The Pixar Touch is a lively chronicle ofPixar Animation Studios' history and evolution, and the “fraternityof geeks” who shaped it. With the help of animating genius JohnLasseter and visionary businessman Steve Jobs, Pixar has become thegold standard of animated filmmaking, beginning with a shortspecial effects shot made at Lucasfilm in 1982 all the way upthrough the landmark films Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, and others. David A. Price goes behind the scenes of the corporatefeuds between Lasseter and his former champion, Jeffrey Katzenberg,as well as between Jobs and Michael Eisner. And finally he exploresPixar's complex relationship with the Walt Disney Company as ittransformed itself into the $7.4 billion jewel in the Disneycrown.
A black swan is a highly improbable event with threeprincipal characteristics: It is unpredictable; it carries amassive impact; and, after the fact, we concoct an explanation thatmakes it appear less random, and more predictable, than it was. Theastonishing success of Google was a black swan; so was 9/11. ForNassim Nicholas Taleb, black swans underlie almost everything aboutour world, from the rise of religions to events in our own personallives. Why do we not acknowledge the phenomenon of black swans untilafter they occur? Part of the answer, according to Taleb, is thathumans are hardwired to learn specifics when they should be focusedon generalities. We concentrate on things we already know and timeand time again fail to take into consideration what we don’t know.We are, therefore, unable to truly estimate opportunities, toovulnerable to the impulse to simplify, narrate, and categorize, andnot open enough to rewarding those who can imagine the“impossible.” For years, Taleb has studie
The extraordinary breakthrough management program--heralded byGE, Motorola, and AlliedSignal--that is sweeping corporate Americawith its unprecedented ability to achieve superior financialresults. Six Sigma is the most powerful breakthrough management tool everdevised, promising increased market share, cost reductions, anddramatic improvements in bottom-line profitability for companies ofany size. The darling of Wall Street, it has become the mantra ofFortune 500 boardrooms around the world because it works. What is Six Sigma? It is first and foremost a business processthat enables companies to increase profits dramatically bystreamlining operations, improving quality, and eliminating defectsor mistakes in everything a company does, from filling out purchaseorders to manufacturing airplane engines. While traditional qualityprograms have focused on detecting and correcting defects, SixSigma encompasses something broader: It provides specific methodsto re-create the process itself so that def
In THE FINANCIALCRISIS INQUIRY REPORT,the facts about thefinancial and economic crises that engulf the world will speak forthemselves. Formed in May 2009, the Financial Crisis InquiryComission (FCIC) is a panel of ten commissioners chosen by the U.S.Congress to explain what happened , why it happened, and what couldhave been done to prevent it. On December 15th, 2010, thecommission will release their official report to the President,Congress , and the World. 金融危机调查报告将合盘托出席卷全球的金融与经济危机的来龙去脉及真相,并让事实来说话。2009年5月由十名专家组成金融危机调查委员会授命于国会,专门负责调查金融危机成因,进而总结教训、提出改进建议。他们就20多项议题展开了重点调查。2010年12月15日美国金融危机调查委员会将向美国总统,美国国会和全世界公布其终的调查结果,并授权美国小布朗出版公司授权以图书的形式向全球发行其官方调查报告。
From the man the Wall Street Journal hailed as "theguru of Revenue Management" comes revolutionary ways to recoverfrom the after effects of downsizing and refocus your business ongrowth. Whatever happened to growth? In Revenue Management, RobertG. Cross answers this question with his ground-breaking approach torevitalizing businesses: focusing on the revenue side of the ledgerinstead of the cost side. The antithesis of slash-and-burn methodsthat left companies with empty profits and dissatisfiedstockholders, Revenue Management overturns conventionalthinking on marketing strategies and offers the key to initiatingand sustaining growth. Using case studies from a variety of industries, smallbusinesses, and nonprofit organizations, Cross describes no-tech,low-tech, and high-tech methods that managers can use to increaserevenue without increasing products or promotions; predict consumerbehavior; tap into new markets; and deliver products and servicesto customers effectively and efficiently
New rules for the new game: the ideas that every business needs to win in the customereconomy In The Agenda , Michael Hammer showscompanies how to prosper in today’s world of slow growth, fiercecompetition, and enormously powerful customers. The winners in thisextraordinarily difficult environment—companies like IBM, DukePower, Progressive Insurance, and GE—succeed through superioroperations. Their costs are lower and their quality higher thantheir competitors’; they get new products to market faster and theyprovide better customer service. How do they do it? Throughnear-fanatical attention to the basics of business, and by managingthese basics in new and creative ways. The Agenda teaches the ideas and techniques that anycompany—large or small, service ?rm or manufacturer—can use toout-execute and out-innovate its competitors. Businesses thatfollow these principles will grow by taking market share away fromthose that do not. While others decline, your company can thri
Goldman Sachs are the investment bank all other banks - andmostbusinesses - want to emulate; the firm with the best talent,the best clients,the best strategy. But is their success just downto the gilded magic ofthe 'Goldman way'?
