從文藝復興到巴黎學派:名畫中的魔性之女 基本信息 商品編碼(BARCODE):9789621458582 國際書號(ISBN):9789621458582 出版社:萬里機構.萬里書店 作者:平松洋 譯者:梅應琪 尺寸:寬14.8cmx高21cm大32 頁數:128 裝幀:平裝 印刷用色:四色 出版日期:1/9/2015 語種:繁體中文 作品简介 她們「魔性」,有人為之傾倒,有人則是避之唯恐不及。那些傳說中的「魔女」、「禍水」,你可曾駐足欣賞過她們的「美」?莎樂美、潘朵拉、梅杜莎 。揭露藏在美貌下,驚世駭俗的傳說故事,帶你一見名畫中,那些危險的蛇蝎美人。誘惑男性、招致毀滅的120位「蛇蝎美人」!暗藏危機的甜蜜誘惑,即將揭開序幕 。自古以來,在藝術中都會描繪美麗的女性。可是,她們並非全都是清純的少女、聖女、或是高
Scratch and sketch your very own gardens of flower fairies! In the magical world of flower fairies, daffodils dance and sunflowers sing. Enjoy verses about your favorite flowers and their fairies as you copy 20 pictures from the land of fantasy. As you scratch away the black coating, you'll see your artwork blossom on rainbow-swirled and gold, silver, and purple glitter pages! And use the sketch pages to draw your own floral designs and tiny friends. Ages 4 and up. Shrink-wrapped with a wooden stylus for drawing on black-coated paper to reveal colors beneath. 64 pages. Includes 20 scratch-off, 20 illustrated, 20 sketch pages. 6-3/8 wide x 8-1/2 high; wire-o bound hardcover.
◆ 全卷分銘刻與雕塑兩大部分,涵蓋範圍廣泛 ◆ 收藏品包括了自商至清晚期歷代銘刻與雕塑藝術珍品,全面看到中國歷朝歷代的雕塑特徵 ◆ 以精悍的文物數量重點介紹各朝文物中的精品,尤以罕見的國寶級文物為主 Sculptures in displayin the Museum cover a period from theWarring States (-5th B.C) to the late Qing; including theinvaluable Buddhist statues in the Xiu De Temple, the potteryfigurines of the Han and Tang dynasties, and the wooden sculpturesin the Nan Hua Temple. Insriptions other than those on stelae have always been treasuredby scholars, especially by researchers on oracle bone characters.The texts are often important supplements to classics andhistorical records. The album is a fine selection of photographs orrubbings of those handed down from ancient times or excavated. andthey provide an insight into how calligraphy had later developed,step by step, with the inventions of ink, the writing brush,