The #1 private developer in the U.S., Jorge Pérezreveals his billionaire secrets for powerinvestors. BR Known as the King of Condominiums and the Steven Spielberg of RealEstate, top developer Jorge Pérez reveals his principles forachieving success in even the toughest real estate market through aclear, step-by-step process. Pérez specifies effective businesstactics that will lead to evergreen profits, including: ? Key points to smart investing ? Cardinal rules for picking and building property ? Commandments on negotiating the best deal ? Valuable tips on securing equity ? Steps for successfully selling property Finally, Pérez explains how to manage and grow investments over thelong term. Emphasizing the importance of staying flexible in an ever-changingmarket, Pérez offers personal anecdotes, key business philosophies,and top insider methods to inspire and motivate any investor orentrepreneur to achieve the ultimate success in real estate.
Drawing upon forty years of experience from his own sports andcelebrity management practice, Mark H. McCormack is back withcommon-sense advice aimed at business owners and would-be CEOs.McCormack's tips include: End your day on time People who say they can keep a secret usually can't It pays to overestimate your competition The best ideas cannot be stolen Know when to say "It's none of your business" Get paid for thinking rather than doing Time in front of the customer is the best time of all Be wary of unanimous agreement Not every budget deserves your respect Learn the art of picking up the check In ninety brief chapters that range in topic from getting aheadto staying competitive, McCormack makes clear that doing businessin today's climate still involves the same basic elements of humaninteraction-intelligence, creativity, and efficiency-that havealways meant the difference between success and failure.
You didn't see it coming. Or maybe you saw it comingbut couldn't do anything about it. Either way, your job is gone,your paycheck is gone, and your self-esteem has taken a serioushit. You've still you're your hopes and dreams...but you've alsostill got your bills. Now's your chance to turn a crisis into an opportunity.By maintaining both your financial and emotional well-being, you'llbe able to navigate this period of unemployment. Learn what youmust do right away, how much you should trim your budget, whetherto roll over your pension and 401(k), where to find extra moneyright now, whether to get a part-time job while you look for work,and more. With worksheets and charts to help you work through keydecisions, Pink Slipped will help you recover from the shockof losing you job, develop a financial strategy, and land your nextposition-wiser and better off than before!
"Honky Tonk Parade" illuminates some of the most compelling,elusive and important artists of our time, who talk to Lahr withrare candour. His portraits weave together biography, anecdote andshrewd interpretation. On the roster of greats are Dame EdnaEverage, Cole Porter, Dame Judi Dench, Ang Lee, Billy Connolly,Kenneth Tynan, Baz Luhrmann, Laurence Fishburne, August Wilson,Mira Nair, Yip Harburg, Richard Rodgers, Tony Kushner and BillHicks. "Honky Tonk Parade", like the icons whose lives and work itso meticulously chronicles, corrupts an audience with pleasure.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition ofthis title.
"From investing in big ideas about which you are passionate tofinding the courage to take action to profiting from thecompetitive advantage, Dr. Doug gives you a clear process to takeyou to the next level." -Jeff Taylor, founder of It's not good enough to simply want to be the best-you must bewilling to make the hard choices and changes that will get youwhere you want to be. High achievers in some of the most pressurized jobs in corporateAmerica are able to move beyond good to exceptional-no matter whatthe economic or social pressures-because they fully engage eightprinciples that keep them on the success track. From understanding core motivation to gaining self-awareness,setting goals to taking smart risks, identifying one's competitiveadvantage to developing inner confidence, and appreciating theimportance of the process to being accountable, 8 Ways to Greatdemonstrates how these principles direct the decisions of topperformers and how you, too, can integrate
Patent applications are booming! Innovative strategies to market inventive products. The Complete Idiot's Guide(r) to Cashing In On Your Inventions,Second Edition covers every aspect of the inventing process fromconcept to market- and this new edition offers more in-depthcoverage of the development process, prototyping and manufacturinghelping readers identify how to go about turning their ideas intosomething tangible that they can market. ? Written by the co-developer of the Furby and over 200 otherproducts ? Features information on how to protect inventions ? How to find companies interested in buying or licensinginventions
An Apple Store customer asks for the latest iPhone in blackbut suddenly changes to white when he sees others choosing it. Acitizen of a former communist country picks~ a drink at random;soda is soda, he says. A young man and woman decide tomarry--knowing that they'll meet for the first time on theirwedding day. In THE ART OF CHOOSING, Columbia University profes- sor SheenaIyengar, a leading expert on choice, asks fascinating questions:Are our choices innate or created by culture? Why do we sometimeschoose against our best interests? How much control do we reallyhave? What's the relationship between choice and freedom? Drawingon her award-winning, discipline: spanning research, thisremarkable book illuminates the joys and challenges ofchoosing--and shows us how we can choose better, one choice at atime.
Who hasn’t been frustrated by the unnecessary stress andaggravation caused by troublesome co-workers? This hard-hitting desktop book provides all the proven techniquesand strategies to create better relationships with the people atwork who can make life miserable. Conveniently organized in an A-to-Z format for quick, easyreference, Solomon offers practical ways to turn awkward situationsto your advantage. Learn to cope with hostile, presumptuous,manipulative, or critical co-workers, and get cooperation as wellas respect from colleagues.
