
  • 仅五星
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    • 天空之蓝
    •   ( 439 条评论 )
    • 乔治?巴塔耶 /2019-01-24/ 西南师范大学出版社
    • 经由这部20世纪的情爱经典,读者可以踏上战前法国知识分子心灵的黑暗之旅。 彼时,欧洲正疯狂滑向法西斯主义的深渊。正值西班牙内战,亨利 托普曼离开巴黎的病床,前往巴塞罗那,在那里见证了加泰罗尼亚大罢工。让他进退维谷的三个女人这时也来到了巴塞罗那:拉扎尔,马克思主义犹太人和政治活动家,如果被捕,她可能被佛朗哥政权迫害;蒂尔媞(多萝西娅),无节制的酒精沉迷者,她是托普曼的性伴侣;格耶妮,一个年轻女子,在巴黎期间,她曾照料发高烧的托普曼。 作为巴塔耶公开的政治作品之一,它将暴力、权力和死亡结成可怖的一体,同时探索性作为一种颠覆力量的模棱两可。

    • ¥29 ¥58 折扣:5折
    • 不可能
    •   ( 228 条评论 )
    • 乔治?巴塔耶 /2019-01-24/ 西南师范大学出版社
    • 本书由三个文本组成。 *个文本是D(狄亚努斯)的日志,它构成了被称为 鼠的故事 的*部分。这部分以D的视角展开,记述了他与B的情乱,同时,在这场混乱的激情中,A(阿尔法主教)作为一个衔接D与B之关系的人物在场。 *部分也涉及了D与E的情乱,而这构成了第二个文本的记述核心。第二部分被称为 狄亚努斯 ,是A的笔记。这部分以A的视角展开。 这两个文本共同结构了本书的故事。被称为 俄瑞斯忒斯 的第三部分则更像是一个总的视角,或者说,一则诗性概述。它由诗歌和诗论组成。巴塔耶写道: 为了在一片明显的不可能中抓住一丝可能,我必须首先想象相反的情境。

    • ¥26 ¥52 折扣:5折
    • SONNETS AND OTHER POEMS, THE(ISBN=9780812969207)
    •   ( 74 条评论 )
    • William Shakespeare 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Shakespeare became famous as a dazzling poet before most peopleeven knew that he wrote plays. His sonnets are the Englishlanguage's most extraordinary anatomy of love in all itsdimensions-desire and despair, longing and loss, adoration anddisgust. To read them is to confront morality and eternity in thesame breath. Produced under the editorial supervision of JonathanBate and Eric Rasmussen, two of today's most accomplishedShakespearean scholars, The Sonnets and Other Poems includes all ofShakespeare's sonnets, the long narrative poems "Venus and Adonis"and "The Rape of Lucrece," and several other shorter works.Incorporating definitive texts and authoritative notes from WilliamShakespeare: Complete Works, this unique volume also includes anexpanded Introduction by Jonathan Bate that places the poems inliterary and historical context and illuminates their relationshipto Shakespeare's dramatic writing. Also featured are key factsabout the individual selections; an index of the first lines of thesonnets; a chron

    • ¥30 折扣:5折
    • The Complete Plays of Aristophanes阿里斯托分的戏剧大全
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Aristophanes 著 /1984-03-01/ 贵州科技出版社
    • A poet who hated an age of decadence, armed conflict, and departure from tradition, Aristophanes' comic genius influenced the political and social order of his own fifth-century Athens. But as Moses Hadas writes in his introduction to this volume, 'His true claim upon our attention is as the most brilliant and artistic and thoughtful wit our world has known.' Includes The Acharnians, The Birds, The Clouds, Ecclesiazusae, The Frogs, The Knights, Lysistrata, Peace, Plutus, Thesmophoriazusae, and The Wasps.

