本书根据A?Rushton,A?S?Ward,R?G?Holdich所著《Solid?Liquid Filtration and Separation Technology》第二版译出。 本书共11章,分别论述了固液两相过滤与分离技术的原理与工艺。包括过滤、沉降增浓、澄清、离心分离、过滤介质、预处理(絮凝、凝聚)技术、后处理过程、膜技术、过滤工艺设备及计算等,并有颗粒性质、料浆流变学及计算机文件格式三个附录。 全书理论分析全面、系统,覆盖面宽,资料新,并介绍了一些新的理论与新的研究成果。内容中理论与实际应用并重、工艺与计算并重,是近几年来国外出版固液分离方面难得的一本专著。 本书可供从事固液分离技术及设备研究、设计、生产与选型等的工程技术人员使用,亦可作为化工、石化、能源、环保、制药、食品、矿产品加工等相关专业教师、研究生、本科生的教学参考书。
本书根据A?Rushton,A?S?Ward,R?G?Holdich所著《Solid?Liquid Filtration and Separation Technology》第二版译出。 本书共11章,分别论述了固液两相过滤与分离技术的原理与工艺。包括过滤、沉降增浓、澄清、离心分离、过滤介质、预处理(絮凝、凝聚)技术、后处理过程、膜技术、过滤工艺设备及计算等,并有颗粒性质、料浆流变学及计算机文件格式三个附录。 全书理论分析全面、系统,覆盖面宽,资料新,并介绍了一些新的理论与新的研究成果。内容中理论与实际应用并重、工艺与计算并重,是近几年来国外出版固液分离方面难得的一本专著。 本书可供从事固液分离技术及设备研究、设计、生产与选型等的工程技术人员使用,亦可作为化工、石化、能源、环保、制药、食品、矿产品加工等相关专业教师、研究生、本科生的教学参考书。
thiook provides the first self-contained prehensiveexposition of the theory of dynamical systems as a coremathematical discipline closely intertwined with most of the mainareas of mathematics. the authors introduce and rigorously developthe theory while providing researchers interested in applicationswith fundamental tools and paradigms. the book begins with a discussion of several elementary butfundamental examples. these are used to formulate a program for thegeneral study of asymptotic properties and to
This book grew out of lectures that I gave in the framework of a graduate course in quantum theory of many-body systems at the Applied Physics Department of Chalmers University of Technology and G6teborg University (Geteborg, Sweden)in the years 1992-1995. Its purpose is to give a pact and self-contained account of basic ideas and techniques of the theory from the "condensed matter" point of view. The book is addressed to graduate students with knowledge of standard quantum mechanics and statistical physics. (Hopefully, physicists working in other fields may also find it useful.)
本书内容包括:自旋-0粒子用的相对论波动方程;自旋-1/2粒子用的波动方程;Dirac方程的洛伦兹协变性;空间反射下的弦量;Dirac旋量的双直线协变式;能量和自旋用的投影算子;平面Dirac波的波包;外场中的Dirac粒子;双同心Dirac方程;空穴理论;Klein佯 谬;Weyl方程;任意自弦粒子用波动方程;洛伦兹不变性和相对论对称原理。 理论物理专业的大学生、教师、研究生及研究人员,以及广大爱好理论物理学的各方面人士。
This volume continues our series of texts devoted to functional analysis methods in mathematical physics. In Volume I we announced a table of contents for Volume II. However, in the preparation of the material it became clear that we would be unable to treat the subject matter in sufficient depth in one volume. Thus, the volume contains Chapters IX and X; we expect that a third volume will appear in the near future containing the rest of the material announced as "Analysis of Operators." We hope to continue this series with an additional volume on algebraic methods.