It’s Never Too Late to Top Your Personal Best. Both a riveting account of a life spent pulling off improbabletriumphs and a report back from the front of the global-energy andnatural-resource wars, The First Billion Is the Hardest tells thestory of the remarkable late-life comeback that brought the famedoilman and maverick back from bankruptcy and clinical depression.Along the way, the man often called the “Oracle of Oil” shares theinsights that have made him a legend–and describes thebillion-dollar bets he is now making in hopes of securing America’senergy independence. “Sassy...breezes along...salted with earthyaphorisms.”— “Boone’s analysis of America’s energy situation is 100 percent onthe money....The country should listen to him–now!” —WarrenBuffett, chairman and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway “Self-deprecating and audacious...overall, it’s decidedlyinformative about the machinations of business.” –Dallas MorningNews “A fas
Six Pixels of Separation is the first book to unify the concepts of Personal Branding, Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship in a clear, fun and provocative manner. By using extraordinary case studies, this book offers a complete set of tools, tactics and insights to empower individuals to reach a global audience and consumer base with a few clicks of the mouse, and almost all of them for free. Digital marketing expert Mitch Joel unravels the fascinating world of new marketing, with a brand new perspective. Entrepreneurs are leveraging the digital channels to get their voices out there, connecting to similar others, becoming better community citizens and, ultimately, making more money and rocketing their personal and business lives into the stratosphere. The trick is, Personal Brands are becoming bigger than corporate brands--and in Six Pixels of Separation, readers will begin to understand how and why certain entrepreneurs have mastered the internet to propel their businesses. 作者简介:Mitch Joel
Everyone knows that Toyota has had an amazing twenty-five- yearrun, rising from a humble Japanese start-up to a thriving globalgiant. But how did it pass Ford and GM to become the world’slargest auto manufacturer? And how does it continue to thrive whileso many competitors are struggling and failing? Journalist David Magee dug deeply into Toyota’s past and present,interviewing senior executives who rarely talk to the press, alongwith many other sources. The powerful lessons that he distills,especially about corporate culture, are valuable for managers inall industries.
Are you wondering what the next killer app will be? Do youwant to know how you can maintain and add to your value duringthese rapidly changing times? Are you wondering how the word lovecan even be used in the context of business? Instead of wondering, read this book and find out how to become alovecat—a nice, smart person who succeeds in business and inlife. How do you become a lovecat? By sharing your intangibles. By thatI mean: Your knowledge: everything that comes from all the books thatI’ll encourage you to devour. Your network: the collection of friends and contacts you nowhave, which I’ll teach you how to grow and nurture. Your compassion: that human warmth you already possess—in thesepages I’ll convince you that you can show it freely at theoffice. What happens when you do all this? * You become a rich source of information to all aroundyou. * You are seen as a person with valuable insight. * You are perceived as generous to a fault
Escape the cube. Ditch the commute. It’s not just a dreamanymore. Many people already spend 12 hours a day getting to work,working, getting home from work. Here’s some good news: thanks toadvances in technology, acceptance of outsourcing, the trendtowards corporate flextime, and other factors, working from home iseasier than ever. Good Morning America’s Workplace Contributor Tory Johnson andconsumer advocate Robyn Freedman Spizman tell readers exactly howto turn today’s cultural change to their advantage without givingup an income. Specific business plans will teach them how to: ? Take their current position home ? Find a new company whose policies will allow them to work fromhome ? Reseach a product they believe in, and sell it from home ? Start their own business, doing something they love, for aminimal initial investment With real-life stories, a step-by-step plan, resource guides, andlists of scams to avoid, this is the book that will help readersfi
Many businesses have no pricing strategy, they simply make something up, big mistake! With the 9 rules and other information on how to price a product in this book you should have a strategy which will help increase sales and profits. Also explained is how actually increasing your prices may be the smartest move you've ever made.,
Essential reading-and progressive thinking-on thesubject of innovation, from the national bestsellingauthor. Steven Johnson, an acknowledged bestselling leader on thesubject of innovation, gathers-for a foundational text on thesubject of innovation-essays, interviews, and cutting-edge insightsby such exciting field leaders as Peter Drucker, Richard Florida,Eric Von Hippel, Dean Keith Simonton, Arthur Koestler, John SeelyBrown, and Marshall Berman. Johnson also provides new material fromMarisa Mayer of Google, Twitter's Biz Stone and Jack Dorsey, andRay Ozzie, Microsoft's former Chief Software Architect. Withadditional commentary by Johnson himself, this book reveals theinnovation found in a wide range of fields, including science,technology, energy, transportation, education, art, and sociology,making it vital, fresh, and fascinating reading for our time, andfor the future.
You've looked at dozens of books that promise to help you geta job. This book is different. This book is written by an executivewhose business is teaching managers how to interview jobcandidates. He knows what they're looking for--and how you cansuccessfully prepare for landing that job you really want. Through interactive and easy-to-follow exercises, Landing the JobYou Want equips you to make your next job interview one of the mostpositive experiences of your life. Whether you're a recent collegegrad searching for a first job, a corporate veteran looking forthat big promotion, an at-home mom starting a new career, or anexperienced worker looking to move in a totally new direction, youwill walk into interviews prepared and confident because you knowhow to: Identify the skills most important for a job decide whether a jobis right for you present your skills with maximum impact respond todifficult questions perform well in simulations and tests handle anill-prepared interviewer close an inte