    • ¥22 折扣:8.8折
    • 哈佛经典49-Epic&Saga
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • (美)爱略特 主编 /2006-09-01/ 万卷出版公司
    • Beowulf is not folk-song,but belongs to a much more conscious and devepoped stage of art than the popular.The exploits narrted in the poem belong to the life of Germanic peoples before they crossed the North Sea,and the least one of the characters can be identified whith a historical personage.Simple almple almost to bareness in style,withour subtlety or high imageination,the Song of Roland is yet not without grandeur;and its patriotic ardor gives it a place as the earliest of the truly national poems of the modern world,Of the lrish epic tales,The Destruction of DA Derga's Hostel is a specimen of remarkable beauty and power.The primitive nature of the story is shown by the fact that the plot turns upon the disasters that follow on the violation of tabus,or prohibitions often with a supernatural sanction,by the mostrous nature of many of the warrious,and by the utter absence of any attempt of rationalize or explain the beliefs implede or the marvels related in it.The powers and achievements of the heroes are

    • ¥27.6 折扣:6.9折
    • (哈佛经典13)Eneid of Vergil
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • (美)爱略特 主编 /2006-09-01/ 万卷出版公司
    • Virgil's AEneid is a eternalas Rome itself,a sweeping epci of arms and heroism-the searching portrait of a man caught between love and duty,human feeling and the forche of fate-that has influenced writers for over 2000 years.It is filled with drama,passion,and the universal pathos that only a masterpiece can express.The AEeid is a book for all the time and all people.The modern apprctiation of the Elliad and the Odyssey tends to carry with it a deperciation of the AEneid,the spirit of which appeals less forcibly to the taste of our time.But it is foolish to lose sight of the splendor of a poet who,for nearly two thousand years,has been one of the most powerful factors in European cultrure.The subtler elements of the exquisite style of Virgil no translator can ever hope to reproduce;but Dryden was a master of English versification,and the content of Virgil's epic is here rendered in vigorous and nervous couplets.Dryden's Dedication is an excellent example of his prose atyle,and gives an interesting view of

    • ¥30 折扣:7.5折
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Lucy Maud Montgomery 著 /2005-04-01/ 家庭电子杂志社
    • L.M. Montgomery published "Anne of Green Gables, " her first novel about Anne Shirley, in 1908, and went on to write seven more books about the impulsive, romantic dreamer with a redheaded temper. In this second story, Anne is nearly grown and is a teacher in the village school. The stories of Anne's antics have delighted readers for nearly a century and are sure to remain classics.

    • ¥22 折扣:8.8折
    • HARD TIMES 艰难时事
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Charles Dickens 著 /2007-01-01/ 家庭电子杂志社
    • This story of class conflict in Victorian England serves as a powerful critique of the social injustices that plagued the Industrial Revolution.THIS ENRICHED CLASSIC EDITION INCLUDES: - A concise introduction that gives the reader important background information- A chronology of the author's life and work- A timeline of significant events that provides the book's historical context- An outline of key themes and plot points to guide the reader's own interpretations- Detailed explanatory notes- Critical analysis, including contemporary and modern perspectives on the work- Discussion questions to promote lively classroom and book group interaction- A list of recommended related books and films to broaden the reader's experience

    • ¥22 折扣:8.8折
    • Dialogues of Plato 柏拉图对话
    •   ( 18 条评论 )
    • Plato 著 /2001-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Dialogues of Plato offers a philosophy that has guided man through the ages. In his magnificent writings, Plato examines our virtues and vices, our problems and questions. With remarkable literary grace, he shows us how man can understand his place in the world and live an intelligent and happy life. This edition features the Jowett Translations, edited and with introductory notes by Justin D. Kaplan. The complete texts of The Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Symposium, and extensive selections from The Republic are included.

    • ¥23.4 折扣:9.4折
    • AGE OF INNOCENCE, THE(ISBN=9780553214505)
    •   ( 35 条评论 )
    • Edith Wharton伊迪丝·华顿) 著 /1996-01-01/ Random House US
    • Edith Wharton's masterpiece brings to life the grandeur and hypocrisy of a gilded age. Set among the very rich in 1870s New York, it tells the story of Newland Archer, a young lawyer engaged to marry virginal socialite May Welland, when he meets her cousin, Countess Ellen Olenska, a woman unbound by convention and surrounded by scandal. As all three are drawn into a love triangle filled with sensuality, subtlety, and betrayal, Archer faces a harrowing choice between happiness and the social code that has ruled his life. The resulting tale of thwarted love is filled with irony and surprise, struggle and acceptance. Recipient of the first Pulitzer Prize for fiction ever awarded to a woman, this great novel paints a timeless portrait of "society" still unmatched in American literature—an arbitrary, capricious social elite that professes inviolable standards but readily abandons them for greed and desire.

