Book De*ion:Cost Management" was written in response to changes in the global business environment. Unbridled access to information and intense competition has meant that cost accounting has become an increasingly important tool for managers and accountants alike. Most textbooks focus on content knowledge and then expect students to 'magically' demonstrate skills such as decision-making and critical thinking. "Cost Management" better prepares students for professional success by bridging the gaps between Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. Many students fail to recognize the assumptions, limitations, behavioral implications and qualitative factors that influence managerial decision-making. The dynamic, new author team focuses on cost accounting methods, techniques and the quality of cost accounting information used for decision-making to deliver a thoroughly modern treatment of cost accounting topics. From the Back Cover:"Cost Management" was written in response to changes in the global business environment
This book focuses on today's most successful online marketers, with up-to-date information and advice on current online marketing trends. It includes 25 interviews with today's top Internet marketers—email marketers, web marketers, advertising executives, and the like. The book details the inside story of how these marketing heroes achieved their success, tips and advice on how to be more successful marketing online, and it covers all aspects of online marketing including: Search engine marketing and optimization, Online advertising, Online retailing, Online merchandising, Email marketing, Website promotion, Online public relations, Blog marketing, Direct response copywriting, and Affiliate marketing. Interviewees include: Joan Holman, Joan Holman Productions Greg Hartnett, Best of the Web, Hotel Hotline Jacob Hawkins, Mark Oldani, Circuit City Direct Jeffrey Glueck, Travelocity Lauren Freedman, the e-tailing group, inc. Tamara Adlin, adlin, in
Let's face it,building a career these days isn't easy.There are no jobs for life anymore,and long gone are the days when just turning up on time was enough to keep you moving up.Today you need more people,presentation and political skills than ever before.Most of all,you need help. The 100 Greatest Ideas for Building Your Career will help you buck the odds.Just think for a moment about how much of your career is left to chance.It can depend on who happens to be your boss when you get promoted,for example,and how popular and influential he or she is.The 100 Greatest Ideas for Building Your Career will help you build a strategy for managing the elements of your career that you can control (and some you thought you couldn't).It includes advice and tips from chairmen and directors of some of the UK's largest companies. 100 Greatest books will enable you to take control of your life and your career.Packed with 100 simple but wonderfully effective ideas,these books are fun to use and easy to put into pr
A satisfied customer is a loyal customer, and in today's supercompetitive business economy few things are as crucial to a company's bottom line as the quality of its customer service. This latest title in the popular Perfect Phrases series is just the thing for customer service employees and those who train and manage them. Perfect Phrases for Customer Service gets you quickly up and running with everything you need to keep customers happy and loyal, including: Clear explanations of the reasons for difficult customer behaviors Proven tools and techniques for successfully handling even the most cantankerous customers 101 dialogues and *s organized according to types of difficult behaviors, usable as is or as part of a training program, and easily tailored to any industry and company culture
A ground-breaking book on the transformative power ofimpact investing This is the first book to chart the catalytic path of this newindustry, explaining how it is and can be a positive disruptiveforce. It shows how impact investing is a transformational vehiclefor delivering "blended value" throughout the investment spectrum,giving a single name to a set of activities previously siloed inenclaves, revealing how they are linked within what is becoming anew field of investing. Written by two leaders in the growing fieldof impact investing, the book defines this emerging industry forparticipants on all sides of the funding equation (investors,funders and social entrepreneurs). Filled with illustrative examples of impact investing successstories Reveals how the field can expand in order to address the mostcritical social and environmental issues of our day Explores the wide-ranging applications of impact investing aswell as entrepreneurial opportunities The authors do not take a normative approach to
The Harvard Business Essentials series is designed to provide comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Books in the series serve as “mentor and guide” to help managers understand business fundamentals such as financial tools, teams, change, hiring, and communication. Drawing on rich content from Harvard Business School Publishing and other sources, these concise guides are carefully crafted to provide a highly practical resource for readers with all levels of experience, and will prove especially valuable for new and middle managers.
The easy–to–read bible for developing, financing, marketing, and selling consumer products––from gadgets to kitsch, from high–touch to high–end––for America's rising entrepreneurial nation. Launch It! is written by a team of trend and product consultants with over 60 years of collective experience advising thousands of entrepeneurs, designers, and companies. As they realized not one trade book was available on the market that would provide soup–to–nuts guidance for any firm or entrepreneur seeking to turn inventions and cool ideas into great products that sell, they decided to write that book themselves. Unlike any other book, Launch It! provides the reader with the step–by–step game plan that anyone can follow to evaluate their idea, raise capital, save time, stay on top of emerging and important trends, and make money.
