    • 高绩效教练原书第5版【放心购买 无忧售后】
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    • [英]约翰.惠特默 /2018-12-01/ 机械工业出版社
    • 一本提升团队绩效和领导力水平,激活组织的宝典!世界上最常用的教练模型——GROW模型的联合创始人惠特默爵士作品的全本。你的收获,会是你投入的800%。 《高绩效教练》第5版有以下三大特点: ,权威性 约翰·惠特默爵士是教练领域的先行者,本书是全球销量排名的教练书籍,长期被国际教练界誉为“教练领域的圣经”和标准,是全球数万教练和百万领导者的参考书。惠特默爵士开创性地提出了GROW模型,成为教练领域的奠基性模型,今天的很多教练模型,都源于GROW模型。GROW模型就是埃隆·马斯克倡导的教练领域的“性原理”。在流派纷纭的教练界,本书可谓“正本清源、大道至简”。 第二,系统性 本书第1版出版于20多年前,定义了教练职业,建立了教练职业的基本原则,分析了一个人改变的本质和作为教练的领导者的角色,系统阐述了教练的价值、教练的

    • ¥23.06 ¥163.44 折扣:1.4折
    • 一本书读懂智能家居第2版刷玩转电商营销 互联网金融系列【正版书籍 无忧售后】
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    • 林思荣著 /2019-09-01/ 清华大学出版社
    • 一个刚进入智能家居行业的新手,该如何了解行业、掌握技术、抓住重点,让自己秒变老手?一个智能家居行业的老炮,该如何定制自己的发展路线,使自己不断升值,成为行业圈中的高手?一个新时代的智能家居消费者,该如何购买产品,玩转智能家居,成为邻居好友口中的科技达人? 《一本书读懂智能家居(第2版?全彩印刷)/玩转“电商营销+互联网金融”系列》将全面解密智能家居,从底层技术到投资布局、再到设计方案的全面揭示,教会读者了解新技术、认清发展趋势、获取智能家居设计方向,使读者有的放矢步步领先。 《一本书读懂智能家居(第2版?全彩印刷)/玩转“电商营销+互联网金融”系列》读懂智能家居(第2版)/玩转“电商营销+互联网金融”系列》适合的读者:一是对智能家居感兴趣并有意愿购买的人;二是进入智能家居行业的新手,

    • ¥22.2 ¥119.99 折扣:1.9折
    • 集客行动营销:快速聚集人气,低成本引爆高销量【达额立减】
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    • (美)戴维·纽曼(DavidNewman)著;陈书译 /2014-11-01/ 四川人民出版社
    • 挣脱传统营销模式的红利娇宠,在平等、开放、互动中吸引用户追逐 你和你的公司是否面临以下难题: ◆凭运气营销或营销效率低下? ◆等着有需求的潜在客户打电话? ◆从来不知道下一单生意会在什么时候出现? ◆在营销这个无底洞上砸钱太多,却收效甚微? 传统推播营销的难题始终是事先无法预测、事后无法评估。崭新的集客行动营销针对这一点提出了解决方案,让你轻松掌控营销和销售的结果,并确保每1美元的营销投入都能产生至少30美元的回报。 ◆建立一劳永逸的营销语料库 ◆利用“3P销售对话”解决问题 ◆依靠“3R”公式促进社交媒体的成功 ◆远离“IDIOTS式致命思维” ◆运用“防御系统”对付“销售导弹” ◆将服务或产品“美元化” 《集客行动营销:快速聚集人气,低成本引爆高销量》语言幽默风趣,包括79个简便易学的低成本、高回

    • ¥29.99 ¥61 折扣:4.9折
    • 研发管理制度与表单精益设计【正版书籍 无忧售后】
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    • 郭宾雁著 /2016-10-01/ 人民邮电出版社
    • 互联网时代,企业要想赢得竞争的主动权、抓住用户,在创新和研发工作中就必须引入快速迭代以及开放式创新等新理念;同时,更应该采用专业、实用的工具,做好研发精益管理,推动研发成果尽早落地。 制度与表单是企业开展精益管理必不可少的两大工具。本书围绕研发管理制度与表单的设计、执行与落实三大主题,对企业研发团队建设、研发调研规划、产品技术设计、产品开发、产品试制投产、产品技术改进、产品研发评估、产品研发成本管理、技术研发管理、工艺研发管理、知识产权管理、技术研发类人力资源管理共12项具体工作进行了制度与表单方面的规范,方便研发管理人员以此为工具,推进研发精益管理工作。 本书适合企业管理人员尤其是研发管理人员阅读,也适合企业培训师、咨询师以及高校相关专业师生阅读。

