tous originaires du continent africain et viennent en Chine en apportant leur amitie traditionnelle sinoafricaine et finissent leur stage en Chine avec un souvenir merveiileux et inoubliable. Les 35 textes ont bien enregistre les experiences reelles des ces officiers stagiaires. A travers ces textes, ils ont non seuiement exprime leur appreciation sur les fruits du developpement chinois, mais aussi leur preoccupation sur les difficultes eventueLles dans le futur. IIs ont egalement mene une reflexion profonde sur les differentes voies de developpement de leur pays respectif.
中国具有悠久而辉煌的历史:三千年没有间断的、有文献记录的历史,五千年有确切、清晰的口头传说的历史,七千年有考古发掘证实的历史,五十万年有实物证实的人类发展过程重要阶段的历史。中国的历史文化和壮丽的中华河山结合在一起,构成泱泱中华无穷魅力亦即软实力的重要组成部分。本书要带领对中国历史文化有兴趣的读者们去进行一次历史之旅,亲临那些中国历史发生地或相关地,观看甚至触摸那些历史的遗存,倾听风貌留下的遗响,去感知某个历史人物气息,去感受和认识中国历史的辉煌。 China has a long and brilliant history. Its documented history is coherent for 3,000 years and its undocumented history is clearly inherited orally for 5,000 years. Archeological discoveries can date back its history to 7,000 years and trace all stages of human development to 50,000 years. China's history and culture, together with her rivers
China cannot separate herself from the world community in her development, nor can the world segregate China for its stability and prosperity. We do welcome teachers with "China dreams" come to us from all parts of the world, and, with joint efforts, we all can realize "One dream."It took Leslie Jeanneret, a specialist in education, half a century to get her China dream realized; it was 11 years before Prof. Ruth Hayhoe, a well-known educator who began her teaching career in Hong Kong in 1967, set her foot on mainland China in 1978; And, Elissa McRae, who had never thought she would go to China, realized her dream to teach in a Chinese classroom within 6 months... Today, the way to the realization of dream is no more that long. We sincerely wish all the foreign teachers get dreams realized in a quicker, nicer and better way!
在北京,人们都习惯称他为 老穆 。 老穆 是中国的老朋友,他不仅有较深厚的中文功底,而且在中国前后生活了近四十年。 他有机会和中国人民一起目睹了中国大地多年来发生的一切,他对中国所发生的重大事情有过困惑,也有思考:他为中国的发展进步欢呼雀跃,拍手称快。 不夸张地说,他已融入了中国人的情感之中,对中国、对中国人民有着深厚的情谊。他在中国娶妻生子,生活、工作、成长、发展,正像他在书中所说的: 一直把中国当成我的第二故乡 , 我由衷地热爱中国这片土地 。 中国人常说 眼见为实 ,本书的可读之处在于, 老穆 以一个外国人的视角,以他在中国的亲身经历讲述了中国的发展、变迁。
Ihave had the pleasure of knowing Francesco Scolozzifor 10 years. During that time, he has travelled to Chinaseveral times annually, freauentlv staving up to 4 monthsat a time. No matter where he goes to in China, whether itbe Beijing, Dalian or another city, he is comfortable walkingalone on the street, or taking the bus or subway, not differentfrom other Chinese residents except that he does not speak thelanguage.
《中国环保:和谐与共存(英文版)》属于第二部分,读者从中可以了解到中国某个行业、部门,某个领域的人们,为了国家的和平发展,在怎么想,在怎么做,取得了什么样的成就,积累了什么样的经验和教训。读者尤其可以看到,在不同的领域,中国人民是怎样坚毅不拔地把追求发展、幸福、和平的梦想,一步一步地变成现实。 《全景中国》部分从纵向角度,介绍了中国各地*特色的看点。第二部分,以中国不同部门、不同行业、不同领域为单元,从横向的角度介绍中国各行业、各领域的发展实践、发展理念和发展成就,以及面临的挑战和机会。这些介绍是真实鲜活的,力求图文并茂,轻松愉悦。
Discover China, a book for readers around the world,can also be a popular learning aid for people whoare interested in Chinese culture. This book is filled with100 interesting subjects, each visually demonstrated withappropriate Chinese ements, ranging from Chinese history,geography to her economy and education. From traditionalfestivals to modern living, beautiful sceneries and uniquelocal ines, the informative nature of this book presents atraditional yet modern China to its readers.