The universal laws of business success . . . no matter whetheryou are selling fruit from a stand or running a Fortune 500company. Have you ever noticed that the business savvy of theworld's best CEOs seems like a kind of street smarts? They sensewhere the opportunities are and how to take advantage of them. Andtheir companies make money consistently, year after year. Howdifferent is it to run a big company than to sell fruit from a cartor run a small shop in a village? In essence, not very, accordingto Ram Charan. From his childhood in India, where he worked in hisfamily's shoe shop, to his education at Harvard Business School andhis daily work advising many of the world's best CEOs, Ramunderstands business as few can. The best CEOs have a knack forbringing the most complex business down to the fundamentals—thesame fundamentals of the family shoe shop. They have businessacumen—the ability to focus on the basics and make money for thecompany. What the CEO Wants You to Know captures these insights an
The Accidental Millionaire is the memoir of Gary Fong, would-be slacker who revolutionized wedding photography, inventor of popular photography aids, entrepreneur, contrarian, bon vivant and a man who really, really didn't want to become a doctor. A first-generation Chinese-American, Gary was raised in one of Los Angeles' least-desirable neighborhoods and was forced to deal―in his own quirky and often very funny way―with the burdens of poverty, crime and his parents' relentless aspirations. These issues almost overwhelmed him until he had a dramatic epiphany. Spotting a bumper sticker that read "Since I gave up hope, I feel much better," Gary promptly did just that. He stopped trying and started succeeding. At turns hilarious, insightful and instructive, The Accidental Millionaire is Horatio Alger-meets-David Sedaris. Turning the traditional self-help principles upside down, The Accidental Millionaire disdains the goal-oriented approaches of traditional self-help philosophies. Sometimes not k
Corporate candy giants Milton Hershey and Forrest Mars builtbusiness empires out of one of the world's most magical,sought-after substances: chocolate. In The Emperors of Chocolate,Jo?l Glenn Brenner--the first person to ever gain access to thehighly secretive companies of Hershey and Mars--spins a uniquestory that takes us inside a world as mysterious as Willy Wonka'sChocolate Factory. Packed with flavorful stories and outrageouscharacters that give the true scoop on this real-life candyland,The Emperors of Chocolate is a delectable read for business buffsand chocoholics alike. Start reading and you'll soon be hungry formore.
