Harriet Tubman (L2) by National Geographic Kids (Author) , Barbara Kramer (Author) Series:National Geographic Readers Format:Paperback / softback 32 pages Publisher:National Geographic Kids Imprint:National Geographic Kids ISBN:9781426337215 Published:23 Jan 2020 Classifications:People places (Children's / Teenage), Educational: English language: readers reading schemes Readership:Children / Juvenile Weight:82g Dimensions:152 x 227 x 7 (mm) Pub. Country:United States Description Find out about the life of Harriet Tubman and how her brave actions working to "conduct" the Underground Railroad helped the Union Army in the Civil War lead more than 700 slaves to freedom. Learn about Harriet Tubman's life, achievements, and the challenges she faced along the way. The Level 2 text provides acce
基本资料 Paperback: 32 pages Publisher: Dragonfly Books; Reprint edition (May 11 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 0553112546 ISBN-13: 978-0553112542 Product Dimensions: 20.3 x 0.3 x 25.4 cm Shipping Weight: 136 g 内容简介 The family from Dim Sum for Everyone! is back for a new outing- building and flying their own kite! The wind is blowing. It is a good day for kites! The whole family makes a trip to the local craft store for paper, glue, and paint. Everyone has a job: Ma-Ma joins sticks together. Ba-Ba glues paper. Mei-Mei cuts whiskers while Jie-Jie paints a laughing mouth. Dragon eyes are added and then everyone attaches the final touch . . . a noisemaker! Now their dragon kite is ready to fly. Kite Flying celebrates the Chinese tradition of kite making and kite flying and lovingly depicts a family bonded by this ancient and modern pleasure.
基本信息 书名:Biscuit Flies a Kite饼干狗放风筝 作者:Alyssa Satin Capucilli,Pat Schories 著 出版社: 出版日期: ISBN:9780062237002 字数: 页码:32 版次: 装帧:平装 开本: 商品重量:0.8kg 编辑推荐 暂无相关内容 内容提要 Biscuit and his buddy Puddles are excited to fly kites ithe park! They have their kites and lots of string. Now all they need is some wind. At first there is too little, and thethere is too much! But Biscuit and Puddles keep trying. Will they ever get their kites flying high Alyssa SatiCapucilli and Pat Schories have crafted another playful story about everyone’s favorite yellow puppy, this time gently reminding readers that if at first you don’t succeed, you caalways try again. 目录 暂无相关内容 作者介绍