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    • 西方音乐史 (美)格劳特(Grout D.J.) 帕利斯卡(Palisc 人民音乐出版社【.正版】
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    • (美)格劳特(Grout,D.J.),帕利斯卡(Palisc /1996-01-01/ 人民音乐出版社
    • 修订一部深受读者欢迎的音乐通史,目的不是推倒重写,而是提高它的时代性。看惯前几版的读者,会觉得此书不论外貌或者内容改动甚大,但章次和范围基本未变。收名中加上“西方”一词,说明我们意识到西欧和南北美洲的音乐体系不过是世界文明的诸音乐体系之一。本书范围的又一局限在于只谈“艺术音乐”;而必须承认,“艺术音乐”这一概念本身便十分含糊。通俗音乐、爵士乐以及诸如此类的品种确已有相当高深的技巧,但不能期望本书同等对待西方音乐的这一广大支系(如今已成为独立的研究课题),常规的音乐史教程也未必能等同视之,而本书不过是一本常规音乐史的手册。

    • ¥101.75 ¥213.5 折扣:4.8折
    • 西方音乐史【正版书籍】
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • (美)格劳特(Grout,D.J.),帕利斯卡(Palisc /1996-01-01/ 人民音乐出版社
    • 修订一部深受读者欢迎的音乐通史,目的不是推倒重写,而是提高它的时代性。看惯前几版的读者,会觉得此书不论外貌或者内容改动甚大,但章次和范围基本未变。收名中加上“西方”一词,说明我们意识到西欧和南北美洲的音乐体系不过是世界文明的诸音乐体系之一。本书范围的又一局限在于只谈“艺术音乐”;而必须承认,“艺术音乐”这一概念本身便十分含糊。通俗音乐、爵士乐以及诸如此类的品种确已有相当高深的技巧,但不能期望本书同等对待西方音乐的这一广大支系(如今已成为独立的研究课题),常规的音乐史教程也未必能等同视之,而本书不过是一本常规音乐史的手册。

    • ¥130.69 ¥327 折扣:4折
    • 西方音乐史【达额立减】
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    • (美)格劳特(Grout,D.J.),帕利斯卡(Palisc /1996-01-01/ 人民音乐出版社
    • 修订一部深受读者欢迎的音乐通史,目的不是推倒重写,而是提高它的时代性。看惯前几版的读者,会觉得此书不论外貌或者内容改动甚大,但章次和范围基本未变。收名中加上“西方”一词,说明我们意识到西欧和南北美洲的音乐体系不过是世界文明的诸音乐体系之一。本书范围的又一局限在于只谈“艺术音乐”;而必须承认,“艺术音乐”这一概念本身便十分含糊。通俗音乐、爵士乐以及诸如此类的品种确已有相当高深的技巧,但不能期望本书同等对待西方音乐的这一广大支系(如今已成为独立的研究课题),常规的音乐史教程也未必能等同视之,而本书不过是一本常规音乐史的手册。

    • ¥123.5 ¥274 折扣:4.5折
    • 诗词曲手迹选【可开电子发票】
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    • 赵朴初 /2001-05-01/ 上海古籍出版社
    • 赵朴初先生德高望重,其诗、词、曲等各体韵文的创作均有很高的造诣,在当代作家中罕有可比;同时,他的书法秀逸峻拔,享誉海内外。朴初先生一生创作颇丰,然多随写随以人,其墨宝散在海内外各地,搜集甚为不易。本书选其手书自作的诗、词、曲墨宝132幅,计含作品165首,既是他的韵文作品选,也是其书法作品选,具有双重的鉴赏与珍藏价值。

    • ¥221.4 ¥492 折扣:4.5折
    • DAVID GOLDBLATT : ON THE MINES(9783869304915)
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    • David GoldblattNadine Gordimer 著 /2012-09-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • On the Mines is a re-designed and expanded version of David Goldblatts influential book of 1973. Goldblatt grew up in the South African town of Randfontein, which was shaped by the social culture and financial success of the gold mines surrounding it. When these mines started to fail in the mid-sixties Goldblatt began taking photos of them, which form the basis of On the Mines. The book features an essay on the human and political dimensions of mining in South Africa by Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer, whose writing has long influenced Goldblatt. The new version of the book maintains the original three chapters The Witwatersrand: a Time and Tailings, Shaftsinking and Mining Men, but is otherwise completely updated, in Goldblatts words, to expand the view but not to alter the sense of things. There are thirty-one new mostly unpublished photos including colour images, eleven deleted images, a post* by Gordimer to her essay, as well as a text by Goldblatt reflecting on his childhood and the 1973 book. On t