Knowledge has become the most important factor in economiclife. It is the chief ingredient of what we buy and sell, the rawmaterial with which we work. Intellectual capital--not naturalresources, machinery, or even financial capital--has become the oneindispensable asset of corporations. Intellectual Capital is a groundbreaking book, visionaryin scope and practical in applications, that offers powerful newways of looking at what companies do and how to lead them. It isthe first book to show how to turn the untapped, unmapped knowledgeof an organization into its greatest competitive weapon. Intellectual Capital cuts through the vague rhetoric of"paradigm shifts" to show how the Information Age economy reallyworks--and how to make it work for you and your business. Readerswill learn how to discover and map the human, structural, andcustomer capital that embody the knowledge assets of a corporation;how successful companies manage their intellectual capital toimprove performance; how intellectual capital
True leadership isn't a matter of having a certain job ortitle. In fact, being chosen for a position is only the first ofthe five levels every effective leader achieves. To become morethan "the boss" people follow only because they are required to,you have to master the ability to invest in people and inspirethem. To grow further in your role, you must achieve results andbuild a team that produces. You need to help people to developtheir skills to become leaders in their own right. And if you havethe skill and dedication, you can reach the pinnacle ofleadership-where experience will allow you to extend your influencebeyond your immediate reach and time for the benefit ofothers. The 5 Levels of Leadership are: 1. Position - People follow because they have to. 2. Permission - People follow because they want to. 3. Production - People follow because of what you have done forthe organization. 4. People Development - People follow because of what you havedone for them personall
那些没有找到真正财富——存在的欢乐以及与它紧密联系在一起的深深的不可动摇的宁静——的人就是故事中的那个乞丐,即便已经拥有很多财富,但他们依然在四处找寻。他们不知道,自己不仅已经拥有了所有这些,还拥有了更为珍贵的东西,那就是——当下的力量。 阅读本书的过程是一个发现之旅。在作者这位心灵导师的引导下,你会惊讶地发现,自己一直都处在大脑或思维的控制之下,生活在对时间的永恒焦虑中。我们忘不掉过去,更担心未来。但实际上,我们只能活在当下,活在此时此刻,所有的一切都是在当下发生的,而过去和未来只是一个无意义的时间概念。通过向当下的臣服,我们才能找到真正的力量,找到获得平和与宁静的入口。 这不仅仅是一本书,在这本书中还有活生生的能量,当你读这本书时你可能会感受到这种能量。它有一种惊
For more than fifteen years, Robin Sharma has been quietly sharing with Fortune 500 companies and many of the super-rich a success formula that has made him one of the most sought-after leadership advisers in the world. Now, for the first time, Sharma makes his proprietary process available to you, so that you can get to your absolute best while helping your organization break through to a dramatically new level of winning in these wildly uncertain times.
MAKE RICK PITINO YOUR PERSONAL COACH AND ACHIEVE MORE THAN YOUEVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE. For Rick Pitino, the first coach to bring teams from threedifferent schools to the Final Four, success isn’t aboutshortcuts. Pitino’s secret–and the reason he has become botha great coach and one of the most sought-after motivationalspeakers in the nation–is his strategy of overachievement. Now, in Success Is a Choice, he takes the same proven methods thathave earned him and his teams legendary status and gives you aten-step plan of attack that will help you become a winner atanything you set your mind to:
Too many people assume the timeless principles of trueleadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’tapply Monday through Friday during work hours or in anycircumstance where a paycheck is involved. In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in thispowerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of agenuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, andcolleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished thanthey are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking andextraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys toachieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and ReplicateYourself. Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATERTHAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s businessleaders can learn.
