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    • MCTS(70-431)致胜经典:Microsoft SQL Server 2005 实现和维护(英文版)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 美国扎实学习质量研究所 著 /2007-06-01/ 世界图书出版公司
    • Ace your preparation for the skills measured by MCTS Exam 70-431--and on the job. Work at your own pace through a series of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective Then, reinforce what you've learned by applying your knowledge to real-world case scenarios and practice exercises. This official Microsoft study guide is designed to help you make the most of your study time. Maximize your performance on the exam by learning to: Install and configure SQL Server 2005 Create tables and indexes, define columns, and implement constraints Implement functions, stored procedures, and triggers by using Transact-SQL Work with relational and XML data Monitor, troubleshoot, and tune queries Maintain database availability with log shipping, database mirroring, and replication Prepare a backup strategy and restore a database PRACTICE TESTS Assess your skills with practice tests with website. You can work through hundreds of questions using multiple testing modes to meet

    • ¥193.2 ¥280 折扣:6.9折
    • MCSA/MCSE(70-270) 致胜经典:Microsoft Windows XP Ptofessional 安装、
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • (美)格兰,(美)诺萨普 著 /2007-06-01/ 世界图书出版公司
    • Official exam prep guidemplus practice testsm now updated for Windows XP Service Pack 2 Ace your preparation for the skills measured by MCP Exam 70-270-and on the job--with this official Microsoft study guide, now fully updated for Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Tech-nologies, plus other key topics. Work at your own pace through a system of lessons, hands-on exercises, troubleshooting labs, and review questions. Maximize your performance on the exam by learning how to: Perform an installation or upgrade, including remote deployment Configure and customize the desktop environment Administer disks, device drivers, printers, file systems, and other resources Manage TCP/IP networking and support remote and mobile users Monitor, troubleshoot, and tune system performance NEW--Administer security settings and services, including the advancesin Windows XP Service Pack 2.

    • ¥157.5 ¥280 折扣:5.6折
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2005:编程(英文版)
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • (美)布鲁斯特,(美)福特 著 /2007-06-01/ 世界图书出版公司
    • 本书详细介绍了如何使用Microsoft SQL Server 2005开发个性定制数据库的编程基础,内容涵盖商务、网络服务器、报表、数据库管理和综合业务等。书中提供真实范例及大量代码样本,读者可利用现有技巧和知识拓展新SQL技术之路,提升数据库安全级别,以及学会如何利用Visual Studio 2005来进行测试。

    • ¥178.5 ¥238 折扣:7.5折
    • Microsoft Windows管理员VBScript最新应用技巧(英文版)
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • (美)琼斯,(美)希克斯 著 /2007-06-01/ 世界图书出版公司
    • When writing my first *ing book, Managing Windows with VBScript and WMI (Addison Wesley, 2004), I set out to create what was at the time an industry first: a book designed not for developers but specifically for Microsoft Windows administrators with very little VBScript experience who wanted to learn just enough VBScript to be effective. Since that book was published, Windows administrators have become more and more skilled with Windows Script Host, VBScript, Windows Management Instrumentation, and other related technolo gies. Because administrators attending conferences and viewing my Web site (http://www.ScriptingAnswers.com) are beginning to ask questions about more complex technologies and techniques, the time has come for a book that covers advanced topics. In this book, my :ble co-author, Jeffery Hicks, and I try to cover some of the more advanced *ing techniques that we use every day. We certainly aren't pretending that we touch on every topic that might be considered "advanced"; after all, *ing is

    • ¥178.5 ¥238 折扣:7.5折
    • MC ST(70-272)致胜经典:Microsoft Windows XP桌面应用程序用户支持与故障排除(第二版)(英
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • (美)托尔特·格兰托尼·诺萨普 著 /2007-06-01/ 世界图书出版公司
    • 作者简介:Walter Glenn, Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE), Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST), and Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), has been a part of the com-puter industry for more than 17 years and currently works in Huntsville, Alabama, as a consultant, trainer, and writer. Walter is a regular columnist in Microsoft's TechNet Zone and is the author or coauthor of nearly 20 computer titles, including Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Administrator's Companion (Microsoft Press, 2003), Mike Meyers' MCSA Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Environment Certifica- tion Passport (Exam 70-291) (Osborne, 2003), and MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-297): Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Net- work Infrastructure (Microsoft Press, 2003). He has also written a number of Web- based courses that are geared toward Microsoft certification training.

