PreSchool-K ``Oh Dear!'' is young Buster's response each time thathis search for eggs on his grandmother's farm is futile. Thepattern is the same throughout his search: he looks in the barn, orsty, or pond, where a flap can be lifted to reveal the animal thatlives there, making the sound associated with it. The animal is notlabeled, so young listeners are called upon to make theidentification themselves. When Buster finally tries the henhouse,a second flap reveals the eggs beneath the hen. The book has anattractive, open look, with much white space and clear, large type.The animals and farmyard scenes are large, simple forms in brightcolors. Unfortunately, Buster and his grandmother are doll-like intheir circle heads, dot eyes, and red-spotted cheeks, and do nothold the same appeal. Lift-the-flap books are a gimmick thatchildren love, but these flaps are particularly fragile, and eachis hinged in a different place. Eager hands tugging at them willeasily result in a cry of ``Oh dear!'' before too long. David
Thirty years of silly songs, rhymes, lullabies, classics, and just plain favorite music come together on this reissue of the 25th Anniversary Celebration. Chosen from among the hundreds and hundreds of songs that Wee Sing has collected over the last 30 years, this treasury is a fitting tribute to the best-selling name in children s music!,