Bestselling author Harvey Mackay reveals his techniques forthe most essential tool in business--networking, the indispensableart of building contacts. Now in paperback, Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty is HarveyMackay's last word on how to get what you want from the worldthrough networking. For everyone from the sales rep facing acareer-making deal to the entrepreneur in search of capital, DigYour Well explains how meeting these needs should be no more than afew calls away. This shrewdly practical book distills Mackay'swisdom gleaned from years of "swimming with sharks," including:
Book De*ion Fascinating notes from astreet-smart executive. McCormack shows how to read people, createthe right impression, take the leading edge, sell successfully, andmore. From AudioFile Before he died last year, the founder of the premier sportsmanagement firm in the world gave us many superb audios onmanaging, communication, and practical leadership. In his 1985breakthrough work, he summarized the principles that formalbusiness education overlooks or obliterates. This abridged editionis really a primer--an introduction to a caliber of thinking andteaching that has few equals in the audio repertoire. Thelimitations of a one-hour version of this outstanding work arepartially overcome by introductory questions read by an uncreditedspeaker. For the full lesson from a great man and authenticbusiness teacher, get the unabridged edition of the sequel--WHATTHEY STILL DON'T TEACH YOU AT HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL. T.W. Book Dimension : length: (cm)23.2 width:(cm)15.4
The bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and Primal Leadership now brings us EcologicalIntelligence —revealing the hidden environmental consequences ofwhat we make and buy, and how with that knowledge we can drive theessential changes we all must make to save our planet andourselves. We buy “herbal” shampoos that contain industrial chemicals thatcan threaten our health or contaminate the environment. We divedown to see coral reefs, not realizing that an ingredient in oursunscreen feeds a virus that kills the reef. We wear organic cottont-shirts, but don’t know that its dyes may put factory workers atrisk for leukemia. In Ecological Intelligence , DanielGoleman reveals why so many of the products that are labeled greenare a “mirage,” and illuminates our wild inconsistencies inresponse to the ecological crisis. Drawing on cutting-edge research, Goleman explains why we asshoppers are in the dark over the hidden impacts of the goods andservices we make and consume, vict
Book De*ion A new 21st century individualism is overtaking“corporation-as-king” capitalism, transforming the way we work andlive. Today, real power rests in the hands of creative individualslike Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, and StevenSpielberg, who are changing the world one great idea at a time. InTHE 80/20 INDIVIDUAL, Richard Koch reveals the secret of theirsuccess: they discovered what they do better than anyone else androde it for all its worth. In this inspiring sequel to his classic bestseller THE 80/20PRINCIPLE, Koch shows how to maximize success in your career andlife by using the proven principle that 80 percent of changes inthe world result from the most powerful 20 percent of actions andideas. He’ll show how to use your own powerful “20 percent spike” –your most creative ideas and unique skills – to measure the amountof value you bring to your employer, clients or customers. For mostpeople, there is a huge disparity between their intrinsic value andth
Creative folks often know all too well that the muse doesn’talways strike when you want it to, or when the deadline for yournext brilliant project is creeping up on you like an ill-fittingturtleneck. Originality doesn’t follow a time clock, even when youhave to. While conventional time management books offer tons ofinstruction for using time wisely, they are traditionally organizedin a linear fashion, which just isn’t helpful for the right-brainmind. In Time Management for the Creative Person , creativityguru Lee Silber offers real advice for using the strengths ofartistic folks—like originality and resourcefulness—to adoptinnovative time-saving solutions, such as: * Learning to say no when your plate is just too full * How to know when a good job, not a great one, is goodenough * Making “to do” lists that include fun stuff, too—that way youwon’t feel overwhelmed by work * Time-saving techniques around the house that give you more timeto get your work done and more time to spend with your
Leadership guru Maxwell, who successfully bridged secular andChristian markets with such motivational titles as The 21Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and Developing the Leader WithinYou, draws on Old Testament paragons in this gifty inspirationalhardback. Maxwell asks readers to envision the great "cloud ofwitnesses" (Heb. 12:1) said to surround us as we run the marathonof life, imagining that this cloud includes "the giants of thefaith"-biblical heroes whose lives impart meaningful lessons. Heincludes the usual suspects: the David-tackles-Goliath taledemonstrates how people can rise above their limitations, whileNoah exemplifies a willingness to take new risks (i.e., build aboat when no one had seen rain before). But there are boldermoments, too. Maxwell uses Rebekah as a model of generous giving (awelcome and underutilized virtue in business titles) and providessome gee-whiz facts to drive the point home: he estimates that towater Jacob's 10 camels, Rebekah needed about 200 gallons of water,requiring
Most people think success comes from good luck or enormoustalent, but many successful people achieve their accomplishments ina simpler way: through self-discipline. No Excuses! shows youhow you can achieve success in all three major areas of your life,including your personal goals, business and money goals, andoverall happiness. Each of the 21 chapters in this book shows you how to be moredisciplined in one aspect of your life, with end-of-chapterexercises to help you apply the "no excuses" approach to your ownlife. With these guidelines, you can learn how to be moresuccessful in everything you do--instead of wistfully envyingothers you think are just "luckier" than you. A littleself-discipline goes a long way…so stop making excuses and readthis book!