    • ¥157.5 ¥280 折扣:5.6折
    • Microsoft .NET FRAMEWORK 2.0应用开发基础(英文版)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • (美)诺萨普,(美)维德姆斯,(美)莱恩 著 /2007-06-01/ 世界图书出版公司
    • Ace your preparation for the skills measured by MCTS Exam 70-536--and on the job. Work at your own pace through a serie of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective. Then reinforce what you've learned by applying your knowledge to re world case scenarios and labs. This official Microsoft study guide is designed to help you make the most of your study time. Maximize your performance on the exam by learning to: Use system types, collections, and generics to help manage dal Validate input, reformat text, and extract data with regular expressions Develop services, application domains, and multithreade applications Enhance your application by adding graphics and images Implement code access security, role-based security, and data encryption Work with serialization and reflection techniques Instrument your applications with logging and tracing Interact with legacy code using COM Interop and PInvoke PRACTICE TESTS Assess your skills with practice tests with

    • ¥184.5 ¥328 折扣:5.6折
    • Microsoft WINDOWS SCRIPTING 自学指南(英文版)
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • (美)威尔森 著 /2007-06-01/ 世界图书出版公司
    • Afutomate everyday administrative tasks-and take greater control of your Windows networks-with this hands-on guide to *ing .Your instructor ,a Microsoft Certified Trainer with more than a decade of enterprise consulting experience, deftly builds your *ing expertise with labs and lessons you complete at yourwn pace. Fromwriting your first *s from scratch with Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript)and Windows Script Host (WSH)-to exploring the programmatic advantages of using Windows Management lnstrumentation (WMI)and Active Directory Service Interface(ADSI)-you ll learn timesays to set up, deploy, and manage your Windows-based systems.

    • ¥118.2 ¥210 折扣:5.6折
    • 计算机程序设计艺术:英文影印版(全三卷,精)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • (美)Donald E.Knuth 著 /2002-09-01/ 清华大学出版社
    • 为反映计算机领域的*发展,Knuth二十多年来次将三卷书全部做了修订。他的修订主要集中在自上一版以来得到众人认可的新知识,已经解决的问题,以及有所变化的问题。为保持本书的权威性,在必要的地方对计算机领域先驱工作的历史信息做了更新;为维护作者苦心孤诣追求至善至美的盛誉,新版本对读者发现的少量技术性错误做了更正;为增加本书的挑战性,作者还添加了数百道习题。本套书由3卷组成。第1卷 基本算法--------------第1卷首先介绍编程的基本概念和技术,然后详细讲解信息结构方面的内容,包括信息在计算机内部的表示方法、数据元素之间的结构关系,以及有效的信息处理方法。此外,书中还描述了编程在模拟、数值方法、符号计算、软件与系统设计等方面的初级应用。新版本增加了数十项简单但重要的算法和技术,并根据当前研究发展趋势在数

    • ¥186 ¥248 折扣:7.5折
    • 计算机程序设计艺术(英文影印)全三册
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • DONALD E.KNUTH /2002-11-01/ 清华大学出版社
    • 第1卷首先介绍编程的基本概念和技术,然后详细讲解信息结构方面的内容,包括信息在计算机内部的表示方法、数据元素之间的结构关系,以及有效的信息处理方法。此外,书中还描述了编程在模拟、数值方法、符号计算、软件与系统设计等方面的初级应用。新版本增加了数十项简单但重要的算法和技术,并根据当前研究发展趋势在数学预备知识方面做了大量修改。

    • ¥195.9 ¥248 折扣:7.9折
    • WebLogic 权威指南[影印版]
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • (美)孟德乔伊,(美)丘格 著 /2005-06-01/ 东南大学出版社
    • 由于Java编程语言已趋于成熟,许多开发者转而借助Java来满足他们对于企业级应用程序开发的需要。在大多数Java应用程序中,复杂事务管理、消息传递、XML和Web服务支持、命名及目录服务、数据库管理等不仅是其重要的组成部分,而且也是这些应用程序实现自身功能的基础。因此,Java开发人员一直在努力寻求能为企业级应用程序的开发提供上述服务的通用应用服务器,在众多竞争者中,BEA公司的WebLogic服务器处于领先地位。 《WebLogic权威指南》全面介绍了BEA WebLogic。无论你是一名开发人员、管理人员还是系统架构师,阅读此书你会发现,你能更深入地使用WebLogic,更快地进行优化,以及获得更好的性能。本书详细介绍了WebLogic对J2EE领域中标准API的支持以及对核心API的扩展;而对于众所周知的API,比如servlet,JSP以及EJB,本书没有花费过多的篇幅。 本书包含的内

    • ¥101.1 ¥128 折扣:7.9折
    • 学习Java 第四版(影印版)
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • (美)尼麦耶,(美)洛伊克 著 /2014-01-01/ 东南大学出版社
    • 《学习Java(影印版上下第4版)》由尼麦耶、洛 伊克所著,如果你是Java新手,那么这本畅销指南的 第四版将可以为你提供关于Java 6和Java 7中语言特 性和API的贴心介绍。通过引人入胜、与实践结合并 且饶有趣味的示例,作者Patrick Niemeyer和 Daniel Leuck为你介绍了Java的基础内容包括它 的类库、编程技术和习惯用法并且始终以构建实 际应用的眼光来看待。如果你是Java熟手,那么《学 习Java(影印版上下第4版)》将让你快速上手新的并 发工具集以及适用于Web服务和XML的Java API,你将 学到新的强有力的方法来管理应用中的资源和异常。

    • ¥103.5 ¥138 折扣:7.5折