    • ¥25.2 ¥174.56 折扣:1.4折
    • Critical 14 Yrs of your Professional Life
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    • Robert L. Dilenschneider 著 /1970-01-01/ 广东南方日报出版社
    • In todqy's ultracompetitive,lean-and-mean workplace,your professional success won'tbe determined by your family background,college affiliation,or educational major.Yoru intelli-gence,talent,drive,and ambition don't matter,either.Yoru success will depend on one thing only :learning the ropes of the working world-and figuring out how to be happy within it-during the first fourteen years of your professional life. Why fourteen years?Because once you aproach your mid-to-late thirties,you won't be easily forgiven fou business mistakes-for power struggles with the boss or cluelessness about marketing yourself,for mishandling office politics of for the megative attitude that comes from feeling "stuck"in an ill-fitting career. If you don't fit in,you're liable to be considered"work illiterate,"and your oportunities will be limited accordingly.It's imperative to know the ways of the work world. Based on personal experience,interviews with experts,and extensive research,The Critical 14Years of Your Professional Lif

    • ¥28.2 折扣:8.8折
    • 成功女性的7大奥秘7 GREATEST TRUTHS ABOUT S
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    • Marion Luna Brem 著 /2001-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • In 1984, Brem diagnosed with two types of cancer kept knocking at the doors of car dealerships until someone hired her. Today, as president and CEO of Love Chrysler, she is one of the most successful Latinas in business in the U.S. She explains the principles that sustained her even at her lowest (e.g., know your self-worth; be creative; be passionate about your work), offering numerous anecdotes about women who succeeded against tremendous odds. Readers will empathize with Brem, who speaks frankly and sensitively. This eminently inspiring book, reminiscent of Deborah Rosado Shaw's Dream Big, will find a wide audience.

    • ¥25.5 折扣:8.8折
    • 互联网企业是怎么烧钱的Burn Rate:How I Survived The Gold RushYears on th
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    • Michael Wolff 著 /1998-12-01/ Scribner
    • Michael Wolff's wickedly funny chronicle of his rags-to-riches-to-rags adventure as a fledgling Internet entrepreneur exposes an industry powered by hype, celebrity, and billions of investment dollars -- and notably devoid of profit-making enterprises. As he describes his efforts to control his company's burn rate -- the amount of money the company consumes in excess of its income -- Wolff offers a no-holds-barred portrait of unaccountable successes and major disasters, including the story behind Wired magazine and its fanatical founder, Louis Rossetto; the rise of America Online, perhaps the most dysfunctional successful company in history, and the humiliating inability of people such as Bill Gates to untangle the intricacies of the Web.

    • ¥24.6 折扣:8.8折
    • (新新事物-硅谷文化)THE NEW NEW THING:A Silicon Valley Story
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    • Michael Lewis 著 /2000-12-01/ 福光
    • Michael Lewis was supposed to be writing about how Jim Clark, the founder of Silicon Graphics and Netscape, was going to turn health care on its ear by launching Healtheon, which would bring the vast majority of the industry's transactions online. So why was he spending so much time on a computerized yacht, each feature installed because, as one technician put it, "someone saw it on Star Trek and wanted one just like it?" Much of The New New Thing, to be fair, is devoted to the Healtheon story. It's just that Jim Clark doesn't do startups the way most people do. "He had ceased to be a businessman," as Lewis puts it, "and become a conceptual artist." After coming up with the basic idea for Healtheon, securing the initial seed money, and hiring the people to make it happen, Clark concentrated on the building of Hyperion, a sailboat with a 197-foot mast, whose functions are controlled by 25 SGI workstations (a boat that, if he wanted to, Clark could log onto and steer--from anywhere in the world). Keepin

    • ¥23.8 折扣:8.8折
    • 用流程解放管理者2:中小企业规范化管理【正版书籍】
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    • 张国祥著 /2013-09-01/ 电子工业出版社
    • 规范化管理不再是大企业的专利,随着市场环境的不断变化,规范化管理的思路也被广大中小企业接受。?张国祥老师经过多年的规范化管理培训实践,分别从战略管理、员工管理、流程管理、生产管理、营销管理的角度,对企业规范化管理进行了系统的阐述,并介绍了大量的实用工具,为中小企业的规范化管理提供了清晰的思路,值得广大中小企业借鉴。

    • ¥29 ¥64 折扣:4.5折
    • 看板方法:科技企业渐进变革成功之道【正版】
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    • [美]大卫·J.安德森DavidJ.Anderson)著;章显洲译;路宁校 /2014-02-01/ 华中科技大学出版社
    • 《看板方法:科技企业渐进变革成功之道》由看板方法创始人David?J.?Anderson亲自编写,是看板方法的奠基之作。看板方法脱胎于丰田生产方式和约束理论,是精益方法的进一步延伸。它将软件开发过程视为一种价值流,并且相信拉动式的管理能产生更好的结果。它通过限制在制品的数量等一系列简单可行的技巧,发现和缓解软件开发过程中的压力和瓶颈,提高生产效率。看板方法的奇妙之处,在于它与企业原有的开发流程无缝结合,在不知不觉中提高生产效率。换句话说,它是一种渐进式的改良,不是翻天覆地的革命,因而更容易被企业接受。实施阻力小且切实有效是看板方法在软件开发社区中迅速流行起来的原因。

