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    • Learn Flower Painting Quickly 快速学习花卉绘画 英文原版艺术
    •   ( 21 条评论 )
    • Trevor Waugh /2019-06-06/ Batsford
    • 在世界着名艺术家Trevor Waugh的帮助下,您可以立即开始绘制美丽的水彩花卉! 在这个有趣,易于理解的指南中,充满灵感的绘画和有用的逐步序列,特雷弗沃伊展示了他绘画水彩花园的*重要技巧。 他讨论了基本形状以及如何将它们结合起来; 产生令人回味的效果; 设计完美的构图; 并创造美丽,细致入微的色彩混合 - 包括栩栩如生的绿色植物。 *重要的是,通过他对使用坚硬,柔软和破碎边缘,巧妙观察和不同角度的详细建议,您将把您的艺术性提升到令人兴奋的新水平。 With the help of world-renowned artist Trevor Waugh, you can begin painting beautiful watercolor flowers right away! In this fun, easy-to-follow guide, packed with inspirational paintings and helpful step-by-step sequences, Trevor Waugh lays out his most important techniques for painting a garden of watercolor flowers. He discusses basic shapes and how to combine them

    • ¥74 折扣:2.9折
    • Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 3搞笑野生动物摄影奖3
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • Paul Joynson-Hicks & Tom Sullam /2019-10-03/ Bonnier Books
    • 当野生动物喜剧摄影奖宣布要举办一场*有趣的动物照片大赛时,他们收到了成千上万的参赛作品,这些作品来自世界各地的摄影师。从踩着高跷的巢鼠到泡温泉的日本猕猴,这个奖项赞美了在它们的自然栖息地的动物们,并受到全球保护慈善机构Born Free的支持,赞扬了这个星球上的一些*有才华的野生动物摄影师所做的不懈努力。继前两册大获成功之后,奖项创始人Paul Joynson-Hicks和Tom Sullam带着有史以来*好的和从未公开过的野生动物照片回来了。去教堂的企鹅;骑摩托车的猴子;一头睁大眼睛,愤怒的海豹,对于所有动物的爱好者来说,这是一本非常完美的书。When the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards announced a contest for the funniest animal photo, they received thousands of entries from photographers the world over. From a harvest mouse on stilts, to a Japanese Macaque taking a dip in a hot spring, the Awards celebrate anim

    • ¥69 折扣:3折
    • 英文原版 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 搞笑野生动物摄影奖 图书
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Paul Joynson-Hicks & Tom Sullam /2017-10-05/ Bonnier Books
    • 当野生动物喜剧摄影奖宣布要举办一场*有趣的动物照片大赛时,他们收到了来自世界各地的参赛作品。现在,几位作者和*初的奖项创始人Paul Joynson-Hicks和Tom Sullam展示了精品中的精品 以及一些从未公开过的作品 展示了有史以来印刷过的*欢乐的野生动物照片。一只弄丢了午餐的鹈鹕;三头长颈鹿;度过了艰难的一天的猫鼬...这是一本的书,非常适合各种动物的爱好者!When the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards announced a contest for the funniest animal photo, they received entries from all over the world. Now authors and the original Award founders Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tom Sullam showcase the best of the best - as well as some never before seen - to present the most joyful photographs of wildlife ever printed. A pelican losing its lunch; a three-headed giraffe; a meerkat having a rough day... this is the must-have book that is perfect for animal lovers of all stripes!