    • ¥25.5 折扣:5折
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • LEWIS CARROLL 著 /1970-01-01/ 福光
    • The magical sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonder Land continues Alice's escapades as she enters a new realm of fantasy. Alice goes through the looking glass into another world whose eccentric inhabitants seem to be either chess-pieces or characters from nursery rhymes-that is,when they are not talking flowers or insects.Obeying their own impossible rules of logic,they are all full of criticism or good advice as Alice,a lowly Pawn,sets out on her quest to become a Queen of the Chess Board. On her journey she meets Humpty Dumpty,Tweedledum and Tweedledee and the White Kinght as well as her own dinner.She learns to keep running fast enough to stay in the same place,why there is never jam today and about the importance of believing six impoosible things after breakfast.It is not surprising that Alice is confused as to who is dreaming it all... 作者简介: LEWIS CARROLL(1832-98).Author of two of the best-known and best-loved children's books ever written,Lewis Carroll is also remembered fo

    • ¥22 折扣:8.8折
    • THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER (汤姆索亚历险记 当当网5星级英文学习产品 (ISBN=978
    •   ( 117 条评论 )
    • Mark Twain 著 /1995-01-01/ Random House US
    • Sparkling with mischief, jumping with youthful adventure, MarkTwain's Tom Sawyer is one of the most splendid re-creations ofchildhood in all of literature. It is a lighthearted romp, full ofhumor and warmth. It shares with its sequel, Huckleberry Finn, notonly a set of unforgettable characters--Tom, Huck, Aunt Polly andothers--but a profound understanding of humanity as well. Throughsuch hilarious scenes as the famous fence-whitewashing incident,Twain gives a portrait--perceptive yet tender--of a humanityrendered foolish by his own aspirations and obsessions. Written asmuch for adults as for young boys and girls, Tom Sawyer is the workof a master storyteller performing in his shirt sleeves, using hisbest talents to everyone's delight.

    • ¥21.4 折扣:4.5折
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • Jane Austen 著 /2004-10-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • A concise introduction that gives readers important background information A chronology of the author's life and work A timeline of significant events that provides the book's historical context An outline of key themes and plot points to help readers form their own interpretations Detailed explanatory notes Critical analysis, including contemporary and modern perspectives on the work Discussion questions to promote lively classroom and book group interaction A list of recommended related books and films to broaden the reader's experience Enriched Classics offer readers affordable editions of great works of literature enhanced by helpful notes and insightful commentary. The scholarship provided in Enriched Classics enables readers to appreciate, understand, and enjoy the world's finest books to their full potential.

    • ¥22 折扣:8.8折
    • OLIVER TWIST(ISBN=9780553211023)
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Charles Dickens 著 /1982-05-01/ Random House US
    • This fiercely comic tale stands in marked contrast to itsgenial predecessor, "The Pickwick Papers," Set against London'sseedy back street slums, "Oliver Twist" is the saga of a workhouseorphan captured and thrust into a thieves' den, where some ofDickens's most depraved villains preside: the incorrigible ArtfulDodger, the murderous bully Sikes, and the terrible Fagin, thattreacherous ringleader whose grinning knavery threatens to sendthem all to the "ghostly gallows." Yet at the heart of this dramais the orphan Oliver, whose unsullied goodness leads him at last tosalvation. In 1838 the publication of "Oliver Twist" firmlyestablished the literary eminence of young Dickens. It was,according to Edgar Johnson, "a clarion peal announcing to the worldthat in Charles Dickens the rejected and forgotten and misused ofthe world had a champion."

