As the ancient capital Xi an was once called Chang an in the Han Dynasty which means permanent peace . Xi-an marks the starting point of Silk Road. It is regarded as one of the Four Ancient Capitals of the World , together with Rome, Athens,and Istanbul. A large number of historic attractions can be found in Xi an including the remains of Banpo Village, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and SmallWild Goose Pagoda built in the Tang Dynasty, the Bell Tower, Drum Tower and City Wall built in the Ming Dynasty. While visiting this old city one could go through thousands of years back in history.What-s more, Shaanxi is worthy of the name a province with rich cultural relics and a natural history museum .
《唐诗陕西 京城长安》是 唐诗陕西 系列之一。长安是唐代的都城和当时世界上为繁华的国际化大都市,大多数唐代诗人都曾到过长安,写过与长安有关的诗作。唐代长安雄伟壮丽的宫舍建筑、车马络绎的旅游名胜、比肩接踵的各色人物、春花秋月的四季美景等,在唐诗中都有诸多反映,诗人们用手中的生花妙笔记录下了唐代长安繁华兴盛的宏大气象与开放包容的时代胸襟。本书共选录涉及唐代长安的唐诗作品近二百首,从不同角度对唐代长安进行描写和诠释。每首作品都做了简明扼要的注释,尤其对诗中涉及的历史事件、重要人物、长安地名等进行了详细的考证,便于读者阅读。
《唐诗陕西 秦岭风情》是 唐诗陕西 系列之一。东西绵延数千里的秦岭是中国的重要山脉,位于陕西段的秦岭主要包括蜀道、太白、终南和华山等。喜欢登山临水的唐代诗人们对秦岭情有独钟,写下了许多赞美秦岭自然风光和人文历史的诗歌作品。尤其是位于长安以南的终南山,更是诗人们看不足、写不完、歌不尽的名山。本书精选200余首描写秦岭风情的唐诗佳作,比较全面地反映了唐代秦岭的真实风貌。编选者对每首诗都有详尽的注释,尤其对诗作中涉及的本事、背景和秦岭山名、峪名等考证详实,既有较高的学术水准,又有明显的地域特色。
Shaanxi is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. So places of historical interest can be found almost all around the province. The name Shaanxi came into being in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Then during the Spring and Autumn Period Shaanxi was under the control of the Kingdom of Qin, so it is now also called “Shaan” or “Qin” for short. Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi, ranks first on the list of China’s seven largest ancient capitals. From 11th century B.C. , Xi’an or its vicinity has been established as the capital city by 13 kingdoms or feudal dynasties successively, including the Western Zhou, the Qin, the Han, the Sui and the Tang. It serves as an ancient capital city beyond comparison with regard to the number of dynasties and span of time. In this volume “history of Shaanxi” begins with fossil of Lantian Man in the Prehistoric Age until the Qing Dynasty. The events and figures in history are introduced on the basis of a variety of cultural resources including lots of historical si
作为唐代都城所在地,陕西在唐诗中的地位是首屈一指、独一无二的。本书作为 唐诗陕西 系列之一,主要从唐代不同时期的诗歌中反观唐代历史兴衰,以求史诗互证。自唐代开国到贞观之治、开元盛世、安史之乱,直至唐朝灭亡,以及唐代社会开放包容、积极进取的社会风貌,在这些作品中都有真实、真切的记录和反映,可谓一部波澜壮阔的唐代诗史。这些经历和见证过唐代兴衰荣辱的唐代诗人,通过自己的所见所闻、所思所感,为后人留下了更加真实可信的唐代史料。本书从《全唐诗》中精选相关作品二百余首,每首作品都做了简明扼要的注释,尤其对诗中涉及的历史事件、重要人物、山川地理等进行了详细的考证,为读者阅读和理解诗歌作品扫清了障碍。
窑洞属于中国居住文化四大类型之一的地穴式建筑,是黄土高原历史文化的重要载体,承载着浓郁的乡土文化、丰富的生活哲理和人居文化思想。 王文权、王会青*的《高原民居(陕北窑洞文化考察)》介绍陕北窑洞民居的自然环境与形成、历史与现状。展示窑洞民居的美学特征和民俗风情,梳理陕北典型窑洞聚落的结构、规模、风格等,为研究、保护、传承窑洞建筑和窑洞文化。积累了丰富的**手资料。
本书介绍了历史文化名城汉中的人文历史、名胜古迹、生态环境、特色美食等,是*本详细介绍汉中人文地理、自然风光、风土民情的双语书籍。本书主要分为四章:*章为 历史汉中 ,介绍汉中的两汉三国文化以及与其相关的名胜古迹、名人轶事、成语典故等;第二章为 人文汉中 ,介绍汉中的戏剧、民歌、民俗等非物质文化遗产;第三章为 生态汉中 ,介绍汉中美丽的自然风光和风景名胜;第四章为 美食汉中 ,介绍汉中的风味小吃、地方特产等。本书以中英文对照和图片说明的方式介绍了汉中的历史渊源,民风民俗,自然生态和饮食文化等内容,此书将作为汉中市到目前为止*一本以中英文对照的方式全面介绍汉中历史人文的译著,面向各类读者,将广泛用于汉中对外宣传,城市形象展示,旅游推介,经贸活动和礼仪赠品等方面。
Shaanxi is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. So places of historical interest can be found almost all around the province. The name Shaanxi came into being in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Then during the Spring and Autumn Period Shaanxi was under the control of the Kingdom of Qin, so it is now also called “Shaan” or “Qin” for short. Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi, ranks first on the list of China’s seven largest ancient capitals. From 11th century B.C. , Xi’an or its vicinity has been established as the capital city by 13 kingdoms or feudal dynasties successively, including the Western Zhou, the Qin, the Han, the Sui and the Tang. It serves as an ancient capital city beyond comparison with regard to the number of dynasties and span of time. In this volume “history of Shaanxi” begins with fossil of Lantian Man in the Prehistoric Age until the Qing Dynasty. The events and figures in history are introduced on the basis of a variety of cultural resources including lots of historical si
窑洞属于中国居住文化四大类型之一的地穴式建筑,是黄土高原历史文化的重要载体,承载着浓郁的乡土文化、丰富的生活哲理和人居文化思想。 王文权、王会青著的《高原民居(陕北窑洞文化考察)》介绍陕北窑洞民居的自然环境与形成、历史与现状。展示窑洞民居的美学特征和民俗风情,梳理陕北典型窑洞聚落的结构、规模、风格等,为研究、保护、传承窑洞建筑和窑洞文化。积累了丰富的 手资料。