和老鼠记者Geronimo一起穿梭时空,边冒险边学世界史! Geronimo Stiliton(老鼠记者系列)以老鼠Geronimo Stiliton为主人公讲述了一系列惊险刺激、扣人心弦而又妙趣横生的旅行历险故事。 Geronimo Stiliton系列曾获出版创意奖、安徒生奖、儿童电子书奖等多项殊荣,是一套畅销8600万册的优秀儿童文学桥梁书。 书中的主人公Geronimo Stiliton经营着一家畅销报社,他有着出版人的博学睿智,却因过分的重视原则性而显得古板憨厚。在众多伙伴的陪伴下,Geronimo一次又一次地陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而每次旅行都能让小读者学到许多有趣的人文、科学知识。 在这个老鼠记者时光穿梭世界史的系列故事中,小读者将有机会和Geronimo一起乘坐时光机,穿越回熟悉而又陌生的过去,开启新的时空之旅! 你将有机会领略侏罗纪时代的恐龙、冰河时代的猛犸巨象;玛雅、
装 帧:精装 作 者:JK 开 本:28.3 x 18.33 x 3.3 页 数:约128页 语 言:英语 IS BN:9781948174930 出版社:Macmillan 内容简介: The most interactive and comprehensive companion to the first book in the Harry Potter series. Includes insights from cast and crew members, as well as publishers, editors, and illustrators, of the Harry Potter series, films, and wider wizarding world. Writen by the hosts of the #1 Harry Potter podcast, Alohomora!, drawing on insights from more than 1 ,000 hours of discussion with diverse readers around world. The book is endlessly intriguing, examining Harry Potter academia,politics,religion, folklore, and more. Perfect resource for new aders of the series as well as established readers looking to enhance their experience. 封面图: 内页图: