Nora是家中排行老二的孩子,上有一个懂事的姐姐,会陪爸爸下棋,帮妈妈做饭,下有一个时时刻刻需要照料的小弟弟。当Nora需要父母的陪伴时,她得到的回答就是 等待 。面对父母的无暇顾及,Nora想出了一个 好主意 制造出各种声音,希望以此引起父母的关注。然而事与愿违,她不但没有得到父母关爱和陪伴,反而被大家误解。于是,Nora决定将自己藏起来。最后,Nora是否得到了父母的理解和关爱呢?就让我们翻开绘本去看一看吧!
Celebrating a landmark event in the life of all dancers!It's the night before a young girl's first dance recital. At the dress rehearsal, she and her class go over the steps one last time.?What if she messes up??she worries. But the next day, she's ready to perform. When the class spins left she spins right! Without missing a beat, she keeps on dancing and smiling. The Night Before My Dance Recital?celebrates this with humor, warmth, and engaging illustrations by Amy Wummer. Paperback: 32 pages Publisher: Grosset Dunlap (Feb. 4 2020) Language: English ISBN-10: 0448488450 ISBN-13: 978-0448488455 Product Dimensions: 20.3 x 0.3 x 20.3 cm Shipping Weight: 113 g
Paperback: 24 pages Publisher: Caillou (March 15 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 289718518X ISBN-13: 978-2897185183 Product Dimensions:20.3 x 0.3 x 20.3 cm Shipping Weight: 90.7 g Caillou知道迷路时该怎么办 Caillou和家人去自然历史博物馆看恐龙。Caillou非常喜欢看那些骨架和了解各种恐龙。 当他看不见其他人时,他知道应该待在原地,直到妈妈回来找他。当他发现自己把Rexy忘在某个地方时,Caillou知道了失物招领处,并沿原路返回直到找到他的恐龙朋友。 Caillou know what to do when he gets lost Caillou and his family go to the natural history museum to look at the dinosaurs. Caillou really enjoys looking at the skeletons and learning about the different kinds of dinosaurs. When he loses sight of the others, he knows to stay put until Mommy comes back to find him. And when he realizes he forgot Rexy somewhere, Caillou learns about the lost and found, and retraces his steps until he fin