《示性类》内容简介:The text which follows is based mostly on lectures at PrincetonUniversity in 1957. The senior author wishes to apologize for the delayin publication.The theory of characteristic classes began in the year 1935 with almostsimultaneous work by HASSLER WHITNEY in the United States andEDUARD STIEFEL in Switzerland. StiefeI's thesis, written under thedirection of Heinz Hopf, introduced and studied certain "characteristic"homology classes determined by the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold.Whitney, then at Harvard University, treated the case of an arbitrary spherebundle. Somewhat later he invented the language of cohomology theory,hence the concept of a characteristic cohomology class, and proved thebasic product theorem.
本书是为高等院校理工科学生编写的英语科技论文翻译与写作教程,内容包括英语科技论文的基本特征,如分类方式、写作规范、文体特征等;英语文献阅读和检索的常规方法;英文科技论文的翻译过程、典型结构的翻译方式,及其翻译标准、技巧;科技论文的架构、组织和撰写,摘要、引言、正文、讨论、结论、致谢、参考文献等的写法以及投稿的相关问题;科技论文写作的一些技巧,如文本的组织、编辑,以及文献管理等方面的技巧和方法。 本书可供高等院校理工科本科生、研究生教学、自学使用,也可供科研人员参考。