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    • 现代汉语语法 Grammatik des modernen Chinesisch
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • 高明 编译 /2005-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Dieses Werk ist als wissenschaftlich fundlierte und dennoch allgcmein verstandliche and praktische Darstellang der Grammatik der modernen chinesischen Sprnche konzipien .Die Erklurungen wurden mit einer groben Zahl yon Beispielen illustriert.um das Verstiindnis zu erleichtem; not wendige grammatische Thearien wenden nicht ausgelassen.Besonders Angenmerk wurde auf dis Schwierigkeiten beirn erlemen des Chinesischen als Fremdsprache gelegt,Alle Beispiele sind sowohl in chinesischen Zeichen als auch in Hanyu Pinyin、der offiziellen Lateinumschrift.angegeben.

    • ¥39 ¥60 折扣:6.5折
    • 汉语方言时间词语的多角度研究
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 何亮|责编:宫京蕾 /2023-09-01/ 中国社科
    • 本书从语言事实出发,结合汉语史、移民史,运用认知语言学相关理论,对现代汉语方言时间词语进行多角度的研究。本书重点讨论汉语方言时间词语的共时分布与历时发展。主要包括“昨天”“ ”“明天”时间的表达系统及其来源、时点标志词、 时点时间词以及主观时量时间词的共时分布与历时发展等。本书还通过词汇化语法化理论和隐喻认知理论对汉语方言时间词语进行专题研究。

    • ¥36.7 ¥65 折扣:5.6折
    • 从美国到中国:我的快乐生活 MOVE TO CHINA
    •   ( 82 条评论 )
    • (美)大洋 /2007-10-01/ 外文出版社
    • In this book,David A.Williams goes into detail about his happy life in China.He tells every foreigner,especially his fellow Americans,to take the leap to China.Whether it is to find more job opportunities,a good wife or husband,lots of friends,a fast,developing economy,a low cost,safer standard of living,or just more adventure,China iS the place.He tells foreigners how to quickly integrate with the Chinese,how to become an“old China hand”and what it can mean for the successful career and social life of new foreigners living in China.He explains how he leamed Chinese on his own in nine months,and how that propelled his success in winning over the Chinese people and finding many jobs.

    • ¥39 ¥60 折扣:6.5折
    • 关键词读中国 (西班牙文版)
    •   ( 30 条评论 )
    • 夏和文 编 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Para el presente libro se han seleccionado mils de doscientos terminos clave relacionados con la politica, la economia, la sociedad, la cultura, la ciencia, la tecnologia, la protecci6n medioambiental, entre otros dominios, de la China contemporanea. Cada uno de ellos transmite precisas y convincentes informaciones sobre la actualidad en este pals asiatico. A traves de ellos no solo se puede conocer la sociedad contemporanea de China, sino que tambien facilita la comprensi6n de la tendencia de su desarrollo economico. En la redacci6n del presente libro se ha consultado una gran cantidad de datos y se han incluido nuevos terminos muy de moda en la China actual que, con caracteristicas nacionales y faciles de entender, permiten un mayor y mils exacto acercamiento a este inmenso pals en su coniunto.

    • ¥39 ¥60 折扣:6.5折
    • 全景中国部委卷 中国环保--和谐与共存 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION--Harmony and Co
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 吴晓军董汉河 编著 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 《中国环保:和谐与共存(英文版)》属于第二部分,读者从中可以了解到中国某个行业、部门,某个领域的人们,为了国家的和平发展,在怎么想,在怎么做,取得了什么样的成就,积累了什么样的经验和教训。读者尤其可以看到,在不同的领域,中国人民是怎样坚毅不拔地把追求发展、幸福、和平的梦想,一步一步地变成现实。 《全景中国》部分从纵向角度,介绍了中国各地*特色的看点。第二部分,以中国不同部门、不同行业、不同领域为单元,从横向的角度介绍中国各行业、各领域的发展实践、发展理念和发展成就,以及面临的挑战和机会。这些介绍是真实鲜活的,力求图文并茂,轻松愉悦。

    • ¥49 ¥98 折扣:5折
    • 中国人民解放军海军陆战队(汉)
    •   ( 304 条评论 )
    • 李发新 /2013-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 《中国人民解放军海军陆战队》作者李发新等系海军陆战学院的权威专家,对于这一题材驾驭极佳。文字鲜活、生动,配以大量珍贵的历史和现实图片,对于中国海军陆战队的历史发展及现状进行了深入浅出的介绍。在强调可读性的同时,还具有一定的权威性。

