    • 中国成语故事(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 1114 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇李超全 绘 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 本书用英语讲述了一百条中国成语背后的故事,带你了解引人入胜的中国文化历史。黔驴技穷、螳臂当车、天衣无缝、高山流水 这些故事无一不反映出中国人传统的思维方式,同时也涉及了中国古代的诸多习俗。 This collection of one hundred Chinese idioms details the stories behind each one and offers a humorous and fascinating insight into the cultural history of China. From paper tigers to praying mantis, to the music of nature and heavenly robes, these tales have not only shed light on the traditional Chinese way of thinking, but also illustrated many of its ancient customs.

    • ¥78 ¥78 折扣:10折
    • 中国神话故事与三十六计(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 863 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇李超全 绘 /2020-04-30/ 上海译文出版社
    • 虚构或半虚构的故事和现实部分就像阴和阳 中国古代哲学的两大基本原则。本书就为大家呈现了这样两种风格的故事 中国神话 和 三十六计 。这里的 神话故事 描述了人们对自身起源、祖先、历史以及神祗的古老信仰。而 三十六计 则集合了古人在战场上使用的谋略和计策。今天,许多中国人将这些计策运用到政治、商业、体育以及日常生活中去。 Fictional or semi-fictional stories and practical concepts are like yin and yang, the two fundamental principles of ancient Chinese philosophy. In this book, we present just such yin and yang, namely, Chinese Mythology and the "Thirty-Six Stratagems." The mythology here describes ancient beliefs in origins, ancestors, history and deities. On the other hand, the "Thirty-Six Stratagems" were originally a collection of strategies or practical ruses for warfare. But today, many Chinese people apply them to politics, business, sports as well as their d

    • ¥65 ¥65 折扣:10折
    • 中国历史人物(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 642 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇朱晨蕾 绘 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 了解一个国家,必先了解此国的人。在本书中,你将一览中国历史长河,认识曾在哲学、艺术、文学、宗教、科技和政治等领域留下深深烙印的88位重要人物。 To understand a country is to understand its people. In this book, we will take you on a tour through the long history of China to recall the life stories of 88 important figures who left their personal marks in philosophy, art and literature, religion, science and technology and political movements.

    • ¥85 ¥85 折扣:10折
    • 中国历代绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 415 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇 陈洁 著 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 《中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)》介绍了38幅国画,从风格、技巧、视角等方面来引导读者领略国画艺术的美,同时也讲述了画家的创作背景和审美理念。 Chinese painting, also known as brush painting or ink-wash painting, is one of the oldest art forms in the world. However, the unique styles, techniques and perspectives of Chinese painting are often unfamiliar to readers and art lovers in other parts of the world. This book aims to expound the aesthetic concepts behind some famous Chinese paintings and tell interesting stories about their creation and their creators. It may serve as a helpful guide in exploring the fabulous yet mysterious treasure house of great Chinese paintings.

    • ¥62 ¥62 折扣:10折
    • 中国历史著述(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 499 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇朱晨蕾 绘 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 在中国的历史长河中,经典著述对国家的形成、人民日常生活的影响起到了至关重要的作用。本书每篇短文介绍一本经典著述,时间跨度3000余年,内容包含了医学、数学、军事谋略、宗教、文学以及艺术、游记等。 Throughout China s long history, classic texts have played a vital role in shaping the country and influencing the daily lives of its people. In this series of short articles, we introduce classic texts spanning more than 3,000 years and covering everything from medicine, mathematics and military strategy to religion, literature, arts and travel.

