Join Verity and her magical fairy friends in this enchanting retelling of Rapunzel, a much-loved fairy-tale classic, full of magic, mystery and more! Author Caroline Wakeman takes you on a journey to a magical Fairy Kingdom alongside lovable Verity and her gang of her sparkly fairy friends, as they set out on a special mission to ensure Rapunzel gets the happily ever after she deserves! Verity is a thrill-seeking fairy with a heart of gold and a habit of telling the truth at all times during her endless adventures with fellow princesses and fairy friends! Proving the perfect fairytale book for your little princess, Verity Fairy and Rapunzel gently encourages conversation surrounding the difference between right and wrong, positively influencing your child's moral intelligence and sense of justice, whilst sparking their curiosity and imagination. With a sprinkle of stardust in every page, your youngster ca
STEM subjects are where the future's at. Now you can be a science superstar with this colourful practice book. Are you a budding Einstein? Or do you need a little more help to avoid falling behind in science class? DK's How to be Good at Science, Technology, and Engineering course book for children aged 7-14 now has two accompanying workbooks: Workbook 1 covers ages 7-11 and Workbook 2 covers ages 11-14. These workbooks will help to cement everything you need to know about "STE" subjects through practice questions and practical exercises. Easy-to-follow instructions allow you to try out what you've studied, helping you understand what you've learned in school or giving extra revision practice before that important test. Workbook 2 is aimed at children aged 11-14 (Key Stage 3 in the UK; Grades 6, 7, and 8 in the US), and covers all the key areas of the school curriculum for this level, including genes and DNA, atoms and mole
Subwavelength and Nanometer Diameter Optical Fibers providesacomprehensive and up-to-date coverage of research onnanoscaleoptical fibers including the basic physics and engineeringaspects ofthe fabrication, properties and applications. The bookdiscusses opti-cal micro/nanofibers that represent a perfect fusionof optical fibersand nanotechnology on subwavelength scale andcovers a broadrange of topics in modern optical engineering,photonics and nano-technology spanning from fiber optics,near-field optics, nonlinearoptics, atom optics to nanofabricationand microphotonic compo-nents/devices. It is intended forresearchers and graduate students inthe fields of photonics,nanotechnology, optical engineering and ma-terials science.
A good case can be made for Isaac Newton being the finest mindhumanity has yet produced. His theory of gravity offered hiscontemporaries their first glimpse of how the universe actuallyworks, and his mathematics enabled later generations to walk on themoon. Today, we know that gravity keeps our feet on the ground, buthow many of us know how Newton's greatest discovery really works?In Newton Gravity, Paul Strathern encapsulates several ofNewton's more mind-expanding discoveries, explaining in livelyprose their cultural context as well as Newton's early obsessionwith science (bordering on dementia) that made his revolutionaryvision possible. Just a few of the big ideas covered hereare: Newton's discovery of calculus at age twenty-three Why gravity, one of the greatest human insights of all time, wasin fact a hunch and how it actually works Why it took Newton twenty years after his discovery to reveal tothe world the secret of gravity and planetary motion Ideal for the intelligen
This nostalgic kitexplains how the familiar yellow tub toy became a true icon ofchildhood, and why it’s now so collectible. Featuring 2 classicrubber duckies plus an illustrated book detailing the popularduck’s history, trivia, and trends, it’s an essential for kitschaficionados and a great addition to our very popular line of retroMini Kits?.
Popular history, science, and geography topics brought out of the classroom and into your home with fast facts, activities, and quizzes. Some subjects are too interesting to be left at school! Carry on your love of geography and Earth sciences at home with Rocks Minerals, an activity-packed exploration of the building blocks that shape our world. Divided into sections, the book starts with fast facts on topics including the rock cycle, crystals, ores, fossils, and rocks from space; and ends with charts of rock facts and record breakers. Using this information, you can complete the puzzles in the main part of the book, plus there are hands-on activities such as growing your own stalactite and testing the hardness, streak, and specific gravity of rocks you have collected. Finally, test your newfound knowledge with the quick quizzes (with answers supplied). You can keep track of your achievements throughout with a star chart to fill in every t
Join Verity and her magical fairy friends in this enchanting retelling of Cinderella, a much-loved fairy-tale classic, full of magic, mystery and more! Author Caroline Wakeman takes you on a journey to a magical Fairy Kingdom alongside lovable Verity and her gang of her sparkly fairy friends, as they set out on a special mission to ensure Cinderella gets the happily ever after she deserves! Verity is a thrill-seeking fairy with a heart of gold and a habit of telling the truth at all times during her endless adventures with fellow princesses and fairy friends! Proving the perfect fairytale book for your little princess, Verity Fairy and Cinderella gently encourages conversation surrounding the difference between right and wrong, positively influencing your child's moral intelligence and sense of justice, whilst sparking their curiosity and imagination. With a sprinkle of stardust in every page, your youngs
We may know that Einstein was the epitome of genius, but howmany of us know what his theory really means, and what itsrealistic implications are? Einstein and Relativity presents adistillation of Einstein's life and work within their historicaland scientific contexts; and offers a truly accessible explanationof the concept that shaped the twentieth century. Just a few of thebig ideas covered here are Einstein's discovery that light is botha particle and a wave; how Einstein proved the existence ofmolecules; why there is no such thing as real time; and howEinstein's brilliance led to his worst nightmare - the atombomb.
An exciting tale about tackling climate change to protect the animals Grown-ups and children can enjoy this gentle and imaginative story together, all about the environmental concerns facing our wildlife. Follow the tale of Finn and Skip as they go on a hang-gliding adventure up in the clouds - when all of a sudden Finn's map gets caught around a swan's neck! Introduce 3-5 year-olds to the importance of protecting the environment with this illustrated storybook about climate change and its effects on animals. The ups and downs of Bird shows us all the different ways we can help our birds and the environment, through Finn and Skip's adventure. This heart-warming climate change story: - Features lots of practical tips for taking care of the planet, like cycling instead of taking cars, planting trees, and even growing their own vegetables - Taps into growing eco-awareness trend, and shows the benefit
Packed with stunning photography, Eyewitness Planets explores Earth's neighbourhood, space and the Solar System. Become an eyewitness to the fascinating world of outer space, in this picture-led reference guide that will take you on a visual tour of Earth and its neighbourhood with this spectacular planetary guide. Children will be mesmerised by this eyewitness view from Mercury to Neptune, of the rocky planets, gas giants, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, and other bodies that make up our Solar System. This unique, beautifully illustrated guide reveals the secrets of space, examining the latest space exploration equipment, and the scientists behind discoveries both ancient and new. Using striking full-colour photographs and illustrations, discover where comets come from, learn why Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet, and much more. Throughout the pages of this newly-revise