本书从语言事实出发,结合汉语史、移民史,运用认知语言学相关理论,对现代汉语方言时间词语进行多角度的研究。本书重点讨论汉语方言时间词语的共时分布与历时发展。主要包括“昨天”“ ”“明天”时间的表达系统及其来源、时点标志词、 时点时间词以及主观时量时间词的共时分布与历时发展等。本书还通过词汇化语法化理论和隐喻认知理论对汉语方言时间词语进行专题研究。
Although peace and development remain the current key theme in the world, crisis management is an important issue which also needs to be seriously tackled by the governments of all countries and regions in today's world, given that all sorts of contradictions and competing forces have become so complex and intertwined, and public emergencies so frequently occur. Generally speaking, emergency events mainly include natural disasters, accidental disasters, public health emergencies, and social emergencies. Such sudden and unexpected public emergencies usually bring about unpredictable serious consequences and damages to people's lives and social development...
In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet significant cultural differences caught them by surprise! Three years (and numerous faux pas, misunderstandings and misinterpretations) later, they have written this book to help readers benefit from their experiences. Their stories explain both the "what's" and the "why's" of Chinese customs, so that readers can better understand and appreciate the Chinese way of thinking and living. Often,what seems bizarre and strange at first makes perfect sense if you see it from a Chinese perspective. Yi and Bryan have enjoyed learning about Chinese culture and hope that the readers will enjoy this journey of discovery as well.
作者简介: Chen Qingying,d'ethnie han,est originaire de Taishan,province du Guangdong.Il est ne en 1941 a Nanchong,province du Sichuan.En 1964,apres avoir termine ses etudes a l'Ecole normale superieure du Qinghai,il a travaille comme enseignant a l'ecole secondaire de Delingha,departement de Haixi,et a l'ecole mormale primaire des ethnies minoritaires du departement.Plusieurs annees plus tard,il a reussi les examens d'admission a la maltrise,et en 1981,il a termine son travail de recherche sur le tibetain anciel a l'Institut central des ethnies minoritaires,obtenant ainsi une maltrise es lettres.Il a effectue des recherches sur l'histoire,la religion et la culture de l'ethnie tibetaine a l'institut central des ethnies minoritaires mationales,a l'Academie des sciences sociales de la province du Qinghai et au centre de recherche sur la tibetologie de chine.
本书分为三大部分:理论篇、工具篇与案例篇,主要介绍了语料库语言学的基本理论,运用“汉语助研”软件进行建库、检索和统计的方法,以及相应的语料库统计和分析的具体案例。全书理论与实践相结合,内容翔实,通俗易懂,能很好地满足汉语研究者对于语料库语言学的学习需求。 大数据+统计+工具,让语言研究 轻松。
The ascent of China's economy over the past thirty years may be one of the moreremarkable happenings in human history. Few understand it. Those outside Chinaconsider the massive changes a mystery. Those inside China have been challengedwith taking more than 1.3 billion people from an agrarian existence into the modernworld, and in the face of complex economics involving extreme conflicts of interest.Nobody ever did it before; nobody will ever do it again. Given the convulsive upheavalsrequired, the difficulty of the task has been, and remains, hard to imagine.This book describes those upheavals and that process over the years from 1978 to2008. It represents a remarkable achievement in condensing a welter of events andchanges down to the bare essentials. In summing up a period of history, it also servesas a query about what is to come next. Where are the convulsive changes leading, notonly for China, but for the world.Every stretch of history has its own internal logic. The reader of this book may beconfronted
Vivid memories from a contemporary Tibetan childhood interwoven with custom and culture... The author begins with his first memory of childhood – a broken collarbone. Ghosts, a visit to a nomad village community, apprehending a thief, making sausages, starting school, mountain deities, first love… all combine to provide an unforgettable journey through space and time, giving the reader an extraordinary insight into Tibetan childhood.
《 通用语言学用口袋书·应急交际》主要面向民族地区和农村地区的 通用语言文字学习者,采取“语言交流+应急知识”有机融合的学习形式,重在提高广大人民群众、救援人员、基层干部等群体在应急场景下的 通用语言应用能力,使其在面对各类突发公共事件时,能够以顺畅的语言沟通,提升应急处置效率,助力防灾减灾,从而 好地守护人民群众生命财产安全。 本册共20个单元,以《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》界定的突发事件种类为总体框架,以《 突发公共事件总体应急预案》界定的事件场景为划分单元的基本依据,主要包括洪水、干旱、暴雨、雷电、台风、寒潮、暴雪、冰雹、高温、地震、泥石流、滑坡、海啸、森林草原火灾、麦田火灾、家庭火灾、生产事故、交通事故、踩踏事故、食物中毒等。我们主要参考了应急管理部、 林业和草原局、 应急
Monkey king Chinese is a series of elemen-tary chinese language primers for primaary school children from the 1st year to the 3rd year in English-speaking corntries.This series of textbooks is divided into three levels according to the year rank.Each level consists of two volumes,A and B. 本教材专门为欧美 7~9岁儿童学汉语设计,使儿童在精美的插画和有趣的游戏中对汉语有初步的了解和认识,为以后系统学习汉语打下基础。