    • ¥68 ¥68 折扣:10折
    • 中国传统文化创新教学-戏剧化课堂实例(上册)
    •   ( 243 条评论 )
    • 中国传统文化创新教学》编委会 /2021-08-01/ 外语教学与研究出版社
    • 《中国传统文化创新教学 戏剧化课堂实例》(上下册)是*重点项目 中华思想文化术语传播工程 的研发成果。它以中小学教师为读者,向教师们展示如何以戏剧的方式生动地向青少年阐述思想文化术语(中国传统文化关键词),让思政内容活泼可亲。本书分上下两册,上册内容适合教授小学中高年级学生,下册内容则更加切合初高中年级的学生。 每一章都包含了术语词条、使用说明、教案和剧本等板块,可以让教师轻松上手、直接使用。

    • ¥40.6 ¥58 折扣:7折
    • 李清照诗词英译全集(商务印书馆)
    •   ( 484 条评论 )
    • 朱曼华 /2018-11-16/ 商务印书馆国际有限公司
    • 《李清照诗词英译全集》共收录李清照诗词96首。为了让读者更加深入地了解李清照在诗词造诣上的成就,探寻其不同侧面的人生轨迹,作者搜集了李清照分散在古典名著中被引用的零星诗句或残句,译介了与李清照诗词相关的史料。此外,对李清照的一些已经无法补齐的残稿或有争议的诗词,译者也一并收入并注明存疑。中英文译注是本书中解读李清照诗词的重要组成部分,对中国学生通过本书学习英文或外国学生学习中文具有一定的参考价值。本书的译文通俗易懂,延续了《中国历代诗词英译集锦》的风格。阅读这本译作,不仅可以全面欣赏李煜的诗词,还有助于从不同角度了解李煜的方方面面。尤其是本书的中英文译注,是解读李煜诗词的重要组成部分,对中国学生通过本书学英文或外国学生学中文具有一定的参考价值。

    • ¥35 ¥35 折扣:10折
    • 中国东西(英)(新)
    •   ( 71 条评论 )
    • 吴学夫 /2020-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 这是一本关于中国东西的图文书。 117个富有特色的日常中国东西是本书不分先后的主角,每一个东西都代表着中国*真实的一个细节;通过对极具中国特色的日常东西的客观描述,用纯粹的物化方式去反映、去记录中国东西与中国人、中国社会之间的关系,那些日常东西以及其背后的时代印迹的汇聚恰恰构成了中国生活*为真实的模样;这本书是逝去的和即将逝去的时代*独特的纪念。 Chinese Stuff shows the modern and conventional tools and devices people use in their everyday life. With this book, the readers can reflect on and get to know China s unique and often amusing way of life. It is through this book that we come to understand how Chinese people live and adapt to this rapidly changing world. This album contains more than 100 items, which are so common in the daily life of Chinese people that they usually call little attention. But when people observe them from a cultural perspec

    • ¥118 ¥118 折扣:10折
    • 中国传统文化创新教学-戏剧化课堂实例(下册)
    •   ( 224 条评论 )
    • 中国传统文化创新教学》编委会 /2021-08-01/ 外语教学与研究出版社
    • 《中国传统文化创新教学 戏剧化课堂实例》(上下册)是*重点项目 中华思想文化术语传播工程 的研发成果。它以中小学教师为读者,向教师们展示如何以戏剧的方式生动地向青少年阐述思想文化术语(中国传统文化关键词),让思政内容活泼可亲。本书分上下两册,上册内容适合教授小学中高年级学生,下册内容则更加切合初高中年级的学生。 每一章都包含了术语词条、使用说明、教案和剧本等板块,可以让教师轻松上手、直接使用。

    • ¥40.6 ¥58 折扣:7折
    • 即将消失的手艺(英)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • 高默 /2019-12-01/ 中国画报出版社
    • 北京市非物质文化遗产一直以来面临着传承人老龄化和断代的危机。绢人、蜡果、联珠快书 这些非遗项目作为北京人耳熟能详的文化密码,多项如今已濒危。目前,不少 非遗 已无传承人在世,或仅存一人。本书将即将失传的非遗技艺呈现在书本上,通过传承人口述、技艺讲述等方面的描述,即便今后传承人过世,后人也可以通过图文资料进行传承。 The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Beijing has always faced the critical situation of the aging of inheritors, or the shortage of following inheritors. The once house-held Beijing traditional handcrafts, like silk figurine, wax fruit and many others forms of folk art are now vanishing. Due to the lack of inheritors, or just one person engaged in this field, this book aims to record image materials about vanishing handcrafts with description of inheritors narrative, so as help to pass down Beijing intangible cultural heritage.

