第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议决定,对《中华人民共和国证券法》作出修改 将百二十九条款修改为:“证券公司设立、收购或者撤销分支机构,变更业务范围,增加注册资本且股权结构发生重大调整,减少注册资本,变更持有百分之五以上股权的股东、实际控制人,变更公司章程中的重要条款,合并、分立、停业、解散、破产,必须经国务院证券监督管理机构批准。”
近年私募股权投资基金在我国迅速发展,经过多年的磐涅,已经拥有了法律制度体系雏形,但是由于我国私募股权投资基金法律制度是“舶来品”且发展迅猛,以致实务中未能对不同类型的私募股权投资基金进行区分对待,并建立系统化的法律制度。 本书从私募股权投资基金的概念入手,追溯了域外私募股权投资基金类型化的发展历程,剖析其法理属性,提出私募股权投资基金系内涵统一,外延不断拓展、演化的开放性制度体系。基于我国私募股权投资基金法律制度形成的特殊历史路径,建议在既有的本土法律环境下针对三种类型化的私募股权投资基金,建立牌照化管理的法律制度,根据其外溢性不同将其区分为:对未上市中小企业股权投资的创业投资股权基金、进行产业整合的并购基金、对证券市场上公开交易金融产品组合投资的私募证券投资基金。针对
This book is drafted in a style of common law textbook, just like those using in the law schools of U.S.A., but with typical Chinese securities cases and laws. It covers the general introduction of Chinese securities laws on securities issuance, transactions, institutions, regulatory and legal liabilities for illegal practices. In each section, after the introductions of specific rules and rationale, a case is followed with summary of facts, ruling of the courts. Sothe readers may have an oversight to Chinese securities laws and the students can learn therelevant laws through cases method. I want to send this book to my wife Xu Xiaoxia as a gift to celebrate our loving time of20 years. And thank the intemational students studying the Master Program in Chinese Law of Beijing Normal University. Sincerely appreciate helps from the editors of University of International Business and Economics Press.