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    • DARKEST EVENING OF THE YE(ISBN=9780553841268) 英文原版
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Dean Koontz 著 /2008-07-01/ Random House US
    • Who will be with you in the darkesthour? Amy Redwing has devoted her life to rescuing dogs. But the uniquebond she shares with Nickie, a golden retriever she saves in themost dangerous encounter of her life, is deeper than any she hasever known. In one night, their loyalty will be put to the test,and each will prove to the other how far they will go – when thestakes turn deadly serious.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • BROTHER ODD (ISBN=9780553841053) 英文原版
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Dean Koontz 著 /2007-07-01/ Random House US
    • Loop me in, odd one. The words, spoken in the deep of night bya sleeping child, chill the young man watching over her. For thiswas a favorite phrase of Stormy Llewellyn, his lost love, andStormy is dead, gone forever from this world. In the haunted hallsof the isolated monastery where he had sought peace, Odd Thomas isstalking spirits of an infinitely darker nature. . . .BrotherOdd. Through two New York Times bestselling novels, Odd Thomas hasestablished himself as one of the most beloved and unique fictionalheroes of our time. Now, wielding all the power and magic of amaster storyteller at the pinnacle of his craft, Dean Koontzfollows Odd into a singular new world where he hopes to make afresh beginning—but where he will meet an adversary as old andinexorable as time itself.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • Lavender Lies(ISBN=9780425177006) 英文原版
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Susan Wittig Albert 著 /2000-10-01/ Penguin
    • "Good riddance", is the response of every Pecan Springsresident to the murder of local real estate shark Edgar Coleman. itdoesn't take long for China to learn that Coleman was havingnumerous affairs -- and was blackmailing City Council members fortheir votes on a bad land development deal. With her fianceimmersed in the murder investigation -- and the suspect listgrowing longer by the minute -- China can forget about a honeymoon,unless she can find the killer...

    • ¥26.4 折扣:3.9折
    • FOREVER ODD(ISBN=9780553588262) 英文原版
    •   ( 20 条评论 )
    • Dean Koontz 著 /2006-10-01/ Random House US
    • Every so often a character so captures the hearts andimaginations of readers that he seems to take on a life of his ownlong after the final page is turned. For such a character, one bookis not enough--readers must know what happens next. Now Dean Koontzreturns with the novel his fans have been demanding. With theemotional power and sheer storytelling artistry that are histrademarks, Koontz takes up once more the story of a unique younghero and an eccentric little town in a tale that is equal partssuspense and terror, adventure and mystery--and altogetherirresistibly odd. We're all a little odd beneath the surface. He'sthe most unlikely hero you'll ever meet--an ordinary guy with amodest job you might never look at twice. But there's so much moreto any of us than meets the eye--and that goes triple for OddThomas. For Odd lives always between two worlds in the small deserttown of Pico Mundo, where the heroic and the harrowing are everydayevents. Odd never asked to communicate with the dead--it'ssomething

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • DUST TO DUST(ISBN=9780553582529) 英文原版
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Tami Hoag 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Sorry. The single word was written on a mirror. In front of ithung the Minneapolis Internal Affairs cop. Was it suicide? Or akinky act turned tragic? Either way, it wasn't murder. At least notaccording to the powers that be. But veteran homicide detective SamKovac and his wisecracking, ambitious partner Nikki Liska thinkdifferently. Together they begin to dig at the too-neat edges ofthe young cop's death, uncovering one motive and one suspect afteranother. The shadows of suspicion fall not only on the city'selite, but into the very heart of the police department. Someonewants the case closed- quickly and forever. But neither Kovac norLiska will give up. Now both their careers and their lives are onthe line. From a murder case two months old to another case closedfor twenty years, Kovac and Liska must unearth a connection thekiller wants dead and buried. A killer who will stop at absolutelynothing to keep a dark and shattering secret . . .

