A carefully prepared account of thebasic ideas in Fourier analysis and its applications to the studyof partial differential equations. The author succeeds to make hisexposition accessible to readers with a limited background, forexample, those not acquainted with the Lebesgue integral. Readersshould be familiar with calculus, linear algebra, and plexnumbers. At the same time, the author has managed to includediscussions of more advanced topics such as the Gibbs phenomenon,distributions, Sturm-Liouville theory, Cesaro summability andmulti-dimensional Fourier analysis, topics which one usually doesnot find in books at this level. A variety of worked examples andexercises will help the readers to apply their newly acquiredknowledge.
Except for minor modifications, this monograph represents the lecture notes of a course I gave at UCLA during the winter and spring quarters of 1991. My purpose in the course was to present the necessary background material and to show how ideas from the theory of Fourier integral operators can be useful for studying basic topics in classical analysis, such as oscillatory integrals and maximal functions. The link between the theory of Fourier integral operators and classical analysis is of course not new, since one of the early goals of microlocal analysis was to provide variable coefficient versions of the Fourier transform. However, the primary goal of this subject was to develop tools for the study of partial differential equations and, to some extent, only recently have many classical analysts realized its utility in their subject.
本书是世界知名统计学家的力作,主要内容有多元正态分布、方差分析、回归分析、因子分析、椭球等高分布、相依性模式、图模型。附录中还列出了矩阵理论、Wilk似然准则和其他常用检验的显著性水平的分位数。 本书在世界各高等学校中广为采用,是一本经典的多元统计分析课程的教材,也可供相关统计研究人员、应用多元统计的科技工作者参考。
本书系统讨论再生核理论及其在数学领域中的应用,内容包括再生核的一般性质。半内积空间的再生核、W2m空间的再生核、解析函数空间再生核的基本理论和构造方法,以及再生核在样条函数、插值与逼近、算子方程中的应用,同时还介绍了再生核空间中的逼近和算子理论等方面的基本内容,本书的主要特色:将W2m严空间的内积和再生核理论纳入半内积空间理论的统一框架;用Green函数方法统一讨论W2m严空间的再生核的构造;对几类常系数微分算子所对应的再生核进行了详细讨论,并探讨了再生核理论中的GrPen函数方法与其他方法的联系;介绍了再生核与样条函数的若干联系。 本书可作为高等院校数学专业高年级大学生、研究生和教师的教材或教学参考书,也可供工科相关专业的研究生和工程技术人员参考。
Except for minor modifications, this monograph represents the lecture notes of a course I gave at UCLA during the winter and spring quarters of 1991. My purpose in the course was to present the necessary background material and to show how ideas from the theory of Fourier integral operators can be useful for studying basic topics in classical analysis, such as oscillatory integrals and maximal functions. The link between the theory of Fourier integral operators and classical analysis is of course not new, since one of the early goals of microlocal analysis was to provide variable coefficient versions of the Fourier transform. However, the primary goal of this subject was to develop tools for the study of partial differential equations and, to some extent, only recently have many classical analysts realized its utility in their subject.
本书以Guttman的内部一致性准则作为对应分析的基本数学模型,介绍了若干种与之等价的数学模型,讨论了对应分析与主成分分析之间的关系,对于有序数据和多维表数据,介绍了对应分析的具体算法,书中以专门一章介绍了对应分析的变量选择方法(逐步对应分析),并以若干应用实例证明了它的功效。 本书既可作为统计学专业本科生和研究生的教学参考书,又可为与应用统计有关各领域的科研工作者和工程技术人员提供参考。
Nonsmooth analysis refers to differential analysis in the absence of differentiability. It can be regarded as a subfield of that vast subject known as nonlinear analysis. While nonsmooth analysis has classical roots (we claim to have traced its lineage hack to Dini), it is only in the last decades that the subject has grown rapidly. To the point, in fact, that further development has sometimes appeared in danger of being stymied, due to the plethora of definitions and unclearly related theories.
Except for minor modifications, this monograph represents the lecture notes of a course I gave at UCLA during the winter and spring quarters of 1991. My purpose in the course was to present the necessary background material and to show how ideas from the theory of Fourier integral operators can be useful for studying basic topics in classical analysis, such as oscillatory integrals and maximal functions. The link between the theory of Fourier integral operators and classical analysis is of course not new, since one of the early goals of microlocal analysis was to provide variable coefficient versions of the Fourier transform. However, the primary goal of this subject was to develop tools for the study of partial differential equations and, to some extent, only recently have many classical analysts realized its utility in their subject.
本书是一本小波分析的入门书,着重于样条小波和时频分析。书中基本内容有Fourier分析、小波变换、尺度函数、基数样条分析、基数样条小波、小波级数、正交小波和小波包。本书内容安排由浅入深,算法推导详细,既有理论,又有应用背景。 本书自成体系,只要求读者具有函数论和实分析的一些基础知识,适合作为高等院校理工科小波分析的入门教材,也适合科技工作者用作学习小波的指导读物。
图兰所著的《数学分析中的一个新方法及其应用》共分的两部分,部分为丢番图近似法理论中若 干较新的问题,第二部分为应用。 《数学分析中的一个新方法及其应用》适合 生、研究生及数学爱好者阅读参考。
本书系统讨论再生核理论及其在数学领域中的应用,内容包括再生核的一般性质。半内积空间的再生核、W2m空间的再生核、解析函数空间再生核的基本理论和构造方法,以及再生核在样条函数、插值与逼近、算子方程中的应用,同时还介绍了再生核空间中的逼近和算子理论等方面的基本内容,本书的主要特色:将W2m严空间的内积和再生核理论纳入半内积空间理论的统一框架;用Green函数方法统一讨论W2m严空间的再生核的构造;对几类常系数微分算子所对应的再生核进行了详细讨论,并探讨了再生核理论中的GrPen函数方法与其他方法的联系;介绍了再生核与样条函数的若干联系。 本书可作为高等院校数学专业高年级大学生、研究生和教师的教材或教学参考书,也可供工科相关专业的研究生和工程技术人员参考。
这是由数学大师、菲尔兹暨沃尔夫奖得主Hormander撰写的一部经典的数学著作。作者用统一的观点处理多复变的基本内容,包括单复变解析函数、多复变函数的基本性质、多复变函数在交换巴拿赫代数中的应用、e算子的存在性定理和L2方法、Stein流形、解析函数的局部性质以及Stein流形上的凝聚解析层等7章内容,最为精彩的是关于e算子的L2方法的介绍,其叙述方式至今依然被奉为范本。全书每章都有注记,介绍相关知识点的发展历史等。 本书可作为高等院校数学系研究生教材和相关研究人员的参考书。