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    • 黑河流域蓝绿水资源极其可持续利用 刘俊国,臧传富,曾昭 著;马强 等 译
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 刘俊国,臧传富,曾昭 著;马强 等 译 /2017-08-01/ 黄河水利出版社
    • The Heihe River Basin is a typical arid inland river basin.This book starts from spatial and temporal dynamic distribution of blue-green water and the sustainability of water resources utilization in Heihe River Basin.The spatial and temporal dynamic distribution pattern of blue-green water in the basin was evaluated.Chapter 1 introduces the water resources evaluation in Heihe River Basin,and introduces the concept of water footprint.Chapter 2 introduces the research methods of this book.chapter 3 introduces the spatial anf temporal distribution pattern of blue-green water resources in Heihe River Basin.Chapter 4 introduces the impact of human acetivities.Chapter 5 introduces the temporal and spatial differences in typicala yesrs.Chapter 6 introduces the history of the evolution of the black and blue water in Heihe.Chapter 7 introduces the evaluation of water shorage in Heihe River.Chapter 8 presents the conclusions anf prospects. This book can be read for water resources management and planning and other rel

    • ¥17.7 ¥30 折扣:5.9折
    • 黑河流域蓝绿水资源极其可持续利用 黄河水利出版社
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 刘俊国,臧传富,曾昭 著;马强 等 译 /2017-08-01/ 黄河水利出版社
    • The Heihe River Basin is a typical arid inland river basin.This book starts from spatial and temporal dynamic distribution of blue-green water and the sustainability of water resources utilization in Heihe River Basin.The spatial and temporal dynamic distribution pattern of blue-green water in the basin was evaluated.Chapter 1 introduces the water resources evaluation in Heihe River Basin,and introduces the concept of water footprint.Chapter 2 introduces the research methods of this book.chapter 3 introduces the spatial anf temporal distribution pattern of blue-green water resources in Heihe River Basin.Chapter 4 introduces the impact of human acetivities.Chapter 5 introduces the temporal and spatial differences in typicala yesrs.Chapter 6 introduces the history of the evolution of the black and blue water in Heihe.Chapter 7 introduces the evaluation of water shorage in Heihe River.Chapter 8 presents the conclusions anf prospects. This book can be read for water resources management and planning and other rel

    • ¥17.7 ¥30 折扣:5.9折
    • 黑河流域蓝绿水资源极其可持续利用 刘俊国,臧传富,曾昭 著;马强 等 译 黄河水利出版社
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2017-08-01/ 黄河水利出版社
    • The Heihe River Basin is a typical arid inland river basin.This book starts from spatial and temporal dynamic distribution of blue-green water and the sustainability of water resources utilization in Heihe River Basin.The spatial and temporal dynamic distribution pattern of blue-green water in the basin was evaluated.Chapter 1 introduces the water resources evaluation in Heihe River Basin,and introduces the concept of water footprint.Chapter 2 introduces the research methods of this book.chapter 3 introduces the spatial anf temporal distribution pattern of blue-green water resources in Heihe River Basin.Chapter 4 introduces the impact of human acetivities.Chapter 5 introduces the temporal and spatial differences in typicala yesrs.Chapter 6 introduces the history of the evolution of the black and blue water in Heihe.Chapter 7 introduces the evaluation of water shorage in Heihe River.Chapter 8 presents the conclusions anf prospects. This book can be read for water resources management and planning and other rel

    • ¥17.7 ¥30 折扣:5.9折
    • 基于增强现实的适老化交互设计研究 武汉大学出版社
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 王凯 /2020-08-01/ 武汉大学出版社
    • 震颤是常见的运动障碍性疾病.表现为手、头部及身体其他部位不自主性、节律性、振动性运动。由震颤疾病产生的能障碍会长期困扰着震颤患者行走以及和计算机、家用电器等设备的交互.严重影响患者的生活质量。震颤的发生机理至今尚未明确,病因难以确定。且面临着临床低、副作用大等问题。使用阻尼器能电刺激来物理地肢体震颤的手段,在使用中易引起身体疲劳和疼痛等问题。本书提出并验证了AR技术对辅助震颤患者在键盘和环境交互方面的有效性和可行性。相较于传统和物理抑颤手段,本书提出的技术手段具有对震颤患者身体。且支持人机交互的优势。

    • ¥12.5 ¥25 折扣:5折