    • ¥25.8 折扣:6折
    • 哈佛经典05-Essays and Songs of Ralph Waldo Emerson
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • (美)爱略特 主编 /2006-09-01/ 万卷出版公司
    • Ralph Waldo Emerson set out on his first visit to Europe in 1831,passing throuth Italy,Switzerland and France to Britain,and visiting Landor,Coleridge,Wordsworth,and ,most important of all ,Carlyle,with whom he laid the foundation of a life-long friendship.On his return to America,he took up lecturing,and continued for nearly forty years to use this form of expression for his ideas on religion,politics,literature,and philosophy.He published a succession of volumes of essays,addresses and poems.The spirit and ideas which constitute the essence of his teachings are fully expressed in the essays contained in this volume.The writings here produced belong to the earlier half of his literary activity.However,it may fairly be said that by 1860 Emerson had put forth all his important fundamental ideas,and the later utterances consist largely of restatements and applications of these.Thanks to the singular bearty and condensation of his style,it is thus possible to obtain from this one volume a view of the philosophy

    • ¥30 折扣:7.5折
    • PARADISO(但丁神曲 《天堂》)(ISBN=9780553212044)
    •   ( 43 条评论 )
    • Dante Alighieri 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • This brilliant new verse translation by Allen Mandelbaumcaptures the consummate beauty of the third and last part ofDante's Divine Comedy. The Paradiso is a luminous poem of love andlight, of optics, angelology, polemics, prayer, prophecy, andtranscendent experience. As Dante ascends to the Celestial Rose, inthe tenth and final heaven, all the spectacle and splendor of agreat poet's vision now becomes accessible to the modern reader inthis highly acclaimed, superb dual language edition. With extensivenotes and commentary.

    • ¥30 折扣:5折
    • THREE LIVES 三面夏娃/三个女人的一生
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Gertrude Stein 著 /2003-01-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • The first published work of fiction by legendary author and poet Gertrude Stein, Three Lives is a collection of two short stories and a novella focusing on the bleak existence that faced immigrant and minority women in turn-of-the-century America. Each impoverished woman must labor as a domestic worker to survive, and all three protagonists have their own tales of hardship. "The Good Anna" tells the story of a young German servant who must decide between loyalty to her employer and love. In "The Gentle Lena," another German servant girl marries the wrong man, and finds herself trapped as a wife and mother. And the introspective "Melanctha" examines the tragic life of a mulatto woman and those she loved. Pocket Books' Enriched Classics present the great works of world literature enriched for the contemporary reader. This edition of Three Lives has been prepared by Brenda Wineapple, professor of Modern Literary and Historical Studies at Union College. It includes her introduction, a selection of c

    • ¥22 折扣:8.8折
    • PURGATORIO(但丁神曲《炼狱》)(ISBN=9780553213447)
    •   ( 43 条评论 )
    • Dante Alighieri 著 /1983-01-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion This story begins in ashadowed forest on Good Friday in the year of our Lord 1300. Itproceeds on a journey that, in its intense re-creation of thedepths and the heights of human experience, has become the key withwhich Western civilization has sought to unlock the mystery of itsown identity. About Author DANTE ALIGHIERI was born in Florence, Italy in 1265. His earlypoetry falls into the tradition of love poetry that passed from theProvencal to such Italian poets as Guido Cavalcanti, Dante's friendand mentor. Dante's first major work is the Vita Nuova, 1293-1294.This sequence of lyrics, sonnets, and prose narrative describes hislove, first earthly, then spiritual, for Beatrice, whom he hadfirst seen as a child of nine, and who had died when Dante was 25.Dante married about 1285, served Florence in battle, and rose to aposition of leadership in the bitter factional politics of thecity-state. As one of the city's magistrates, he found it necessaryto banish leaders of the so-called "Black" facti

    • ¥24 折扣:4折
    • Hamlet哈姆雷特
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • William Shakespeare 著 /1998-06-01/ Penguin
    • Among Shakespeare's plays, Hamlet is considered by many his masterpiece. Among actors, the role of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is considered the jewel in the crown of a triumphant theatrical career. Now Kenneth Branagh plays the leading role and co-directs a brillant ensemble performance. Three generations of legendary leading actors, many of whom first assembled for the Oscar-winning film Henry V, gather here to perform the rarely heard complete version of the play. This clear, subtly nuanced, stunning dramatization, presented by The Renaissance Theatre Company in association with Bbc Broadcasting, features such luminaries as Sir John Gielgud, Derek Jacobi, Emma Thompson and Christopher Ravenscroft. It combines a full cast with stirring music and sound effects to bring this magnificent Shakespearen classic vividly to life. Revealing new riches with each listening, this production of Hamlet is an invaluable aid for students, teachers and all true lovers of Shakespeare -- a recording to be treasured for decades

    • ¥22 折扣:8.8折