    • 会说话的中国菜(英)(含二维码视频)
    •   ( 168 条评论 )
    • 甘智荣 /2019-04-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 随着中西方饮食文化的不断交流,中餐越来越受到外国人的青睐。《会说话的中国菜》为喜爱中餐的外国朋友提供了一个自己动手的好机会。该书根据外国朋友口味,精选100道*代表性的中国菜,所选菜例材料易得,做法详细易懂。书中既有简洁准确的文字说明,又有完全配套的步骤分解图片,更特别的是,每一道菜都带有一个二维码,扫描即可同步观看英文解说的做菜视频。 "Talking Chinese Dishes" is the first book specializing in Chinese culinary arts published for a foreign audience, and contains an interactive QR code. Each recipe in "Talking Chinese Dishes" is accompanied by an interactive QR-code. Scan this code to watch an interactive video where Chef Gan Zhirong will walk you through the recipe step-by-step. This helps our readers to learn directly from the master chef and cook alongside him, in the comfort of your home kitchen.

    • ¥128 ¥128 折扣:10折