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • BREATHLESS (ISBN=9780553840827) 英文原版
    •   ( 17 条评论 )
    • Dean Koontz 著 /2010-07-01/ Random House US
    • In the stillness of a golden September afternoon, deep in thewilderness of the Rockies, a solitary craftsman, Grady Adams, andhis magnificent Irish wolfhound, Merlin, step from shadow intolight...and into an encounter with mystery. That night, a pair ofsingular animals will watch Grady's isolated home, waiting to maketheir approach. A few miles away, Camillia Rivers, a local veterinarian, beginsto unravel the threads of a puzzle that will bring to her door allthe forces of a government in peril. At a nearby farm, long-estranged identical twins come togetherto begin a descent into darkness...In Las Vegas, a specialist inchaos theory probes the boundaries of the unknowable...On a Seattlegolf course, two men make matter-of-fact arrangements formurder...Along a highway by the sea, a vagrant scarred by the pastbegins a trek toward his destiny. In a novel that is at once wholly of our time and timeless,fearless and funny, Dean Koontz takes readers into the momentbetween one turn of the world and the next, acros

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • INTENSITY(ISBN=9780553582918) 英文原版
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Dean Koontz 著 /2000-10-01/ Random House US
    • Past midnight, Chyna Shepherd, twenty- six, gazed out a moonlitwindow, unable to sleep on her first night in the Napa Valley homeof her best friend's family. Instinct proves reliable. A murderoussociopath, Edgler Forman Vess, has entered the house, intent onkilling everyone inside. A self-proclaimed "homicidal adventure,"Vess lives only to satisfy all appetites as they arise, to immensehimself in sensation, to live without fear, remorse or limits, tolive with intensity. Chyna is trapped in his deadly orbit. Chyna is a survivor, toughened by a lifelong struggle for safetyand self-respect. Now she will be tested as never before. At firsther sole aim is to get out alive-until, by chance, she learns theidentity of Vess's next intended victim, a faraway innocent onlyshe can save. Driven by a newly discovered thirst for meaningbeyond mere self-preservation, Chyna musters every inner resourceshe has to save an endangered girl—as moment by moment, theterrifying threat Edgler Foreman Vess intensifies.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • MURDER ON THE POTOMAC(ISBN=9780449219379) 英文原版
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Margaret Truman 著 /1995-03-01/ Random House US
    • Mining crimes of the past and politics, Truman ( Murder at thePentagon ) scants the basic plotting requirements of her 11thCapital Crimes case, which is marred by superfluous unsolvedmurders and an unconvincing conclusion. When the body of PaulineJuris, personal secretary of wealthy developer Wendell Tierney, isfound in the Potomac River, Tierney calls former attorney, now lawprofessor, Mackenzie Smith for advice. Mac, whose beloved wifeAnnabel wants him to stop dabbling in detection, agrees to seeWendell, but he refuses to ferret out the police line on the case,even though a former student of his heads the investigation team.Tierney, becoming chief suspect when love letters, purportedly fromhim, are found in the dead woman's apartment, again begs for Mac'shelp. Both Mac and Annabel are drawn into the case, which takes onanother twist when the suspect's adopted son, Sun Ben Cheong, isarrested for money laundering. Truman plumps up Mac's low-keysleuthing with the goings on of the fictitious Scarlet Sin

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • Burned 燃烧
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • P. C. Cast 著 /1970-01-01/ 中国科学技术大学出版社
    • When friends stop trusting each other, Darkness is there to fan the flames…. Things have turned black at the House of Night. Zoey Redbird’s soul has shattered. With everything she’s ever stood for falling apart, and a broken heart making her want to stay in the Otherworld forever, Zoey’s fading fast. It’s seeming more and more doubtful that she will be able pull herself back together in time to rejoin her friends and set the world to rights. As the only living person who can reach her, Stark must find a way to get to her. But how? He will have to die to do so, the Vampyre High Council stipulates. And then Zoey will give up for sure. There are only 7 days left… Enter BFF Stevie Rae. She wants to help Z but she has massive problems of her own. The rogue Red Fledglings are acting up, and this time not even Stevie Rae can protect them from the consequences. Her kinda boyfriend, Dallas, is sweet but too nosy for his own good. The truth is, Stevie Rae’s hiding a secret that

    • ¥29.4 折扣:4.9折
    • TAKING, THE (ISBN=9780553584509) 英文原版
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Dean Koontz 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • In 1975, the now defunct Laser Books issued Invasion byAaron Wolfe, aka Koontz (who later expanded that novel into Winter Moon , 1994), a breakneck tale of alien invasioncentered on an isolated farm. Koontz's new novel also concernsalien invasion, and a comparison of the two books offers insightinto the evolution of this megaselling author's work. Invasion was mostly speed and suspense—a brilliant ifsuperficial exercise in terror. The new novel also featuresabundant suspense, as a couple in an isolated California homeendure a phosphorescent rain and learn that, around the world, something is attacking humans and laying waste tocommunications. It's only when they drive to a nearby town thatthey learn of a global alien invasion; the tension ratchets as aweird fog descends and the aliens not only manifest physically butanimate the dead. For years, however, Koontz has aimed at more thanjust thrills; today he is a novelist of metaphysics and moralreflection. His aliens are inherently evil as well as scary;s

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • SLEEPERS(ISBN=9780345404114) 英文原版
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Lorenzo Carcaterra 编 /1996-03-01/ Random House US
    • Undeniably powerful, an enormously affecting and intenselyhuman story. --The Washington Post Book World "A GUT-WRENCHING PIECE OF WORK. . . Carcaterra's graphic narrativegrips like gunfire in a dark alley." --The Atlanta Journal Constitution "In his controversial memoir SLEEPERS, Carcaterra remembersharrowing months in the Wilkinson Home for Boys and the elaboratevengeance he and his friends exacted against the guards. He tellsit all in spare, stylish prose . . . [with] relentless momentum andsheer drama. . . . SLEEPERS is a thriller, to be sure, but it isequally a wistful hymn to another age." --The Washington Post Book World "A TERRIFYING ACCOUNT OF BRUTALITY AND RETRIBUTION, searing in itsemotional truth, peopled with murderers, sadists, and thugs, butbiblical in its passion and scope." --People "SLEEPERS is so many things: a Dickensian portrait of coming of agein Hell's Kitchen, a terrifying and heartbreaking account of thebrutalization of youth, a shocking--and disturbinglysatisfying--climax worthy of

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • DROP SHOT(ISBN=9780440220459) 英文原版
    •   ( 49 条评论 )
    • Harlan Coben 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Valerie Simpson is a young female tennis star with a troubledpast who's now on the verge of a comeback and wants Myron as heragent. Myron, who's also got the hottest young male tennis star,Duane Richwood, primed to take his first grand slam tournament,couldn't be happier. That is, until Valerie is murdered in broaddaylight at the U.S. Open and Myron's number one client becomes thenumber one suspect. Clearing Duane's name should be easy enough.Duane was playing in a match at the time of Valerie's death. Butwhy is his phone number in Valerie's black book when he claims onlyto have known her in passing? Why was she calling him from a phonebooth on the street? The police stop caring once they pin themurder on a man known for having stalked Valerie and seen talkingto her moments before the murder. But Myron isn't satisfied. Itseems too clean for him. Myron pries a bit and finds himself pryingopen the past where six years before, Valerie's fiancee, the son ofa senator, was brutally murdered by a juvenile del

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • Sun Kissed (Bonus Book)(ISBN=9780451232908)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Catherine Anderson 著 /2012-01-01/ Penguin
    • When Samantha Harrigan attends the local rodeo, she doesn'texpect to wind up in jail. But that's what happens when she triesto stop a drunkard from abusing his horse. Tucker Coulter, ahandsome local veterinarian, comes to her defense, and both of themare arrested. The charges are dropped, but Sam's troubles have onlystarted...

