《固态物理学(卷)(英文版)》内容简介:Learning solid-state physics requires a certain degree of maturity, since it involvestying together diverse concepts from many areas of physics. The obiective is tounderstand, in a basic way, how solid materialehave. To do this one needotha good physical and mathematical background. One definition of soid-statephysics is that it is the study of the physical (e.g. the electrical, dielectric,magic, elastic, and thermal) properties of solids in terms of basic physical laws.In one sense, solid=state physics is more like chemistry than some other branchesof physicecause it focuses on mon properties of large classes of materials.It is typical that solid=state physics emphasizes how physical properties link to theelectronic structure. In thiook we will emphasize crystalline solids (which areperiodic 3D arrays of atoms).
为了满足读者对国外物理学著作的需求,科学出版社启动了引进国外著作的工作,这些图书几乎涉及了近代物理学的所有领域,既有阐述学科基本理论的经典名著,也有反映某一学科专题前沿的专著。 本书反映的是结构相变物理领域的前沿进展和热点,具有性、前瞻性和应用性强的特点,对有关方向的科研人员和研究生有重要的参考价值。