装 帧:精装 作 者:JK 开 本:28.3 x 18.33 x 3.3 页 数:约128页 语 言:英语 IS BN:9781948174930 出版社:Macmillan 内容简介: The most interactive and comprehensive companion to the first book in the Harry Potter series. Includes insights from cast and crew members, as well as publishers, editors, and illustrators, of the Harry Potter series, films, and wider wizarding world. Writen by the hosts of the #1 Harry Potter podcast, Alohomora!, drawing on insights from more than 1 ,000 hours of discussion with diverse readers around world. The book is endlessly intriguing, examining Harry Potter academia,politics,religion, folklore, and more. Perfect resource for new aders of the series as well as established readers looking to enhance their experience. 封面图: 内页图: