In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. In Getting Things Done , veteran coach and management consultantDavid Allen shares the breakthrough methods for stress-freeperformance that he has introduced to tens of thousands of peopleacross the country. Allen's premise is simple: our productivity isdirectly proportional to our ability to relax. Only when our mindsare clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve effectiveproductivity and unleash our creative potential. In GettingThings Done Allen shows how to:
Michael Goldhaber, writing in Wired, said, "If there isnothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you applyyourself you won't get noticed and that increasingly means youwon't get paid much either. In times past you could be obscure yetsecure -- now that's much harder." Again: the white collar job as now configured is doomed. Soon.("Downsizing" in the nineties will look like small change.) Sowhat's the trick? There's only one: distinction. Or as we call it,turning yourself into a brand . . . Brand You. A brand is nothing more than a sign of distinction. Right? Nike.Starbucks. Martha Stewart. The point (again): that's not the waywe've thought about white collar workers--ourselves--over the pastcentury. The "bureaucrat" on the finance staff is de factofaceless, plugging away, passing papers. But now, in our view, she is born again, transformed frombureaucrat to the new star. She works in a professional servicefirm and works on projects that she'll be able to brag about yearsfrom now. I call
Cathie Black is the wise, funny mentor that every woman dreamsof having. She was a pioneer in advertising sales at a time whenwomen didn’t sell; served as president and publisher of thefledgling USA Today ; and, in her current position as thepresident of Hearst Magazines, persuaded Oprah to launch amagazine. In 2006 she was named one of Fortune’s “50 Most PowerfulWomen in American Business” for the seventh consecutive year. Now,in the exuberant, down-to-earth voice that is her trademark, Cathieexplains how she achieved “the 360° life”—a blend of professionalaccomplishment and personal contentment—and how any woman can seizeopportunity in the workplace. No matter where you are in your career, Basic Black offersinvaluable lessons that will help you land the job, promotion, orproject you’re vying for. At the core of the book are Cathie’scandid, personal stories. She walks us through her decision to riskdropping a huge ad agency that handled the USA Today campaign in favor of a small bo
In his bestselling first book, Getting Things Done ,veteran coach and management consultant David Allen presented hisbreakthrough methods to increase efficiency. Now "the personalproductivity guru" ( Fast Company ) shows readers how toincrease their ability to work better, not harder—every day. Basedon Allen’s highly popular e-newsletter, Ready for Anything offers readers 52 ways to immediately clear your head forcreativity, focus your attention, create structures that work, andtake action to get things moving. With wit, inspiration, and know-how, Allen shows readers how tomake things happen—with less effort and stress, and lots moreenergy, creativity, and effectiveness. Ready for Anything isthe perfect book for anyone wanting to work and live at his or hervery best.
"Oh, screw it, let's do it." That's the philosophy that has allowed Richard Branson, inslightly more than twenty-five years, to spawn so many successfulventures. From the airline business (Virgin Atlantic Airways), tomusic (Virgin Records and V2), to cola (Virgin Cola), to retail(Virgin Megastores), and nearly a hundred others, ranging fromfinancial services to bridal wear, Branson has a track recordsecond to none. Losing My Virginity is the unusual, frequently outrageousautobiography of one of the great business geniuses of our time.When Richard Branson started his first business, he and his friendsdecided that "since we're complete virgins at business, let's callit just that: Virgin." Since then, Branson has written his own"rules" for success, creating a group of companies with a globalpresence, but no central headquarters, no management hierarchy, andminimal bureaucracy. Many of Richard Branson's companies--airlines, retailing, andcola are good examples--were started in the face of
The Profit Zone, a Business Week Top Ten Book of the Year,examines 12 of today's great success stories--from GE toSwatch--and reveals how vital adaptations kept these companies onthe edge of the ever-changing profit zone. Charts graphsthroughout.