    • ¥511.9 折扣:7.9折
    • A Digital Photographer's Guide to Model Releases: Making the
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    • Dan Heller 著 /2008-03-01/
    • Scenario: You’re at your kid’s soccer match at school and you’re taking pictures。Being the photo buff that you are,you get everything—kids scoring goals,parents screaming from the sidelines,the popcorn vendor,and fans in the stands。Later,you show the pictures to some of the people,and find that some want to buy a print for themselves。This becomes a popular event,and over time,your reputation grows。The local newspaper gets wind of your talent and wants to license a few photos so it can put some in the paper for an article on the school’s sports curriculum。Perhaps some shots are so good that the local gift shop wants to sell enlargements of the shot you took of the winning goal at the state championships。All’s going well,until someone tells you that you can’t do any of these things unless the people in the photos sign a "release" allowing you to use their pictures。 This and other virtually identical scenarios illustrate a most common situation in which a pho

    • ¥222.6 折扣:8.8折
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    • Mikhael SubotzkyAnthea Buys 著 /2012-07-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Retinal Shift is the catalogue for Mikhael Subotzkys 2012 Standard Bank Young Artist Exhibition, which will tour every major museum in South Africa. Retinal Shift investigates the practice and mechanics of looking in relation to the history of Grahamstown, the history of photographic devices, and Subotzkys own history as an artist. The works draw on archival portraits from the last century, found surveillance footage, as well as Subotzkys own photographs from various series that he re-contextualizes. The opening work in the book is a self-portrait that Subotzky made with the assistance of an optometrist. High-resolution images of his left and right retinas sit side by side. Says Subotzky: I was fascinated by this encounter. At the moment that my retinas, parts of my essential organs of seeing, were photographed, I was blinded by the apparatus that made the images. Mikhael Subotzky was born in 1981 in Cape Town and is currently based in Johannesburg. Subotzky adopts the directness of the social document

    • ¥279.5 折扣:6.9折
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    • Esther Ruelfs 著 /2012-07-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • This monograph provides the first extensive overview of the photographic work of Bernhard Prinz. At the center of his work is the portrait, which he has often presented alongside sculptural arrangements. He explores the mass medium of photography with metaphors and allegories, examines stylistic forms and uses the medium in a complex game. Bernhard Prinz, born in Fürth, Germany, in 1953, studied art history in Erlangen and fine arts in Nürnberg and Hamburg. From 1997 to 2004 Prinz taught at the University of Essen. Today he holds a chair in Experimental Photography at the Art Academy in Kassel.

    • ¥373.6 折扣:7.9折
    • The New York Times Magazine Photographs(9781597111461)
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    • Kathy Ryan 编 /2011-09-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • For over 30 years, The New York Times Magazine has beensynonymous with the myriad possibilities and applications ofphotography. The New York Times Magazine: Photographs reflects uponand interrogates the very nature of both photography and printmagazines at this pivotal moment in their history and evolution.Edited by Kathy Ryan, longtime photo editor of the Magazine, andwith a preface by former editorial director Gerald Marzorati, thisvolume presents some of the finest commissioned photographsworldwide in four sections: reportage, portraiture, style andconceptual photography, including photo illustration. Diverse incontent and sensibility, and consistent in virtuosity, thephotographs are accompanied by reproduced tear sheets to allow forthe examination of sequencing and the interplay between text andimage, simultaneously presenting the work while illuminating itsdistillation to magazine form. This process is explored furtherthrough texts offering behind-the-scenes perspective and anecdotesby the many ph

    • ¥533.2 折扣:7.9折
    • 香港电影百年:19092008
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    • /2010-12-01/ 黑龙江美术出版社
    • 这是影人、影评家、影迷共同献给香港电影的一份厚礼,既有从上世纪到,电影工业每一年的忠实记录,也有邹文怀、徐克、许鞍华、王晶、王家卫等众多影人的私家记忆,更有名家力荐的百部电影香港电影。

    • ¥247 ¥569 折扣:4.3折
    • Sebasti?o Salgado(9780500284896)
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    • Eduardo GaleanoFred Ritchin 著 /2004-04-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • From a Brazilian mine where 50,000 men haul heavy sacks ofdirt up and down ladders in search of a nugget of gold, to a formerlake in western Africa, where starving people walk over its surfaceof sand, photographer Sebastian Salgado explores the lives of theplanet's often-ignored people.

    • ¥168.2 折扣:6.3折
    • Lomo Life: The Future is Analogue
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    • Lomography 著 /2012-11-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Attention all hipsters! In November 2012, the world’s coolest camera brand celebrates its 20th anniversary with the publication of this official two-volume slipcased title. Book I features specially commissioned photography showing off all cameras in the vast Lomography range, including every limited edition and the best one-offs ever made. Book II traces the story of the last 20 years of Lomography, as seen through the wonderful and varied world of Lomo lenses. Anecdotes and recollections relate the stuff of Lomo legend. Chronologically organized and featuring the very best photographic material from the 1.5 million-strong Lomography community, this volume is a snapshot of every corner of the lomographic world. This is an absolute must-have package for designers, photographers and hipsters the world over. The future is analogue!

    • ¥236.3 折扣:6.3折