The gear is 1588. Spain is the strongest countrg in the world.The Spanishking, Philip II, is a proud Catholic. England, ruled bklQueen Elizabeth I, is aProtestant country. When the Catholic queen,Marg, Queen oj~ Scots, is executedby Elizabeth, Spain is ready toattack. As the Spanish Armada sails towardsEngland, Elizabethprepares to protect her country, her people and her positionasqueen.
When The Dreams fail to win an important talent contest, anaspiring record producer, Curtis, sees their potential and mouldsthem into the most successful girl group of the 1960s.Soon Curtisrealizes that lead-singer, Deena, has the qualities to become amegastar in her own right. But will his plans for Deena blow apartthe girls’ friendship? Will his recordingbusiness survive?
Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need inthe ELT classroom for motivating, contemporary graded material thatwill instantly appeal to students. "Catwoman" is based on the 2004movie, starring Halle Berry and will be recognizable to teens ofall nationalities.
Willow finds love on the Internet with Malcolm But why areBuffy and Xanderworried about her choice of bog,friend? Willowcan't understand her.friends.Then she discovers that Malcolm is noordinarg boy ... and suddenly her life isin danger. Scholastic Readers are a series o,f contemporary .film and TVadaptations,original teenage.fiction, and classic literature,simplified,for students o.fEnglish. Each title is especilly chosento motivate and engage teenageclasses, and the magaazine-stule FactFiles explore the themes raised ineach storu as well as providingcontextual background..They are publishedat four levels ,fromStarter to Intermediate.
Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a realneed in the ELT classroom for motivating, contemporary gradedmaterial that will instantly appeal to students. The LostChronicles is based on the first series of the hugely successful TVseries about a group of survivors from a plane crash who findthemselves on an isolated desert island.
Charles Weyland and his team go to the Antarctic to find outmore about apyramid under the ice. Their work is difficult anddangerous - and they soonrealise that they are not alone. Deepunder the ice, something is waking up afteralong sleep ... and thePredators are returning from space to hunt once again.Will anyonelive to see the end of this horrible.fight?
Originally published as two distinct collections, "Depraved andInsulting English" brings to light the language's most offensiveand obscene words--words that have fallen out of today's lexiconbut will no doubt delight, amuse, and in some cases provesurprisingly useful. Who hasn't searched for the right word todescribe a colleague's maschalephidrosis (runaway armpitperspiration) or a boss's pleonexia (insane greed)? And what betterway is there to insult the scombroid landlord (resembling amackerel) or that tumbrel of a brother-in-law (a person who isdrunk to the point of vomiting) than by calling him by his rightfulname? A compact compendium of ingenious words for anyone who's beentongue-tied, flabbergasted, or dumbfounded, "Depraved and InsultingEnglish" supplies the appropriate vocabulary for any occasion. Wordlovers, chronic insulters, berayers, bescumbers, and bespewers needfear no more--finding the correct word to wow your friends orsilence your enemies just got a whole lot easier.
《威尼斯商人》 是莎士比亚早期的重要作品,是一部具有极大讽刺性的喜剧。大约作于1596—1597年。剧本的主题是歌颂仁爱、友谊和爱情,同时也反映了资本主义早期商业资产阶级与高利贷者之间的矛盾,表现了作者对资产阶级社会中金钱、法律和宗教等问题的人文主义思想。这部剧作的一个重要文学成就就是塑造了夏洛克这一惟利是图、冷酷无情的高利贷者的典型形象。
It's 1957, and Indiana Jones, the .famous explorer, is back! DrIrina Spalko, apower-hungrg Russian scientist, wants to find thecrgsta[ skull - and nothing willstop her. When Indg meets mtutt,their adventures take them.first to Nazca inPeru, and then ta the'lost citg' o.f Akator in the heart o.f the Amazon. But canthegsurvive the terrible dangers that lie in the kingdom ofthe crgstalskull?
《中国传统文化英文入门教程》涵盖了从先秦至明清时期中国传统思想与经典文学,内容涉及孔子、孟子、老子、荀子等诸子百家及其思想经典选读,《诗经》《离骚》的赏析,李白、杜甫、苏轼等历代著名文学家介绍。通过选取传统的有代表意义的文化亮点重点介绍,帮助学习者掌握中国文化相应的英文表达,并对中国传统文化进行归纳和反思。 每单元包括两篇阅读文章:Text A介绍文化知识,Text B为经典选文选读。文后练习训练学生在词、句、篇的层面用英语介绍中国传统文化的能力。补充练习与扩展阅读鼓励学生从当代视角审视传统文化,培养其思辨创新与研究探索能力。 《中国传统文化英文入门教程》适合作高校英语专业、对外汉语专业教材,也适合对中国传统文化感兴趣的英语爱好者学习阅读。
世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAI ENGLISH LIBRARY)包含30本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮与六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧·亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》…… Little Women,中文译名为《小妇人》,是美国作家路易莎·梅·奥尔科特的代表作 这部小说以家庭生活为描写对象,以家庭成员的感情纠葛为线索,描写了马奇一家的天伦之爱。马奇家的四姐妹中,无论是为了爱情甘于贫困的海格,还是通过自己奋斗成为作家的乔,以及坦然面对死亡的贝思和以扶弱为己任的艾米,虽然她们的理想和命运都不尽相同,但是她们都具有自强自立的共同特点。描写了她们对家庭的眷恋;对爱的忠诚以及对亲情的渴望。 马奇一家有四个姐妹,生活清贫、简单而又温馨。四组妹性格迥异;老大梅格漂亮端庄,有些爱慕
How do we know a cat is a cat? And why do we call it a cat? Howmuch of our perception of things is based on cognitive ability, andhow much on linguistic resources? Here, in six remarkable essays,Umberto Eco explores in depth questions of reality, perception, andexperience. Basing his ideas on common sense, Eco shares a vastwealth of literary and historical knowledge, touching on issuesthat affect us every day. At once philosophical and amusing, Kantand the Platypus is a tour of the world of our senses, told by amaster of knowing what is real and what is not.