How to Have All the Answers When the Questions Keep Changing is filled with advice and tips for developing a new way of thinking about life and work and getting rid of long-held beliefs that are no longer reliable. It helps you find the answers to questions that change day to day. This concise, dependable guide will boost your confidence so you can ask the right questions to determine (and improve) your job status, look for a new career and pursue your dreams. Karin Ireland clearly shows you how to take charge of your life, rely on yourself and change the way you think so you can thrive in today's fast-paced, unstable work environment. Karin Ireland is the author of 11 books, including The Job Survival Instruction Book and The Best Christmas Ever, both published by Career Press.
Not just a business, but an opportunity for personal success and achievement, Amway has spread the old-fashioned American dream across the globe-from South America to the Pacific Rim. This definitive history of Amway delves deep into the heart and soul of the organization. It is an inspirational, motivational chronicle of the company as a whole-its ideology, goals, beliefs, ethics, and sense of values-filled with uplifting stories of people around the world whose lives have been totally transformed by the Amway philosophy.
Previously published as How to Run a Pet Business, Set up a Lemonade Stand, Be a Homework Helper, and Other Ways to Make Money, 2004. This guide helps one turn what they like to do into making money.
Good reading isn’t just about knowing the words. It’s about being able to understand what is being read and putting it to use. This fully updated edition of Reading Comprehension Success in 20 Minutes a Day guides the reader throughout the specific techniques of reading comprehension—from extracting the main ideas to "reading between the lines"—in an easy 20-step program. Each step takes just twenty minutes a day. This book is for anyone preparing to take a job-related exam that tests for reading comprehension skills. Included is a "Before and After" score-yourself test, to diagnose strengths and weaknesses and chart your progress.
Hitting the ball is hard work, but after lots of practice and advice from his friend Willy, Bobby learns how.
本书从国际市场营销的诸多方面系统地对国际市场营销理论、国际市场营销环境、国际市场营销调研、目标市场的细分及定位、国际市场营销的几种策略,以及国际营销管理等作了详尽的阐述,《国际市场营销--理论与实务》是专门为经济管理专业高职学生编写的教材。进入21世纪以来,市场营销变得比以往任何进候都更重要,迅速培养出适合国际市场的操作人员是职业教育的重要的历史使命。由于高等职业教育建设时间较短,师资、教材、教学模式等都有待迅速发展,编写出适合职业教育的教材成为当前的紧迫任务。 本书编写特色为:理论体系与实践体系相结合,并相互补充、相互支撑。同时强化能力、素质教育。此外,教材中还有实践活动的设计,体现对学生各种能力和素质教育培养的目标。
Email a digital card? Not while we still have a creative bone in our body and Stamper's Warehouse has the skill and know-how to pack into this book. For a gift card that's as much a work of art as it is a greeting, Hidden Secrets shows the way. Multimedia, exotic fibers, secret pockets, hand-tinting-learn how to use these materials, techniques, and more to make cards that will be treasured for decades (and never discarded!).