    • ¥88 ¥88 折扣:10折
    • 中国文化读本(普及本)(第2版)(黑白版)
    •   ( 6803 条评论 )
    • 叶朗朱良志 /2016-08-15/ 外语教学与研究出版社
    • 《中国文化读本》(第2版)分四大部分(智慧与信仰、创造与交流、艺术与美感、民俗与风情)、38章,抓住中国文化中*有特色的内容和亮点(如儒家思想、道家思想、传统文化中的生态意识、汉字、四大发明、丝绸之路、中医、绘画、建筑、功夫、围棋等),用典型的事例和材料进行具体而深入的介绍。在介绍知识的同时,力求讲出中国文化的精神,讲出中国文化的内在意味和核心价值,展示中国自古以来尊重自然、热爱生命、祈求和平、盼望富足、美善相乐的人文形象。 《中国文化读本》于2008年初版,本次为第2版,在第1版的基础上增加章节、修订错漏、更换图片,使本书内容与品质更臻完善。 本书读者对象为: 1. 在21世纪中华民族将要实现伟大复兴的时代,有志于对我们自己的文化进行重新认识的中国读者。 2. 对中国文化感兴趣、有一定中文水平的外

    • ¥33.9 ¥39 折扣:8.7折
    • 中国经典文化走向世界丛书:诗歌卷1
    •   ( 20 条评论 )
    • 汪榕培, 潘智丹译 /2019-02-01/ 上海外语教育出版社
    • 本书为我社全英文版"中国经典文化走向文化丛书"诗歌卷之一,即《英译诗经国风》的英文部分。本书包含160首"国风"诗歌,即来自周南、召南等周朝十五个地区的民歌,其中有"关关雎鸠""坎坎伐檀"等名篇。汪榕培先生给出了高水平的英译,他的译诗充分采用了英美诗歌的创作方式,兼顾音步、格律和押韵,把两千多年前的中国诗歌转换成了晓畅易懂的现代英语韵律诗。希望本书能为"中国经典文化走向文化丛书"增添丰富多彩的文体和内容,为推广中国文化做出贡献。

    • ¥25.2 ¥36 折扣:7折
    • 中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)/中华优秀传统文化传承系列
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇//陈洁 /2020-04-01/ 上海译文
    • \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"【内容简介】: 《中国历代 绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)》介绍了38幅国画,从风格、技巧、视角等方面来引导读者领略国画艺术的美,同时也讲述了画家的创作背景和审美理念。Chinese painting, also known as brush painting or ink-wash painting, is one of the oldest art forms in the world. However, the unique styles, techniques and perspectives of Chinese painting are often unfamiliar to readers and art lovers in other parts of the world. This book aims to expound the aesthetic concepts behind some famous Chinese paintings and tell interesting stories about their creation and their creators. It may serve as a helpful guide in exploring the fabulous yet mysterious treasure house of great Chinese paintings.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"

    • ¥45.26 ¥62 折扣:7.3折
    • 中国经典名著故事系列-红楼梦故事(西)
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • 王国振 /2018-09-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 讲述了在整个封建社会和贾家二府不断走向衰弱的大环境下,主人公贾宝玉和林黛玉因遭受封建礼教的束缚而不能在一起,*终导致阴阳隔绝的爱情悲剧。本书是我国历代文学书中受到评价、待遇*的一本书籍,其不仅在文学方面,而且在许多其他方面的成就也很高,如医学、饮食、服装、绘画等等。本书是针对外国读者的改编故事版。 Dream of the Red Chamber, or The Story of the Stone, is the greatest masterpiece of Chinese classical novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties with the most profound influence on later generations. Jia Baoyu experienced the great changes from flourishing to decline of a noble family and thus gained unique perception of life and the mortal world. Revolving around Jia Baoyu and focusing on the tragic love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, the novel portrays a tragedy in which love, youth and life are ruined as well as exposes and profoundly reflects the root of th