    • ¥26.6 折扣:4.5折
    • SILENT PARTNER(ISBN=9780345460684) 英文原版
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Jonathan Kellerman 编 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • The bestselling author of "When The Bough Breaks," "BloodTest," and "Over The Edge" delivers the most stunning novel yet andfeaturing psychologist-detective Dr. Alex Delaware. At a party fora controversial Los Angeles sex therapist, Alex encounters a facefrom his own past--Sharon Ransom, an exquisite, alluring lover wholeft him abruptly more than a decade earlier. Sharon now hints thathe desperately needs help, but Alex evades her. The next day she isdead, an apparent suicide. Driven by guilt and sadness, Alexplunges into the maze of Sharon's life--a journey that will takehim through the pleasure palaces of California's ultra-rich, intothe dark closets of a family's disturbing past, and finally intothe alleyways of the mind, where childhood terrors still hold sway.Also available on BDD Audio Cassette.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • Second Chance
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2011-11-01/ Penguin
    • A group of friends that hasnt seen one another in years isreunited through tragedy. Working through their grief together,they find that each of their lives is impacted in ways they couldhave never foreseen, in this story of friendship, family, and lifecoming full circle.

    • ¥26 折扣:4.5折
    • KILL THE MESSENGER (ISBN=9780553840728) 英文原版
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • Tami Hoag 著 /2005-03-01/ Random House US
    • With this new thriller, The New York Times bestselling authorTami Hoag delivers her own message to suspense fans everywhere:Don't turn off the lights, and keep reading if you dare. From thegritty streets of Los Angeles to its most protected enclaves ofprestige and power to the ruthless glamour of Hollywood, a killerstalks his prey. A killer so merciless no one in his way issafe—not even the innocent. At the end of a long day battling street traffic, bike messengerJace Damon has one last drop to make. But en route to delivering apackage for one of L.A.'s sleaziest defense attorneys, he's nearlyrun down by a car, chased through back alleys, and shot at. Onlythe instincts acquired while growing up on the streets of L.A.allow him to escape with his life—and with the package someonewants badly enough to kill for. Jace returns to Lenny Lowell's office only to find the copsthere, the lawyer dead, and Jace himself considered the primesuspect in the savage murder. Suddenly he's on

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • TWISTED(ISBN=9780345465269) 英文原版
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Jonathan Kellerman 著 /2005-09-01/ Random House US
    • Hollywood homicide detective Petra Connor takes center stage inbestseller Kellerman's elaborate, suspenseful, albeit improbable,thriller. Connor, who assisted Kellerman's main series detective,psychologist Alex Delaware, in 2003's A Cold Heart, proves anengaging protagonist, fully capable of carrying a story on her own.She's investigating a seemingly random drive-by shooting thatclaimed four teenage victims when a precocious 22-year-old graduatestudent intern, Isaac Gomez, presents her with evidence that aserial killer has struck on the same day, June 28, every year forthe past six years. Though his proof relies entirely on astatistical analysis he's performed, his unquestioned brillianceprompts Connor to do a little extracurricular digging that turns upsuggestive clues supporting Gomez's theory. Meanwhile, afterdoggedly pursuing even the slightest lead in the drive-by shootingcase, Connor suspects that one of the victims, perhaps the one whowasn't claimed by any next-of-kin, was deliberately targeted. While

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • VELOCITY(ISBN=9780553588255) 英文原版
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • Dean Koontz 著 /2006-04-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion Dean Koontz’s uniquetalent for writing terrifying thrillers with a heart and soul isnowhere more evident than in this latest suspense masterpiece thatpits one man against the ultimate deadline. If there were speedlimits for the sheer pulse-racing excitement allowed in one novel,Velocity would break them all. Get ready for the ride of yourlife. From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. A diabolic killer plays a harrowing game of catand mouse with a reclusive bartender in Koontz's latest grippingsuspense thriller. Billy Wiles, a 30-something bartender and formerwriter, is content with his solitary Napa County existencelistening to "beer-based psychoanalysis" from tavern regulars;visiting his hospitalized, comatose fiancée, Barbara; and carvingwood sculptures. But the simple life gets mighty complicated whenhe finds a note with a deadly, time-sensitive ultimatum: he mustchoose between the death of a young schoolteacher or an elderlyhumanitarian in six hours. Reluctant local s

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • Firestarter
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Stephen King 著 /1981-01-01/ Penguin
    • Innocence and beauty ignite with evil and terror as a younggirl exhibits signs of a wild and horrifying force.

    • ¥25.3 折扣:4.5折