This unique book shows why many believe Chinais the next "tidal wave" of opportun ty for art collector.s: thesheer creative output,the artistic variety and diversity nowblooming from within a country where,only a few decades ago, suchexpression would be repressed. In the West, contemporary Chinese art haeethe subject of intense fascination and speculation. In thiook,writer and photographer Jon Burris profiles twenty-five topcontemporary Chinese painters, sculptors,photographers, andconceptual artists, taking the reader into their studios andpresenting intimate glimpses into their life and work. As a result,he offers a lingering portrait of the contemporary Chinese artscene. From the symbolist paintings of Zhang Xiaogang,to the cynical realist works of Yue Minjun and the political popcanvases of Wang Guangyi, Burris details the historical, political,and cultural mimesis shaping China's contemporary artists.Amust-have book for admirers of contemporary Chinese art.
本书从《列异传》、《搜神记》、《幽明录》、《世说新语》等汉魏六朝(公元前206—公元589年)小说中遴选90篇,展示了中国古代小说童年期的大致面貌。 汉魏六朝小说大致可分为三种,类是记叙神、仙、鬼、怪的志怪书,如《列异传》、《搜神记》等等,第二类记叙历史人物事件但掺杂了较多怪诞无稽的内容,有人称它们为杂史杂传,如《燕丹子》、《汉武故事》等等,第三类是记叙当时名士的卓然不群的举止言行的志人书,如《世说新语》等等。这些古小说除杂史杂传的篇幅较长之外,大都是丛残小语,故事粗陈梗概,有的还谈不上是故事。它们文字简古,但文约而事丰,用极简练的文字就可以叙说极复杂的事物。 汉魏六朝小说很早就流传到国外。本书选用的英文译本,系中国著名的文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇所译。这是当今众多英译本中的一种。
本书从《列异传》、《搜神记》、《幽明录》、《世说新语》等汉魏六朝(公元前206—公元589年)小说中遴选90篇,展示了中国古代小说童年期的大致面貌。 汉魏六朝小说大致可分为三种,类是记叙神、仙、鬼、怪的志怪书,如《列异传》、《搜神记》等等,第二类记叙历史人物事件但掺杂了较多怪诞无稽的内容,有人称它们为杂史杂传,如《燕丹子》、《汉武故事》等等,第三类是记叙当时名士的卓然不群的举止言行的志人书,如《世说新语》等等。这些古小说除杂史杂传的篇幅较长之外,大都是丛残小语,故事粗陈梗概,有的还谈不上是故事。它们文字简古,但文约而事丰,用极简练的文字就可以叙说极复杂的事物。 汉魏六朝小说很早就流传到国外。本书选用的英文译本,系中国著名的文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇所译。这是当今众多英译本中的一种。
Las estampas de a?o nuevo son una forma artística folclórica de mucho arraigo en China. Se trata de una variedad independiente de pintura tradicional que llama mucho la atención por su colorido. Por estampas de a?o nuevo se entienden las obras pintadas y pegadas en las fachadas e interiores de las residencias chinas en vísperas de a?o nuevo, confeccionadas por talleres locales de artesanía. Desde el punto de vista genérico, las estampas se refieren a toda pintura creada por artesanos folclóricos, reproducida a través de la escultura, que refleja la vida urbana y rural. Las estampas folclóricas de a?o nuevo de China no sólo son vistosas y ricas en contenido y formas de expresión, sino también en significación cultural e histórica. El presente libro divide la presentación de las distintas estampas en cinco grupos: dioses de la puerta, dioses folclóricos, ni?os y beldades, costumbres y festividades, y cuentos y representaciones teatrales. Todas las ilustraciones, cuya gran parte es obra de grande
Yuan Longping, the renowned and respected Chinese scientist often taken for a farmer, has found the world a way out of famine. Unde-terred by the prevailing ignorance of heterosis in rice and other self-pollinating plants, he has dedicated himself to research into hybrid rice since the 1960s, and his feats have won him the accolade "father of hybrid rice" and earned him the honor of being made foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences Why is Yuan so obsessed by hybrid rice research? How did he manage with such simple conditions, scarce aterials, backward technol-ogy and insufficient information? What global impacts will Yuan and his team have? This book may give the answers.
《三国演义》是中国古代部长篇章回小说,是历史演义小说的经典之作。是历史演义小说的经典之作。小说描写了公元3世纪以曹操、刘备、孙权为首的魏、蜀、吴三个政治、军事集团之间的矛盾和斗争,在广阔的社会历史背景上,展示出那个时代尖锐复杂又极具特色的政治军事冲突,在政治、军事谋略方面,对后世产生了深远的影响。本书语言生动、场面宏大、个性鲜明,塑造出曹操、刘备、关羽、张飞等许多不朽的历史人物形象,其出色的文学成就,使它的影响事实已深入到中国文学、艺术及社会生活的方方面面。 《三国演义》成书于公元14世纪的元末明初。在此之前,已有许多三国故事在民间广为流传。《三国演义》在社会上流行的版本很多,此次翻译时,我们选用了清代康熙年间的毛宗岗评本。 从17世纪末开始《三国演义》就被译成外文在世界传播。我
Yuan Longping, the renowned and respected Chinese scientist often taken for a farmer, has found the world a way out of famine. Unde-terred by the prevailing ignorance of heterosis in rice and other self-pollinating plants, he has dedicated himself to research into hybrid rice since the 1960s, and his feats have won him the accolade "father of hybrid rice" and earned him the honor of being made foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences Why is Yuan so obsessed by hybrid rice research? How did he manage with such simple conditions, scarce aterials, backward technol-ogy and insufficient information? What global impacts will Yuan and his team have? This book may give the answers.