From the man the Wall Street Journal hailed as "theguru of Revenue Management" comes revolutionary ways to recoverfrom the after effects of downsizing and refocus your business ongrowth. Whatever happened to growth? In Revenue Management, RobertG. Cross answers this question with his ground-breaking approach torevitalizing businesses: focusing on the revenue side of the ledgerinstead of the cost side. The antithesis of slash-and-burn methodsthat left companies with empty profits and dissatisfiedstockholders, Revenue Management overturns conventionalthinking on marketing strategies and offers the key to initiatingand sustaining growth. Using case studies from a variety of industries, smallbusinesses, and nonprofit organizations, Cross describes no-tech,low-tech, and high-tech methods that managers can use to increaserevenue without increasing products or promotions; predict consumerbehavior; tap into new markets; and deliver products and servicesto customers effectively and efficiently
An Apple Store customer asks for the latest iPhone in blackbut suddenly changes to white when he sees others choosing it. Acitizen of a former communist country picks~ a drink at random;soda is soda, he says. A young man and woman decide tomarry--knowing that they'll meet for the first time on theirwedding day. In THE ART OF CHOOSING, Columbia University profes- sor SheenaIyengar, a leading expert on choice, asks fascinating questions:Are our choices innate or created by culture? Why do we sometimeschoose against our best interests? How much control do we reallyhave? What's the relationship between choice and freedom? Drawingon her award-winning, discipline: spanning research, thisremarkable book illuminates the joys and challenges ofchoosing--and shows us how we can choose better, one choice at atime.
In this updated paperback edition of a "rich, readable, andauthoritative" Fortune) book, Wall Street Journal reporterPetzinger tells the dramatic story of how a dozen men, includingRobert Crandall of American Airlines, Frank Borman of Eastern, andRichard Ferris of United, battled for control of the world'sairlines Radio drive-time pubilcity.
Named one of the Best Business Books of 1997 by BusinessWeek , Inside Intel is the gripping business saga of acompany that rose to dominance through technological innovation,and maintained its leadership against competitors throughaggressive marketing, tough business tactics, and liberal use oflegal firepower. In his in-depth portrait of Intel, the firsthistory/expose of the company, Financial Times columnist Tim Jackson reveals that: * Intel's corporate culture isdeterminedly secretive and authoritarian. * The company retains itsown force of private investigators to prevent its employees fromgoing astray. * Intel routinely uses the threat of lawsuits againstworkers and rivals. At the center of this story is AndyGrove , Intel's high-profile CEO and chairman, once a pennilessimmigrant who waited tables to put himself through college. It isGrove who has made the unpopular decisions which have kept Intel atthe top of the chip market. Exhaustively researched from courtrecords, unpublished documents,
Andrew Grove is President of Intel, America's leadingmanufacturer of computer chips. However, the management techniqueshe unveils in this bestselling and user-friendly guide are equallyapplicable for sales managers, accountants, consultants, eventeachers--anyone whose job entails getting a group of people toproduce something of value.
在线阅读本书 Under Andy Grove’s leadership,Intel has become the worlds largestchip maker and one of the most admired companies in the world.Inonly the Paranoid Survive, Grove reveals his strategy of focusingon a new way of measuring the nightmare moment every leaderdreads——when massive change occurs and a company must,yirtuallyovernight adapt or fall by the wayside.Grove calls such a moment aStrategic Inflection Point,which can be set off by almostanything:mega-competition, a change in regulations, or a seeminglymodest change in technology. When a Strategic Inflection Pointhits, the ordinary rules of business go out the window. Yetman-aged right, a Strategic Inflection Point can be and opportunityto win in the marketplace and emerge stronger than ever. Groveunderscores his message by examining his own record of success andfailure, including how he navigated the events of the Pentium flaw,which threatened Intel's reputation in 1994, and how he has dealtwith the explosions in growt
The Pixar Touch is a lively chronicle ofPixar Animation Studios' history and evolution, and the “fraternityof geeks” who shaped it. With the help of animating genius JohnLasseter and visionary businessman Steve Jobs, Pixar has become thegold standard of animated filmmaking, beginning with a shortspecial effects shot made at Lucasfilm in 1982 all the way upthrough the landmark films Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, and others. David A. Price goes behind the scenes of the corporatefeuds between Lasseter and his former champion, Jeffrey Katzenberg,as well as between Jobs and Michael Eisner. And finally he exploresPixar's complex relationship with the Walt Disney Company as ittransformed itself into the $7.4 billion jewel in the Disneycrown.