    • ¥21.63 ¥156 折扣:1.4折
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    • Philip B. Crosby 著 /1992-12-01/ 广东顶峰文化传播有限公司
    • As America's premier management consultant, Philip Crosby has made "quality" the corporate buzz word in America's top-tier firms. Now, as he has before, this bold, brilliant, and very practical mover-and-shaker has set out to disturb the complacency and stir the creative capacity of American management. The result is a book that raises the credo of quality to a higher level--the level demanded in the fiercely competitive marketplaces of today and tomorrow. Crosby's message to management is as powerful as it is plainspoken. Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, no com- pany can afford to ignore any part of its operation--whether it is the goods and services it offers, the needs of the customers it serves, the loyalty and nitiative of the people who work for it, or the bottom-line results on inex- orable computer printouts. Success in attaining quality in all these areas iswhat the author means by Completeness. It's the whole picture. And this valuable book shows how to put it clearly into focu

    • ¥26.4 折扣:8.8折
    • 亨利四世/Henry the Fourth
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    • Stuart J. Murphy 等著 /1998-12-01/ 音像供货
    • Welcome to neighborhood dog show! First Maxie speaks. Second Baxter begs. Third Daisy rolls over, but will Henry the fourth steal the show? Learning ordinals with this pack of playful pooches will have readers sitting up and begging for more.

    • ¥28.6 折扣:7.7折
    • (我们是大佬)We're Number One:Where America Stands-and Falls-in th
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    • Andrew L. Shapiro 著 /1992-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • "America is becoming a land of private greed and public squalor.This book is an indispensable road map through the wreckage. The facts it reveals will startle you. They may depress you. but ideally they'll fire you up to help rebuild this nation." Robert B.Reich, author of The Work of Nations Utilizing statistics and commentary, Andrew L. Shapiro, who works at The Nation, shows how America really stacks up in international comparisons of health care, education, the economy, sex, religion, crime,politics and the environment. We're Number One! is the ultimate guide to how well the American dream is faring on the eve of the twenty-first centry. 作者简介: Andrew L. Shapiro is a teacher, a writer, and a staff member of The Nation magazine. He was graduated from Brown University in 1990 and now lives in New York City.

    • ¥22 折扣:8.8折
    • 男同事的心思:与男人共事的女士指南The Male Mind At Work: A Woman’s Guide to W
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    • Deborah Swiss 著 /2001-03-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • What could have been a breakthrough book for working women who want to hone their skills for success turns out to be little more than a lackluster attempt to interpret and explain men's attitudes toward women in the workplace, one that won't generate much word of mouth despite its compelling subject. Swiss (Women and the Work/Family Dilemma; Women Breaking Through) interviewed 52 successful men in a range of professions and influential positions to elicit candid opinions about their experiences with female colleagues. Most of this group assembled by Swiss, a management consultant on gender equity, are singularly unenlightened men who focus on women's lack of confidence and reluctance to take risks or make mistakes, and who emphasize the importance of competitive sports in making team players; these men also clearly feel (and resent) the need to be careful in their language and behavior. Although she does a fine job extracting and cogently organizing the essence of their thinking, the results will dishearten m

    • ¥27 折扣:4.5折
    • 领导的实际工作:来自管理前沿的报告The Real Work Of Leaders: A Report from the
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    • LAURIE, DONALD L. 著 /2001-08-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • If you're ever favored enough to catch a few minutes of a corporate CEO's time, and feel bold enough to ask what their job entails, chances are you'll hear something lofty about developing strategy, empowering employees, seeing the big picture. But if you ask to see their calendar for the past month, you'll probably find they've spent very little, if any, time doing those things. The look-at-last-month's-calendar trick was devised by Donald Laurie, a Boston-based management consultant, to help top executives figure out how best to lead their companies. Laurie sees a leader as the person who climbs out on the balcony and sees the company from above, the one who sees how all the parts connect to make a smoothly running machine. At the same time, if the leader stays up on that balcony for too much of the day, he or she can't hear the grumbling below. And what's being grumbled about is often the information that could save the CEO's job. As an example of this, Laurie relates the story of Xerox Corp. when it

    • ¥27 折扣:4.5折
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    • Tom Gorman 著 /1996-12-01/ Scribner
    • Gorman presents a detailed explanation of how to manage your career in a way that will work for you in the 1990s--in a world with dramatic structural change in most corporations, a new social contract between employer and employee, and different skills and attitudes required for most jobs. Multipreneuring is a label for success in modern business today, which requires individuals to be able to organize resources, manage their careers, and assume sensible risks in the same way that a business enterprise is run. With the goal of helping the readers develop a portable, self-contained professional identity, the author offers them guidelines to gain insight into who they are professionally and, with that insight, to learn how to become multipreneurs. Criteria for a multipreneur include independence from a single employer, ability to learn and apply many skills, flexibility and adaptability, and being proactive in terms of starting a project and seeing it through. This thought-provoking book cautions readers that i

    • ¥24.6 折扣:8.8折