《我是彩虹鱼》(点击购买) 彩虹鱼是海洋中美丽的一条鱼,他有着彩虹般闪闪发光的鳞片,有着别人都想拥有的漂亮的外表,但却总是孤零零一个人,没有朋友,也不快乐。彩虹鱼怎么也想不明白,大家为什么都不喜欢接近他呢?他把自己的烦恼告诉了章鱼奶奶,章鱼奶奶对彩虹鱼说了什么?彩虹鱼会从中得到什么启示呢? 《条纹鱼得救了》(点击购买) 彩虹鱼和小伙伴们做游戏的时候,一条小条纹鱼闯了进来。因为没有闪闪发光的鳞片,条纹鱼只能远远地在一边看着,不能加入彩虹鱼和伙伴们的闪光捉迷藏游戏中。突然,一条鲨鱼出现了!彩虹鱼和小伙伴们都飞快地躲进了岩石的缝隙中,只有条纹鱼还在外面……接下来会发生什么事情呢? 《深海大冒险》(点击购买) 彩虹鱼因为好奇,想看看悬崖边下的情景,结果身上的闪光鳞片掉了下去。彩虹鱼
Jack Frost has stolen the Showtime Fairies' magic stars, which means everyone is losing their special talent! Can Rachel and Kirsty help Madison find her star so that the magic auditions for the Tippington Variety Show will be a success?
IS THIS ARMAGEDDON FOR ARTEMIS FOWL? Opal Koboi, power-crazed pixie, is plotting to exterminatemankind and become fairy queen. If she succeeds, the spirits of long-dead fairy warriors willrise from the earth, inhabit the nearest available bodies and wreakmass destruction. But what happens if those nearest bodies includecrows, or deer, or badgers - or two curious little boys by thenames of Myles and Beckett Fowl? Yes, it's true. Criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl's four-year-oldbrothers could be involved in destroying the human race. CanArtemis and Captain Holly Short of the Lower Elements Police stopOpal and prevent the end of the world?
A fourth audio book in the hugely successful Horrid Henryseries. 'The devilish child, most wonderfully brought to life byMiranda Richardson, sees off any and all opposition to get what hewants!' Daily Express Unabridged.