One day, Barney, a solitary little boy, falls into a chalk pitand lands in a sort of cave, where he meets 'somebody with a lot ofshaggy hair and two bright black eyes' - whom he names him Stig.And together they enjoy some extraordinary adventures. This is amuch-loved classic story.
IS THIS ARMAGEDDON FOR ARTEMIS FOWL? Opal Koboi, power-crazed pixie, is plotting to exterminatemankind and become fairy queen. If she succeeds, the spirits of long-dead fairy warriors willrise from the earth, inhabit the nearest available bodies and wreakmass destruction. But what happens if those nearest bodies includecrows, or deer, or badgers - or two curious little boys by thenames of Myles and Beckett Fowl? Yes, it's true. Criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl's four-year-oldbrothers could be involved in destroying the human race. CanArtemis and Captain Holly Short of the Lower Elements Police stopOpal and prevent the end of the world?
The story of a young German girl who steals books, of her family and the Jewish boxer hidden in their basement as they struggle to survive in Nazi Germany when the bombs begin to fall. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. 9 岁小女孩莉赛尔和弟弟在战乱中被迫送到寄养家庭,但弟弟不幸死在旅途中,莉赛尔在弟弟冷清的丧礼后偷了一本掘墓工人的手册,为的是要纪念自己永远失去的家庭。 寄养家庭位在慕尼黑凋蔽贫困的区域,大人彼此仇恨咒骂,老师狠毒无情,战火时时威胁人命。莉赛尔每晚抱着掘墓工人手册入睡,恶梦不断。养父为了让她安眠,于是为她朗诵手册内容,并开始教她识字。 学会认字进而开始读书的莉赛尔,尽管生活艰苦,吃不饱穿不暖,却发现了一项比食物更让她难以抗拒的东西——书,她忍不住开始偷书,用偷来的书继续学习认字。从此莉赛尔进入了文字