本书从软件的基本应用及行业知识入手,以SolidWorks 2022软件的模块和插件程序的应用为主线,以实例为引导,按照由浅入深、循序渐进的方式,讲解软件的新特性和操作方法,使读者快速掌握SolidWorks的软件设计技巧。 本书图文并茂,体例结构生动,内容编排张弛有度,实例叙述实用而不浮泛,能够开拓读者思路,提高读者的阅读兴趣,使其掌握方法,提高对知识综合运用的能力。
Visual Sensing and its Applications Integratioof LaserSensors to Industrial Robots provides prehensive and up-to-date coverage of research and development othis robotic visionsystem. A laser-structured light is the maiconcerindiscussions of visual sensing.Also addressed ithis book are allponents of the robotic visiosystem and aemphasis ohow toincrease the accuracy of the system using three levels ofcalibration. This includes calibratioof the visiosystem (eyecalibration), calibratioof eye-to-hand configuratioandcalibratioof robot kinematics (hand calibration). With theintegratioof the laser sensors to industrial robots numerousapplications ithe field of robotic welding, grinding,machining, inspection, and palletiz-ing are illustrated based onpractical engineering projects iorder to demonstrate how thevisual sensing is performed. The book will serve as a valuableresource for researchers and engineers ithe areas of roboticsand machine vision.
Visual Sensing and its Applications Integratioof LaserSensors to Industrial Robots provides prehensive and up-to-date coverage of research and development othis robotic visionsystem. A laser-structured light is the maiconcerindiscussions of visual sensing.Also addressed ithis book are allponents of the robotic visiosystem and aemphasis ohow toincrease the accuracy of the system using three levels ofcalibration. This includes calibratioof the visiosystem (eyecalibration), calibratioof eye-to-hand configuratioandcalibratioof robot kinematics (hand calibration). With theintegratioof the laser sensors to industrial robots numerousapplications ithe field of robotic welding, grinding,machining, inspection, and palletiz-ing are illustrated based onpractical engineering projects iorder to demonstrate how thevisual sensing is performed. The book will serve as a valuableresource for researchers and engineers ithe areas of roboticsand machine vision.
Visual Sensing and its Applications Integratioof LaserSensors to Industrial Robots provides prehensive and up-to-date coverage of research and development othis robotic visionsystem. A laser-structured light is the maiconcerindiscussions of visual sensing.Also addressed ithis book are allponents of the robotic visiosystem and aemphasis ohow toincrease the accuracy of the system using three levels ofcalibration. This includes calibratioof the visiosystem (eyecalibration), calibratioof eye-to-hand configuratioandcalibratioof robot kinematics (hand calibration). With theintegratioof the laser sensors to industrial robots numerousapplications ithe field of robotic welding, grinding,machining, inspection, and palletiz-ing are illustrated based onpractical engineering projects iorder to demonstrate how thevisual sensing is performed. The book will serve as a valuableresource for researchers and engineers ithe areas of roboticsand machine vision.
SolidWorks2018软件较以前版本,在设计创新、易学易用和提高整体性能等方面都有了显著的加强,包括增强了“大装配”的处理能力、复杂曲面的设计能力,以及专门为中国市场进一步完善了有关国标(GB)的内容等。 《中文版 SolidWorks 2018 完全实战技术手册》从软件的基本应用及行业知识入手,以SolidWorks2018软件的模块和插件程序的应用为主线,以实例为引导,按照由浅入深、循序渐进的方式,讲解了软件的新特性和软件的操作方法,使读者能快速掌握SolidWorks的设计技巧。 《中文版 SolidWorks 2018 完全实战技术手册》既可以作为高等院校机械设计、模具设计、产品设计等专业的教材,也可以作为对制造行业有浓厚兴趣的读者的自学用书。
本书通过融经验技巧于一体的典型实例讲解,系统深入地介绍了Solid Edge V18软件在机械设计方面的主要功能与使用方法,包括Solid Edge概论以及板类零件、机座及箱体类零件、叶轮叶片类零件、导轨类零件、钣金类零件、标准件类零件、齿轮类零件、凸轮类零件、减速器零件等典型机械零件的建模实例,以帮助读者提高计算机辅助设计的能力,最终能熟练应用Solid Edge软件,针对企业特点,快速、高效地开发出适应市场需求的产品。在配套光盘中附有本书所讲述的所有实例文件,以及主要实例的演示动画,以方便读者自己实践操作,进而理解和掌握相关知识。 本书内容新颖实用,实例丰富,可供机械、模具、工业设计、电子、电器等领域的工程技术设计人员以及CAD/CAM研究与应用人员参阅,尤其适合具有Solid Edge使用基础的用户全面、深入、系统地掌握和使用Solid