基本信息 商品名称: 钢铁侠2-大电影双语阅读 出版社: 华东理工大学出版社 出版时间: 2019-11-01 作者: 美国漫威公司 译者: 仇俊雄 开本: 32开 定价: 45.00 页数: 199 印次: 1 ISBN号: 9787562860006 商品类型: 图书 版次: 1
本书作者精选了我国历史上有代表性、适合诵读的诗词、文章等,并将其翻译成英文,朗朗上口,涵盖诗词大会、名人语录、韵文华章等7大板块。文章难易程度梯级排列,长短结合,舒缓有度,基础与提高并存,各板块相辅相成,相得益彰,一本在手,乐而忘忧。学经典金句,练听说读写译,塑造英语思维。读经典篇章,练语感、储素材,提升文化自信。 本书适合大学生以及热爱英语,尤其是热衷于用英语向外国友人介绍中国文化的社会人士;也适用于想提升英文演讲力的读者。
基本信息 商品名称: 钢铁侠-大电影双语阅读-I 出版社: 华东理工大学出版社 出版时间: 2019-07-01 作者: 本书编委会 译者: 开本: 32开 定价: 45.00 页数: 319 印次: 1 ISBN号: 9787562858461 商品类型: 图书 版次: 1
Adeline Yen Mah's childhood in China during the civil war was a time of fear, isolation and humiliation. The cause of this was not political upheaval but systematic emotional and physical abuse by her step mother and siblings, and rejection by her father. Falling Leaves is the story of a 'Fifth Younger Daughter' and her determination to survive the pain of a lonely childhood。
The gear is 1588. Spain is the strongest countrg in the world.The Spanishking, Philip II, is a proud Catholic. England, ruled bklQueen Elizabeth I, is aProtestant country. When the Catholic queen,Marg, Queen oj~ Scots, is executedby Elizabeth, Spain is ready toattack. As the Spanish Armada sails towardsEngland, Elizabethprepares to protect her country, her people and her positionasqueen.
Linnet Ridgeway is rich, beautiful and clever. She appears to haveeverything. But Linnet also has enemies. When she is shot deadon a passenger boat in Egypt, it is fortunate that Hercule Poirotis also on the trip. But even for the great Belgian detective, this isnot a simple case,
When The Dreams fail to win an important talent contest, anaspiring record producer, Curtis, sees their potential and mouldsthem into the most successful girl group of the 1960s.Soon Curtisrealizes that lead-singer, Deena, has the qualities to become amegastar in her own right. But will his plans for Deena blow apartthe girls’ friendship? Will his recordingbusiness survive?
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