Business revolves around making decisions, often riskydecisions, usually with incomplete information and too often inless time than we need. Executives at every level, in everyindustry, are confronted with information overload, less leeway formistakes, and a business environment that changes rapidly. In lightof this increased pressure and volatility, the old-fashioned waysof making decisions–depending on intuition, common sense, andspecialized expertise–are simply no longer sufficient. Distillingover thirty years of groundbreaking research, WinningDecisions , written by two seasoned business advisers and worldleaders in behavioral decision studies, is a comprehensive,one-of-a-kind guide to the proven methods of making criticalbusiness decisions confidently, quickly–and correctly. Decision-making is a business skill which managers often take forgranted in themselves and others–but it's not as easy as some mightthink. The authors, whose expertise has been sought out by over ahundred companies, includi
Michael Goldhaber, writing in Wired, said, "If there isnothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you applyyourself you won't get noticed and that increasingly means youwon't get paid much either. In times past you could be obscure yetsecure -- now that's much harder." Again: the white collar job as now configured is doomed. Soon.("Downsizing" in the nineties will look like small change.) Sowhat's the trick? There's only one: distinction. Or as we call it,turning yourself into a brand . . . Brand You. A brand is nothing more than a sign of distinction. Right? Nike.Starbucks. Martha Stewart. The point (again): that's not the waywe've thought about white collar workers--ourselves--over the pastcentury. The "bureaucrat" on the finance staff is de factofaceless, plugging away, passing papers. But now, in our view, she is born again, transformed frombureaucrat to the new star. She works in a professional servicefirm and works on projects that she'll be able to brag about yearsfrom now. I call
"Oh, screw it, let's do it." That's the philosophy that has allowed Richard Branson, inslightly more than twenty-five years, to spawn so many successfulventures. From the airline business (Virgin Atlantic Airways), tomusic (Virgin Records and V2), to cola (Virgin Cola), to retail(Virgin Megastores), and nearly a hundred others, ranging fromfinancial services to bridal wear, Branson has a track recordsecond to none. Losing My Virginity is the unusual, frequently outrageousautobiography of one of the great business geniuses of our time.When Richard Branson started his first business, he and his friendsdecided that "since we're complete virgins at business, let's callit just that: Virgin." Since then, Branson has written his own"rules" for success, creating a group of companies with a globalpresence, but no central headquarters, no management hierarchy, andminimal bureaucracy. Many of Richard Branson's companies--airlines, retailing, andcola are good examples--were started in the face of
The Profit Zone, a Business Week Top Ten Book of the Year,examines 12 of today's great success stories--from GE toSwatch--and reveals how vital adaptations kept these companies onthe edge of the ever-changing profit zone. Charts graphsthroughout.
From the man the Wall Street Journal hailed as "theguru of Revenue Management" comes revolutionary ways to recoverfrom the after effects of downsizing and refocus your business ongrowth. Whatever happened to growth? In Revenue Management, RobertG. Cross answers this question with his ground-breaking approach torevitalizing businesses: focusing on the revenue side of the ledgerinstead of the cost side. The antithesis of slash-and-burn methodsthat left companies with empty profits and dissatisfiedstockholders, Revenue Management overturns conventionalthinking on marketing strategies and offers the key to initiatingand sustaining growth. Using case studies from a variety of industries, smallbusinesses, and nonprofit organizations, Cross describes no-tech,low-tech, and high-tech methods that managers can use to increaserevenue without increasing products or promotions; predict consumerbehavior; tap into new markets; and deliver products and servicesto customers effectively and efficiently
“I’ve got the name for our publishing operation. We just saidwe were going to publish a few books on the side at random. Let’scall it Random House.” So recounts Bennett Cerf in this wonderfullyamusing memoir of the making of a great publishing house. Anincomparable raconteur, possessed of an irrepressible wit and anabiding love of books and authors, Cerf brilliantly evokes theheady days of Random House’s first decades. Part of the vanguard of young New York publishers whorevolutionized the book business in the 1920s and ’30s, Cerf helpedusher in publishing’s golden age. Cerf was a true personality,whose other pursuits (columnist, anthologist, author, lecturer,radio host, collector of jokes and anecdotes, perennial judge ofthe Miss America pageant, and panelist on What’s My Line? )helped shape his reputation as a man of boundless energy andenthusiasm and brought unprecedented attention to his company andto his authors. At once a rare behind-the-scenes account of bookpublishing and a fascinat
An Apple Store customer asks for the latest iPhone in blackbut suddenly changes to white when he sees others choosing it. Acitizen of a former communist country picks~ a drink at random;soda is soda, he says. A young man and woman decide tomarry--knowing that they'll meet for the first time on theirwedding day. In THE ART OF CHOOSING, Columbia University profes- sor SheenaIyengar, a leading expert on choice, asks fascinating questions:Are our choices innate or created by culture? Why do we sometimeschoose against our best interests? How much control do we reallyhave? What's the relationship between choice and freedom? Drawingon her award-winning, discipline: spanning research, thisremarkable book illuminates the joys and challenges ofchoosing--and shows us how we can choose better, one choice at atime.
