Portable and precise, this pocket-sized guide delivers immediate answers for the day-to-day administration of Web servers running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0. Zero in on core IIS support procedures and everyday tasks using quick- reference tables, step-by-step instructions, and lists. You get the focused, streamlined information you need to solve problems and get the job done--whether you're at your desk or in the field!
本书为读者提供了一条掌握HTML和XHTML并且制作网页的捷径,通过详细的讲解以及配套的多媒体课程,读者不仅可以迅速学习如何使用Word 2003、FrontPages 2003和HTML/XHTML制作网页,还可以学会如何放置文本、设定色彩、创建超链接和书签、整合声音和视频、制作表格、创建用户登录界面以及制作下拉菜单等等。