    • ¥40.3 ¥42 折扣:9.6折
    • 中国未来30年(英文版)
    •   ( 30 条评论 )
    • 吴敬琏 等著 /2011-03-01/ 中央编译出版社
    • Li Daokui Li Daokui is currently the Mansfield Freeman Clair Professor andhead of the Department of Finance of the School of Economics andManagement of Tsinghua University. He is also the Director of theCenter for China in the World Economy (:CCWE) at the School ofEconomics and Management of Tsinghua University.In 2006, ProfessorLi was chosen by Wall StreetWire as one of the top ten mostinfluential economists in China. He is also a member of theMonetary Policy Committee of the People's Bank of China, a delegateto the Beijing People's Congress, and a member of the Chinese People's Political: ConsultativeCommittee (CPPCC). He is now a member of the Global Agenda Councilsand a rapporteur for the International Financial InstitutionsReform Cluster of the Global Redesign Initiative (GR.I) ofthe World Economic Forum based in Davos,Switzerland.

    • ¥44.8 ¥56 折扣:8折
    • 在生命的最后说“谢谢” Say Thanks Before the End of Life
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • 方雯 著 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • If you were someone with an incurable disease that would soon cut your life short,how would you spend your precious remaining days in this world? If you were to have a sick child who needed full-time care and might leave you forever at any time, what would you do? Whatever choice you were to make, people would likely be compassionate and understanding. Most people dying from a degenerative disease prefer to spend their last days peacefully. But a father with his sick son took the time to travel around China to say thanks to everyone who had helped them.

    • ¥44.2 ¥68 折扣:6.5折
    • 我爱中国电影(日文版)
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • (日)水野卫子 著,山本孝子 绘 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 越来越多的中国电影走向世界,标志着电影在中国又迎来了新一轮的繁荣。新世纪以来,不仅有《英雄》等大片在日本引起轰动,更有许多如《向日葵》等名不见经传的小制作电影也赢得了许多影迷。《我爱中国电影》精选了自《英雄》以来在日本公映过的、包括合拍片在内的中国电影36部。通过故事梗概、背景解说、经典台词、精彩之处等内容构成,凝聚了在线介绍中国电影的翻译家水野卫子女士对中国电影的挚爱。

    • ¥31.2 ¥48 折扣:6.5折
    • 汉语口语教学用话题分类分级常用词句式篇研究
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • 刘华 /2022-03-01/ 外语教研
    • 本书基于影视资源库,综合利用了话题识别、词语聚类、词语分级、常用句子抽取方法,进行分话题、分级影视资源、话题常用词句式篇资源构建,该资源库对于传统汉语教学、汉语移动学习都有较高价值。同时,该方法也可扩展到专门领域汉语教学,建设如旅游汉语、商务汉语、中医汉语等分领域、分用途的按图式、话题分类分级的常用词句式篇资源库。

    • ¥40.71 ¥59 折扣:6.9折
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • 陈福今唐铁汉 主编,同文世纪 翻译 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Although peace and development remain the current key theme in the world, crisis management is an important issue which also needs to be seriously tackled by the governments of all countries and regions in today's world, given that all sorts of contradictions and competing forces have become so complex and intertwined, and public emergencies so frequently occur. Generally speaking, emergency events mainly include natural disasters, accidental disasters, public health emergencies, and social emergencies. Such sudden and unexpected public emergencies usually bring about unpredictable serious consequences and damages to people's lives and social development...

    • ¥32.5 ¥50 折扣:6.5折
    • 在同一世界:面对中国人101题(英文版)
    •   ( 47 条评论 )
    • (美)沈熠,(美)瑷秉宏 著 /2007-12-01/ 辽宁教育出版社
    • In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet significant cultural differences caught them by surprise! Three years (and numerous faux pas, misunderstandings and misinterpretations) later, they have written this book to help readers benefit from their experiences. Their stories explain both the "what's" and the "why's" of Chinese customs, so that readers can better understand and appreciate the Chinese way of thinking and living. Often,what seems bizarre and strange at first makes perfect sense if you see it from a Chinese perspective. Yi and Bryan have enjoyed learning about Chinese culture and hope that the readers will enjoy this journey of discovery as well.

    • ¥34.4 ¥49.8 折扣:6.9折
    • 语料库语言学--理论工具与案例/语言计算与智能汉语教学
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • 刘华|责编:杨益 /2020-12-01/ 外语教研
    • 本书分为三大部分:理论篇、工具篇与案例篇,主要介绍了语料库语言学的基本理论,运用“汉语助研”软件进行建库、检索和统计的方法,以及相应的语料库统计和分析的具体案例。全书理论与实践相结合,内容翔实,通俗易懂,能很好地满足汉语研究者对于语料库语言学的学习需求。 大数据+统计+工具,让语言研究 轻松。