    • ¥108 ¥108 折扣:10折
    • 新版人文中国-中国陶瓷(英)(新)
    •   ( 68 条评论 )
    • 方李莉 著,(美)王 译 /2016-08-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 《中国陶瓷(英文版)》介绍:China is richly endowed with the raw materials needed for making ceramics. Chinese discovered and mastered the techniques of porcelain first. Ceramic products are not only an important cultural heritage of human civilization; they are still very much a part of everyone's lives, and in a very lively and colorful way. A beautifully crafted and tastefully formed ceramic piece not only is a fruit of the technology and craft of its times, it also records the bits of history and life. Sometimes, it can even carry paintings, poetry, calligraphy, sculpture all on its tiny body; or serve as a medium of information for society.

    • ¥96 ¥96 折扣:10折
    • 新版人文中国-中国家具(英)(新)
    •   ( 22 条评论 )
    • 张晓明 著,康健韩惠之王文良 译 /2016-08-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • Chinese Furniture is an outstanding representative of the Chinese arts. It has the bright feature of oriental arts and is honored as a pearl in oriental arts. As for the uniquefeature of Chinese furniture, some say it can completely give full play to the inborn nature of wood and display the beauty of the texture of wood. Some say it has perfect artistic shape. Its lines are delicate, easy and smooth and its structure reasonable and elegant. Some say its producing technique is superb, tenon and mortise precise and decorations elegant. Some say it has long historical grace, elegant artistic style and colorful charm...

    • ¥90 ¥90 折扣:10折
    • 新版人文中国-中国汉字(英)(新)
    •   ( 65 条评论 )
    • 韩鉴堂 著,王国振周灵 译 /2016-08-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 汉字的存在,是人类文明史上的一个奇迹。今天,汉字仍在不断发展中。这种世界上使用人口多的古老文字,正朝气蓬勃地走向未来。 《中国汉字(英文版)》以通俗的文字和精美的图片,简要介绍了中国博大精深的汉字文化的基础知识,它将带领读者朋友在 汉字王国 中做一次轻松而有趣的漫游。

    • ¥94 ¥94 折扣:10折
    • 【正版】十二生肖中国年
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • 李零 /2020-06-01/ 生活.读书.新知三联书店
    • 十二生肖,家喻户晓,但这里面的名堂很大。这个话题与中国动物有关,与中国方术有关,与古代文物有关。这本关于十二生肖的小书,专门谈一谈十二生肖的来历、具体含义,它与古代汉族地区生产生活的关系,以及这十二种动物的后面各自都有什么故事。

    • ¥98 ¥100 折扣:9.8折
    • 中国人文标识系列:火锅,中国的美食符号(英)
    •   ( 19 条评论 )
    • 大琦 著 /2022-04-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 烤和煮,作为古老的两种烹饪方式,在中国已经延续发展了几千年。火锅,作为 煮文化 的集大成者,经过几千年的演变,早已风靡中国的大江南北,从烹饪器具到所用食材,不同地区又各有讲究。同样热气腾腾的火锅,或麻辣鲜香,或清淡滋补,人们充分利用所在地域的物产优势,开发了不同种类的火锅。不同吃法的背后,是人们 道法自然 的古朴智慧。如今,火锅已经成为中国的美食符号,像熊猫和京剧一样,为世界认识中国,打开了一扇香气四溢的窗。 Boiling and broiling represents two time-honored culinary arts that have continued in China over thousands of years. And hot pot, the epitome of boiling arts , has experienced thousands of years of evolution and enjoyed huge popularity around this country. Besides, hot pot in different regions develops distinguishing features in terms of utensils and ingredients. With a similarly steaming pot, it can be spi

    • ¥128 ¥128 折扣:10折