    • ¥69 折扣:3折
    • Tulips郁金香 彼得·阿诺德Peter Arnold 花卉植物摄影 英文原版
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Peter Arnold /2020-02-28/ TENEUES
    • *彼得 阿诺兹(Peter Arnolds)的经典书《郁金香》的新版,价格更便宜。 *展示了这种春天*受欢迎的花的各种美和品种。 *艾尔顿 约翰爵士撰写序言,彼得 阿诺德撰写俳句诗。 在这本新近设计的花卉摄影经典作品中,Peter Arnold表现了郁金香的各种美和多样性。从熟悉的郁金香品种到从国外引进的郁金香品种,他用新写的文字搭配他拍摄的精美的郁金香照片。这是一本面向所有园丁,花卉爱好者以及艺术和花卉摄影爱好者的获奖书。 *New edition of Peter Arnolds classic Tulips, at an even more accessible price. *Showcases the most popular spring flower in all its beauty and variety. *With a foreword by Sir Elton John and haiku verses by Peter Arnold. The spring-blooming flower in all its beauty and variety-portrayed by Peter Arnold in masterful photographs and haiku verses. No flower, whether in a garden or as a cut flower in a vase, is as well-know

    • ¥99 折扣:2.5折
    • 【T&H】The Star in the Forest 森林中的星星 英文原版艺术绘本
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Helen Kellock /2019-09-26/ Thames & Hudson
    • 一个星期六的晚上,姐姐皮普和梅西坐在温暖舒适的祖父母在苏格兰森林边缘的小屋。麦茜焦躁不安,渴望冒险,但小屋的生活总是很缓慢。当一束强光突然从天上照进隔壁的森林时,梅西不敢相信自己的运气 一次冒险终于来了!皮普还没有放下热巧克力,她就已经穿上了靴子,手里拿着手电筒,开启了冒险的旅程 One Saturday evening, sisters Pip and Maisie are sitting in the warm snug of their grandparent s cottage on the edge of a forest in Scotland. Maisie is restless and longs for adventure, but life at the cottage is always slow. When a bright light suddenly falls from the sky into the forest next door, Maisie can t believe her luck finally an adventure has come her way! She has boots on and torch in hand before Pip has even put down her hot chocolate.

    • ¥95 折扣:3折
    • 【预订】Henri Matisse (The Great Masters of Art),亨利马蒂斯 英文原版艺术图书
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Markus Müller /2017-09-28/ Hirmer Publishers
    • Henri Matisse created an oeuvre that is unparalleled in its brilliance and originality. His colorfully luminescent paintings are a sweeping affirmation of joie - de - vivre, levity and sensitivity. Featuring well - researched texts and numerous illustrations, this volume offers fascinating insights into the life and artistic development of Henri Matisse Henri Matisse, one of the preeminent pioneers of modern art. When people think of Matisse s art, they tend to remember above all the famous cut - o uts from the last years of his life. He created these at a time when he was already confined to his bed and traded his brush for scissors. In the new volume of the The Great Masters of Art series, Markus M ller knowledgeably and vividly describes how Matis se s artistic oeuvre developed towards these color - intensive and near - abstract works. An illustrated biography, as well as archive finds the author was able to include thanks to his close connection to the artist s estate, present Matisse as an artist whos e

    • ¥81 折扣:3折
    • 【T&H】August Sander 奥古斯特·桑德 摄影师档案
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Susanne Lange /2019-01-24/ Thames & Hudson
    • August Sander(1876-1964)是一位纪录片摄影师,他对德国人民的一系列肖像研究跨越了三个时代 - 德意志帝国,魏玛共和国和纳粹德国 - 以及每一个社会阶层,在历史的动荡时期形成了一个迷人的社会镜像。 凭借沉着冷静,桑德镜头下的银行家,拳击手,士兵和马戏表演者,是令人印象深刻的诚实形象,也实现了他的*一的抱负:讲述人性的真相。 August Sander (1876 1964) was a documentary photographer whose greatest project lasted his entire working life. His series of portrait studies of the German people spanned three eras the German Empire, the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany and every social class, combining to form a fascinating social mirror of the country over a tumultuous period in its history. Working with calm determination, Sander cast the same lucid eye on bankers and boxers, soldiers and circus performers, creating strikingly honest images that fulfil his sole ambition: to tell

    • ¥84 折扣:2.9折