In THE FINANCIALCRISIS INQUIRY REPORT,the facts about thefinancial and economic crises that engulf the world will speak forthemselves. Formed in May 2009, the Financial Crisis InquiryComission (FCIC) is a panel of ten commissioners chosen by the U.S.Congress to explain what happened , why it happened, and what couldhave been done to prevent it. On December 15th, 2010, thecommission will release their official report to the President,Congress , and the World. 金融危机调查报告将合盘托出席卷全球的金融与经济危机的来龙去脉及真相,并让事实来说话。2009年5月由十名专家组成金融危机调查委员会授命于国会,专门负责调查金融危机成因,进而总结教训、提出改进建议。他们就20多项议题展开了重点调查。2010年12月15日美国金融危机调查委员会将向美国总统,美国国会和全世界公布其终的调查结果,并授权美国小布朗出版公司授权以图书的形式向全球发行其官方调查报告。
MAKE RICK PITINO YOUR PERSONAL COACH AND ACHIEVE MORE THAN YOUEVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE. For Rick Pitino, the first coach to bring teams from threedifferent schools to the Final Four, success isn’t aboutshortcuts. Pitino’s secret–and the reason he has become botha great coach and one of the most sought-after motivationalspeakers in the nation–is his strategy of overachievement. Now, in Success Is a Choice, he takes the same proven methods thathave earned him and his teams legendary status and gives you aten-step plan of attack that will help you become a winner atanything you set your mind to:
Reading this book will make you less sure of yourself—andthat’s a good thing. In The Invisible Gorilla, Christopher Chabrisand Daniel Simons, creators of one of psychology’s most famousexperiments, use remarkable stories and counterintuitive scientificfindings to demonstrate an important truth: Our minds don’t workthe way we think they do. We think we see ourselves and the worldas they really are, but we’re actually missing a whole lot. Chabris and Simons combine the work of other researchers withtheir own findings on attention, perception, memory, and reasoningto reveal how faulty intuitions often get us into trouble. In theprocess, they explain: ? Why a company would spend billions to launch a product that itsown analysts know will fail ? How a police officer could run right past a brutal assaultwithout seeing it ? Why award-winning movies are full of editing mistakes ? What criminals have in common with chess masters ? Why measles and other c
The only book that looks at the business of concert promotion.Concerts are part art, part party--and a big part business. "ThisBusiness of Concert Promotion and Touring" is the first to focus onthat all-important business aspect, from creating a show, toselling a show, to organizing the show, to staging the show.Working with venues, personnel, booking, promoting, marketing,publicity, public relations, financial management, and much moreare covered in this indispensable one-volume resource. And theideas and techniques explained here can be used for every type ofconcert promotion, including college shows, artist showcases, clubgigs, as well as major events handled by local promoters,nationwide promoters, and worldwide promoters. Concert promotersand tour managers at every level need to know "This Business ofConcert Promotion and Touring"
One of the most popular and respected style guides ever written,this handbook by a seasoned writer with more than forty years ofexperience offers ten principles and seven axioms that professionalwriters use to express their thoughts clearly and effectively. Thislatest edition is expanded to include an extensive glossary ofAmerican idiomatic expressions, developed to assist users fromother backgrounds and cultures; new chapters with tips onlittle-known facts of usage, such as compound words, hyphenation,numeration, and capitalization; and explanations of technicalproblems encountered in writing and editing with tips and exercisesto help solve them. For anyone faced with the challenges of writtenEnglish, Writing with Precision can help readers write moreclearly, more effectively, and more precisely than they everhave. Previous editions of Writing with Precision have beenselected by the Writer's Digest , McMillan , Fortune , and Reader's Digest book clubs.
Why do many people and companies crumble in the face ofdifficulty, while others use adversity to bounce back evenstronger? Here from New York Times bestselling author KeithMcFarland is a leadership fable for those wary of fables, a storythat rejects pat, heard-it-before advice and shows–in a startlinglyfresh way–how to use challenges to make both yourself and yourorganization stronger. Mike Maloney, division manager for Boston-area tech firm CRX,returns from a business trip late one night feeling demoralized.His unit is about to lose its biggest customer and its mostvaluable employee. Mike wonders how much longer he and his staffcan keep up their relentless work schedule and meet uppermanagement’s new request for cost cuts. Something has to give.Hoping to blow off steam, he heads to a gym, where he runs intoJoe, a former army Ranger. After listening to Mike vent about the cards he’s been dealt, theex-soldier says, "Sounds like your company is ready to bounce."Mike looks confused, so Joe begins tu
All around the world, The Secret is guiding millions to the life of their dreams. Now, with The Secret Daily Teachings, creator of The Secret Rhonda Byrne takes you through the next vital steps in living The Secret. With 365 brand new insights that build on The Secret's powerful truths, your knowledge of the law of attraction is about to expand far beyond what you can imagine. More joy, abundance, and blessings -- every single day of the year. For more information about The Secret, visit