    • ¥41.29 ¥59 折扣:7折
    • 美猴王汉语(1B)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 编者:刘富华//王巍//周芮安|责编:于晶|译者:邵壮... /2006-10-01/ 北京语言大学
    • Monkey king Chinese is a series of elemen-tary chinese language primers for primaary school children from the 1st year to the 3rd year in English-speaking corntries.This series of textbooks is divided into three levels according to the year rank.Each level consists of two volumes,A and B. 本教材专门为欧美 7~9岁儿童学汉语设计,使儿童在精美的插画和有趣的游戏中对汉语有初步的了解和认识,为以后系统学习汉语打下基础。

    • ¥35.66 ¥49 折扣:7.3折
    • 天骄故里汉文传 北京语言大学出版社
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 刘丽颖 /2013-03-01/ 北京语言大学出版社
    • 《天骄故里汉文传:在蒙古国教汉语》是中国当代的随笔作品集,由刘丽颖编著。离家去国路三千,不沦和亲不论禅。乐得行吟多历览,天骄故里汉文传。《天骄故里汉文传:在蒙古国教汉语》行文简洁严谨。内容丰富全面,具有非常高的阅读价值。

    • ¥46.5 ¥68 折扣:6.8折
    • 中国知识产权保护
    •   ( 17 条评论 )
    • 张韬略张伟君江清云 /2016-09-28/ 外语教学与研究出版社
    • The origin and primary aim of this work is to offer a textbook covering the basic information aboutChinese intellectual property to foreign students with or without a legal background. With thesupport of Tongji University, we, the three authors of this textbook, have had the opportunity overthe past four years to offer a course named Chinese Intellectual Property Protection . It is oneof the nine General Courses Given in English , which are open to all the international studentsat Tongji University, and seeks to present a general knowledge on the topic in China. During theteaching, we found it necessary to write a textbook which can meet the requirements of this courseand help foreign students to get a better understanding of the landscape of Chinese intellectualproperty.

    • ¥42.3 ¥59.9 折扣:7.1折
    •   ( 52 条评论 )
    • 方显廷 著 /2011-12-01/ 商务印书馆
    • One hundred years ago, Zhang Zhidong tried to advocate Chineselearning by saying: “The course of a nation, be it bright orgloomy, the pool of talents, be it large or small, are aboutgovernance on the surface, and about learning at the root. “ Atthat time, the imperialist powers cast menacing eyes on ourcountry, and the domestic situation was deteriorating.The quickinfiltration of Western learning made the long-standing Chinesetradition come under heavy challenge. In those days, Chineselearning and Western learning stood side by side. Literature,history and philosophy split up, while many new branches oflearning such as economics, politics and sociology wereflourishing, which made many Chinese dazed.However, there appeareda vital and vigorous learning climate out of the confusingsituation. It was at this critical moment that modern Chinesescholarship made the transition-by exchanging views, basing onprofound contemplation and even with confrontation of idea andclash of views, the scholarship mad

    • ¥25.2 ¥35 折扣:7.2折
    • 新传媒环境中国家形象的构建与传播
    •   ( 37 条评论 )
    • 何辉刘朋 等著 /2008-02-01/ 外文出版社
    • 本书从新传媒环境的角度研究国家形象构建与传播问题,分析了互联网、手机等新媒体的出现对传媒环境、国家形象建构与传播方式带来的深远影响。作者认为,在新传媒环境中,中国应该通过完善政府行为方式与媒介管理制度、改善舆论传播技巧、提高公民媒介素养等途径来塑造自己的国家形象。本书视角独特,案例鲜活,为当前国家形象传播的理论研究与工作实践提供了有益参考。

    • ¥30.1 ¥38 折扣:7.9折
    • 国家通用语言学用口袋书:应急交际
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 李宇明 /2023-11-01/ 北京语言大学
    • 《 通用语言学用口袋书·应急交际》主要面向民族地区和农村地区的 通用语言文字学习者,采取“语言交流+应急知识”有机融合的学习形式,重在提高广大人民群众、救援人员、基层干部等群体在应急场景下的 通用语言应用能力,使其在面对各类突发公共事件时,能够以顺畅的语言沟通,提升应急处置效率,助力防灾减灾,从而 好地守护人民群众生命财产安全。 本册共20个单元,以《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》界定的突发事件种类为总体框架,以《 突发公共事件总体应急预案》界定的事件场景为划分单元的基本依据,主要包括洪水、干旱、暴雨、雷电、台风、寒潮、暴雪、冰雹、高温、地震、泥石流、滑坡、海啸、森林草原火灾、麦田火灾、家庭火灾、生产事故、交通事故、踩踏事故、食物中毒等。我们主要参考了应急管理部、 林业和草原局、 应急

    • ¥29.3 ¥40 折扣:7.3折