In this updated paperback edition of a "rich, readable, andauthoritative" Fortune) book, Wall Street Journal reporterPetzinger tells the dramatic story of how a dozen men, includingRobert Crandall of American Airlines, Frank Borman of Eastern, andRichard Ferris of United, battled for control of the world'sairlines Radio drive-time pubilcity.
The devaluation of the American dollar, with the subsequentinflation, iseerily similar to the chaotic markets of the 1970s.The factors that createdthe stagflation and the gold and silverbull markets of the late seventiesand early eighties are back. AsYogi Berra said, "It's deja vu all overagain." Only this time,they're even more exaggerated-offeringonce-in-a-lifetimeopportunities for middle-class Americans, if they lookbeyond theWall Street stock-market propaganda. This book can helpyoupanic-proof your life and your finances, and reap huge profitswithrelatively small investments in gold, silver, certain ETFs,mutual funds,and mining stocks.How to Prosper During the Coming BadYears in the 21st Century is amust-have survival and moneymakingguide for people who want to profit fromthe rough economic seasthat are upon us-and come through with their shareof treasure.--This text refers to the Kindle Edition.
Go from being a good manager to an extraordinary leader. If you read nothing else on leadership, read these 10 articles.We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articleson leadership and selected the most important ones to help youmaximize your own and your organization's performance. HBR's 10 Must Reads On Leadership will inspire you to: - Motivate others to excel - Build your team's self-confidence in others - Provoke positive change - Set direction - Encourage smart risk-taking - Manage with tough empathy - Credit others for your success - Increase self-awareness - Draw strength from adversity
Named one of the Best Business Books of 1997 by BusinessWeek , Inside Intel is the gripping business saga of acompany that rose to dominance through technological innovation,and maintained its leadership against competitors throughaggressive marketing, tough business tactics, and liberal use oflegal firepower. In his in-depth portrait of Intel, the firsthistory/expose of the company, Financial Times columnist Tim Jackson reveals that: * Intel's corporate culture isdeterminedly secretive and authoritarian. * The company retains itsown force of private investigators to prevent its employees fromgoing astray. * Intel routinely uses the threat of lawsuits againstworkers and rivals. At the center of this story is AndyGrove , Intel's high-profile CEO and chairman, once a pennilessimmigrant who waited tables to put himself through college. It isGrove who has made the unpopular decisions which have kept Intel atthe top of the chip market. Exhaustively researched from courtrecords, unpublished documents,
If starting a company is difficult, leading a company once thebusiness has caught fire is infinitely more so. Thousands ofstartups each year approach the dangerous transition that DougTatum calls No Man’s Land—when they are too big too be consideredsmall but still too small to be considered big. Tatum offers the navigational rules these companies need, andvaluable case studies of emerging growth businesses that succeededor failed during No Man’s Land.
In this instant New York Times Bestseller, Geoff Smart andRandy Street provide a simple, practical, and effective solution towhat The Economist calls “the single biggest problem in businesstoday”: unsuccessful hiring. The average hiring mistake costs acompany $1.5 million or more a year and countless wasted hours.This statistic becomes even more startling when you consider thatthe typical hiring success rate of managers is only 50percent. The silver lining is that “who” problems are easily preventable.Based on more than 1,300 hours of interviews with more than 20billionaires and 300 CEOs, Who presents Smart and Street’s A Methodfor Hiring. Refined through the largest research study of its kindever undertaken, the A Method stresses fundamental elements thatanyone can implement–and it has a 90 percent success rate. Whether you’re a member of a board of directors looking for a newCEO, the owner of a small business searching for the right peopleto make your company grow, or a pare
在线阅读本书 Under Andy Grove’s leadership,Intel has become the worlds largestchip maker and one of the most admired companies in the world.Inonly the Paranoid Survive, Grove reveals his strategy of focusingon a new way of measuring the nightmare moment every leaderdreads——when massive change occurs and a company must,yirtuallyovernight adapt or fall by the wayside.Grove calls such a moment aStrategic Inflection Point,which can be set off by almostanything:mega-competition, a change in regulations, or a seeminglymodest change in technology. When a Strategic Inflection Pointhits, the ordinary rules of business go out the window. Yetman-aged right, a Strategic Inflection Point can be and opportunityto win in the marketplace and emerge stronger than ever. Groveunderscores his message by examining his own record of success andfailure, including how he navigated the events of the Pentium flaw,which threatened Intel's reputation in 1994, and how he has dealtwith the explosions in growt
The Pixar Touch is a lively chronicle ofPixar Animation Studios' history and evolution, and the “fraternityof geeks” who shaped it. With the help of animating genius JohnLasseter and visionary businessman Steve Jobs, Pixar has become thegold standard of animated filmmaking, beginning with a shortspecial effects shot made at Lucasfilm in 1982 all the way upthrough the landmark films Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, and others. David A. Price goes behind the scenes of the corporatefeuds between Lasseter and his former champion, Jeffrey Katzenberg,as well as between Jobs and Michael Eisner. And finally he exploresPixar's complex relationship with the Walt Disney Company as ittransformed itself into the $7.4 billion jewel in the Disneycrown.