王方主编的《现代离子交换与吸附技术》介绍近 年来吸附分离功能高分子材料涉及的离子交换与吸附 技术的发展情况,力求体现技术的前瞻性和实用性。 全书分14章,分别介绍离子交换树脂、膜和纤维,以 及吸附树脂、活性炭等新型功能吸附分离材料的性能 、制备和应用。这些技术和新材料的重点应用领域有 水处理、环保、电力、核工业及冶金等。 本书可供吸附分离功能高分子材料研制和应用等 相关领域的科研人员及大专院校师生阅读参考。
The first edition of thiook was pleted in 1986, however, much of the material was written long before. It focused on the development of fourdimensional supersymmetric models including supergravity with emphasis on their ultraviolet properties. Already in 1983, our understanding of the finiteness of rigid supersymmetric theories had led to the realization that supersymmetry was most unlikely to solve the celebrated inconsistency of quantum mechanics and gravity. This, and the fact that many aspects Of supersymmetric theories had been worked out, lead to a search for new ideas. It was inevitable that string theory, which had been extensively developed in the late 1960's and early 1970's would be revived from its dormant state. We recall that supersymmetry was discovered independently in two ways, one of which was within the superstring which contained it as a symmetry. Also during the dormant stage, theoreticians had developed BRST symmetry, conformal models, the vertex operator representation of Liealgebras, t
Review: `Aexcellent text....The postulates of quantum mechanics and the mathematical underpinnings are discussed ia clear, succint manner. - AmericaScientist, from a review of the First EditioBook Description Reviews from the First Edition: "Aexcellent text … The postulates of quantum mechanics and the mathematical underpinnings are discussed ia clear, succinct manner." (AmericaScientist) "No matter how gently one introduces students to the concept of Dirac’ras and kets, many are turned off. Shankar attacks the problem head-oithe first chapter, and ia very informal style suggests that there is nothing to be frightened of." (Physics Bulletin) "This massive text of 700 and odd pages has indeed aexcellent get-up, is very verbal and expressive, and has extensively worked out calculational details---all just right for a first course. The style is conversational, more like a corridor talk or lecture notes, though arranged as a text. … It would be particularly useful to beginning students and t
《科学教材译丛 物理》是科学教育丛书系列中的一本。它风格独具、妙趣横生,英文原版是英国主流中学教材,深受广大师生欢迎。本翻译教材核心概念突出、知识应用宽泛、习题设计考究,将严谨而复杂的科学内容通过极有创意的版式、滑稽有趣的漫画、生动贴切的照片等深入浅出地呈现出来,这将极大提高学生对科学的学习兴趣。本教材既可作为广大中学生的课外阅读材料,也可作为广大教师的教学参考资料。
科学教育要反映科学的本质,物理学是基础科学,物理教育也要反映科学的本质, 在物理课程中进行科学本质教育似乎是不言自明的道理。但什么是科学本质?为什么要 进行科学本质教育?如何在物理课程中进行科学本质教育?这些问题似乎又很难回答, 因此成为科学教育和物理教育领域需要研究的问题。如果从1968年鲁滨逊《科学的本 质与科学教学》(The Nature of Science and Science Teaching)一书出版算起,国际科学 教育领域对科学本质教育的关注已有50多年的历史。20世纪80年代以来,关于科学本 质教育的研究得到普遍重视,已经成为当代热点之一,科学本质进入了多个国家的科学 课程(包括物理课程)标准,成为课程目标和内容的重要部分。但在我国的物理教育领 域中,科学本质教育尚未得到普遍关注和认同,直到《普通高中物理课程标准(2017年 版)》的颁布
本书介绍平面动力系统定性理论有意义的研究进展。内容包括中心和等时中心问题、多重Hopf分支、平面等变向量场的局部和全局分支。这和Hilben的6个问题直接相关。 本书可作为高等院校数学专业研究生的教材或教师的教学参考书,也可供相关专业的科研人员和工程技术人员参考。
本书以理工院校的大学物理和高等数学为基础,主要涉及狭义相对论的历史背景、时空观、光学、力学和电磁学;取材丰富,内容新颖,有不少独到的沦述;讨论了各式各样的(长度、时钟、超光、冲量、能量、电流、物体平衡……)佯谬以及容易混淆的概念,强调了同时概念的相对性和相对沦的性。 本书可作为高校的教学参考书,也是了解、研究狭义相对论的一本有价值的著作。