Originally published as two distinct collections, "Depraved andInsulting English" brings to light the language's most offensiveand obscene words--words that have fallen out of today's lexiconbut will no doubt delight, amuse, and in some cases provesurprisingly useful. Who hasn't searched for the right word todescribe a colleague's maschalephidrosis (runaway armpitperspiration) or a boss's pleonexia (insane greed)? And what betterway is there to insult the scombroid landlord (resembling amackerel) or that tumbrel of a brother-in-law (a person who isdrunk to the point of vomiting) than by calling him by his rightfulname? A compact compendium of ingenious words for anyone who's beentongue-tied, flabbergasted, or dumbfounded, "Depraved and InsultingEnglish" supplies the appropriate vocabulary for any occasion. Wordlovers, chronic insulters, berayers, bescumbers, and bespewers needfear no more--finding the correct word to wow your friends orsilence your enemies just got a whole lot easier.
1949年的纽约,曼哈顿一间没有暖气的公寓里,三十三岁嗜书如命的穷作家海莲,偶然看到一则伦敦旧书店的广告,她苦于在纽约买不到心仪的书,便凭着一腔莽撞,开始向这个伦敦地址的马克斯科恩书店写信购书。这一写,就写了二十年。 给海莲回信和寻书的,是书店的经理弗兰克,一个温雅古板又谦和善良的英国绅士。海莲的信热烈真挚,幽默活泼,看了好书欣喜若狂,看了坏书娇蛮大骂,关于书的评论文字,全是性灵之作。弗兰克博学儒雅,一直在兢兢业业设法寻求她要的好书。他们之间的距离,不再是伦敦到纽约的距离,而是书与书之间的距离。相知无远近,天涯若为邻。 后来,汉芙把自己和弗兰克以及其他店员之间的信件加以编选,变成了一本我们现在所见的小书《查令十字街84号》(84, Charing Cross Road)。这本书出乎意外地一版再版,被翻译成很多国家
Why is it that some writers struggle for months to come up withthe perfect sentence or phrase while others, hunched over akeyboard deep into the night, seem unable to stop writing? In TheMidnight Disease, neurologist Alice W. Flaherty explores themysteries of literary creativity: the drive to write, what sparksit, and what extinguishes it. She draws on intriguing examples frommedical case studies and from the lives of writers, from FranzKafka to Anne Lamott, from Sylvia Plath to Stephen King. Flaherty,who herself has grappled with episodes of compulsive writing andblock, also offers a compelling personal account of her ownexperiences with these conditions.
The cowboy that enigmatic, larger-than-life icon of our culturehas long been considered a figure of fast hands, steel nerves, andfew words. But according to Ramon Adams, cowboys, once amongthemselves, enjoyed a vivid, often boisterous repartee. You mightsay that around a campfire they could make more noise than ajackass in a tin barn. Here in one volume is a complete guide tocowboy-speak. Like many of todays foreign language guides, thishandy book is organized not alphabetically but situationally, lestyou find yourself in Texas at a loss for words. There are sectionson the ranch, the cowboys duties, riding equipment, the roundup,roping, branding, even square dancing. There are words and phrasesyoull recognize because theyve filtered into everyday language bluelightnin, star gazin, the whole shebang plus countless others that,sadly, are seldom heard in current speech: lonely as a preacher onpay night, restless as a hen on a hot griddle, crooked as a snakein a cactus patch. As entertaining as it is authoritati
美国南北战争前夕,南方农场塔拉种植园的千金斯嘉丽在得知自己一直爱慕的另一个农场主的儿子阿什利将要娶妻,于是勇敢向他示爱,遭到拒绝,为了报复,她嫁给了自己不爱的男人——阿什利妻子梅兰妮的弟弟查尔斯。? 战争期间,斯嘉丽成为寡妇,生下幼子,在经历亚特兰大的城破被焚之日后,她带着刚生产完毕、身体虚弱的梅兰妮回到了塔拉,本以为是回到温馨的家,不想面前景象一派残破——母亲去世,父亲深受打击失智,两个妹妹也在死亡的边缘徘徊,棉花被毁——她挑起生活的重担,不再是当初的千金小姐。战争结束后,她为了种植园不落入他人之手,四处觅钱,甚至不惜抢了自己妹妹的未婚夫。同时,她为了撑死亚特兰大的小家,更为了塔拉的大家,她不得不在怀孕期间仍撑着办理锯木厂,却遭受他人口实。而在第二任丈夫被枪杀之后,她又再
十堰,作为汉江上一颗璀璨的明珠,其地处鄂西生态文化旅游圈的核心位置,山水文化旅游资源丰富。为了让更多的国际友人了解汉江,亲临十堰,感受其独特魅力,提升汉江旅游产业软实力,实现其健康、快速、可持续发展,从事汉江文化研究的专家学者们共同开展汉水流域(十堰段)旅游资源译介工作,撰写、译著完成了《魅力汉江之带老外逛十堰》。 《魅力汉江之带老外逛十堰》包括四个部分,分别为:第一部分:全景十堰(General View of Shiyan City);第二部分:问道武当(Visiting Wudang Mountains);第三部分:探秘神农(Exploring Shennongjia Forest);第四部分:十堰周边(Shiyan Suburbs)。
This is the book on all of Tolkien's invented languages,spoken by hobbits, elves, and men of Middle-earth -- a dicitonaryof fourteen languages, an English-Elvish glossary, all the runesand alphabets, and material on Tolkien the linguist.
How do we know a cat is a cat? And why do we call it a cat? Howmuch of our perception of things is based on cognitive ability, andhow much on linguistic resources? Here, in six remarkable essays,Umberto Eco explores in depth questions of reality, perception, andexperience. Basing his ideas on common sense, Eco shares a vastwealth of literary and historical knowledge, touching on issuesthat affect us every day. At once philosophical and amusing, Kantand the Platypus is a tour of the world of our senses, told by amaster of knowing what is real and what is not.