YaYa CEO Ferrazzi works with "Inc." writer Raz to explain theguiding principles he has mastered over a lifetime of reaching outto explain what it takes to build the kind of lasting, mutuallybeneficial relationships that lead to professional and personalsuccess.
In THE FINANCIALCRISIS INQUIRY REPORT,the facts about thefinancial and economic crises that engulf the world will speak forthemselves. Formed in May 2009, the Financial Crisis InquiryComission (FCIC) is a panel of ten commissioners chosen by the U.S.Congress to explain what happened , why it happened, and what couldhave been done to prevent it. On December 15th, 2010, thecommission will release their official report to the President,Congress , and the World. 金融危机调查报告将合盘托出席卷全球的金融与经济危机的来龙去脉及真相,并让事实来说话。2009年5月由十名专家组成金融危机调查委员会授命于国会,专门负责调查金融危机成因,进而总结教训、提出改进建议。他们就20多项议题展开了重点调查。2010年12月15日美国金融危机调查委员会将向美国总统,美国国会和全世界公布其终的调查结果,并授权美国小布朗出版公司授权以图书的形式向全球发行其官方调查报告。
Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career atGeneral Electric, he led the company to year-after-year successaround the globe, in multiple markets, against brutdl competition.His honest, be-the-best style of management b ame the goldstandard in business, with his relentless focus on people,teamwork, and profits. And now he has written a book that clearlylays out the answers to the most difficult questions people faceboth on and offthe job. Winning is destined to become the bible ofbusiness for generations to come. Anyone who has a passion for success will find Welch'soptimistic, no excuses, getqt-done mind-set riveting. Packed withpersonal anecdotes and written in Jack's distinctive no b.s. voice,Winning offers deep insights, original thinking, and solutions tonuts-and-bolts problems that will change forever the way peoplethink about work. "There is a lifetime of wisdom about business, and life, packedinto Jack Welch's Winning. It is unquestionably the best managementbook to come along in
Companies have long engaged in head-to-head competition insearch of sustained, profitable growth. They have fought forcompetitive advantage, battled over market share, and struggled fordifferentiation. Yet in today’s overcrowded industries, competing head-on resultsin nothing but a bloody “red ocean” of rivals fighting over ashrinking profit pool. In a book that challenges everything youthought you knew about the requirements fro strategic success, W.Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne contend that while most companiescompete within such red oceans, this strategy is increasinglyunlikely to create profitable growth in the future. Based on a study of 150 strategic moves spanning more then ahundred years and thirty industries, Kim and Mauborgne argue thattomorrow’s leading companies will succeed not by battlingcompetitors, but by creating “blue ocean” of uncontested marketspace ripe for growth. Such strategies moves—termed “valueinnovation”-create powerful leaps in value for both th
A compelling vision. Bold leadership. Decisive action.Unfortunately, these prerequisites of success are almost always theingredients of failure, too. In fact, most managers seeking tomaximize their chances for glory are often unwittingly settingthemselves up for ruin. The sad truth is that most companies haveleft their futures almost entirely to chance, and don’t evenrealize it. The reason? Managers feel they must make choices withfar-reaching consequences today, but must base those choices onassumptions about a future they cannot predict. It is thiscollision between commitment and uncertainty that creates THESTRATEGY PARADOX. This paradox sets up a ubiquitous but little-understood tradeoff.Because managers feel they must base their strategies onassumptions about an unknown future, the more ambitious of themhope their guesses will be right – or that they can somehow adaptto the turbulence that will arise. In fact, only a small number oflucky daredevils prosper, while many more unfortunate, bu