An invaluable guide on how to identify, select, prepare, andstore over 1,000 types of food Small enough to carry everywhere,but packed with information, this practical and beautifullyillustrated full-color guide covers almost every type of food youwill find at a supermarket, farmer's market, and specialty foodstore. "The Visual Food Lover's Guide" gives you Information onbuying, storing, and cooking every type of food Over 600 colorillustrations to help clearly identify foods Nutritional facts forevery ingredient The essentials on vegetables, legumes, grains,fish, shellfish, meat, poultry, dairy products, nuts and seeds, andherbs and spices A quick reference on foods as common as chickenand as exotic as kombu seaweed How-to photos of basic foodpreparation techniques such as properly cutting a pineapple,cleaning crab, and making homemade pasta With more than 300entries, "The Visual Food Lover's Guide" is an indispensable toolfor anyone who wants to know at a glance about the foods they eatand read about
A revised and expanded new edition of the classic guide for inventors When this comprehensive resource for inventors was first published, bringing a new product to market was costly, time-consuming, and very risky. But today, new technologies including the Internet have drastically changed the world of inventing. In the past, inventors had to handle production, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution by themselves. Today, large companies are constantly looking for new inventions to license, and new technology makes it easier than ever for inventors to outsource what they can't handle themselves. A leading expert on invention and innovation, author Don Debelak has brought this one-of-a-kind inventor's guide fully up to date. This new edition is packed with trustworthy, proven advice on product design, manufacturing, patenting, licensing, distribution, financing, and more. Plus, the latest innovative strategies in funding, outsourcing, and Internet marketing make this the most complete an
Of all the skill sets that support the shift from a traditional management role to a more collaborative approach, none is more relevant than that of the role of the facilitator. The beliefs, behaviors, and practices of facilitation are precisely what all leaders need to acquire and put into action. In Facilitating to Lead! renowned facilitation expert Ingrid Bens applies her proven concepts of facilitation to the leadership role and demonstrates that facilitation is an effective work style, not merely a meeting technique. Throughout the book, Bens outlines the organizational and personal benefits of facilitative leadership and includes useful checklists to help leaders determine the situations when facilitative leadership is most appropriate to apply. Because empowerment is a core issue in the implementation of facilitative leadership, the book presents a four-level model that reframes empowerment from a vague concept to a concrete structuring tool.
The 1994-1995 Mexican crisis was the first in a succession of financial crises to hit emerging markets in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, and Turkey. In almost all these cases, problems in the banking sector played a key role. Any analysis of recent developments in emerging market economies must consider two questions: What is the degree of financial vulnerability in emerging market economies, and what, if any, is the connection between the exchange rate regime and financial vulnerability? This book furthers understanding of the impact of financial policies on emerging market economies. Following an introduction by the editors, the book contains two main sections. The first presents theoretical and empirical evidence on the relation between financial policy and financial vulnerability. The second considers financial policy in central and eastern Europe in terms of the euro and the European Monetary Union. Although there is no clear-cut answer to which exchange rate r
Companies expect managers to use financial data to allocate resources and run their departments. But many managers can’t read a balance sheet, wouldn’t recognize a liquidity ratio, and don’t know how to calculate return on investment. Worse, they don’t have any idea where the numbers come from or how reliable they really are. In Financial Intelligence, Karen Berman and Joe Knight teach the basics of finance—but with a twist. Financial reporting, they argue, is as much art as science. Since nobody can quantify everything, accountants always rely on estimates, assumptions, and judgment calls. Savvy managers need to know how those sources of possible bias can affect the financials—and they need to know that sometimes the numbers can be challenged. While providing the foundation for a deep understanding of the financial side of business, the book also arms managers with practical strategies for improving their companies’ performance—strategies such as “managing the balance sheet”
Whether you?re an HR or OD professional or work in a trainingdepartment, learn to apply the principles of follow-throughmanagement within your organization in the new edition of thisbestselling resource. Incorporating new research on learning andlearning transfer, along with new case studies, interviews, andtools, this edition shares guidelines, proven in practice by manyFortune 500 companies, on how to design comprehensive learningexperiences in leadership and management, sales, quality,performance improvement, and professional certification. You?lldiscover the theories and principles underlying the approach, aswell as the practical methods, tools, and roadmaps for bridging the"knowing-doing" gap.
Every business enlrepreneur needs the right resources to lucie'ed. Beginning with the basics of writing a business plan, this wide-ranging resource offers some-thing for all types of business pioneers, coveringhow to navigate the world of venture capital fundiinnovations into successful marketplace realities.
The interest in Business Continuity has gained significant momentum in the last few years, especially with the Y2K non-event, the increasing corporate dependence on computer systems and the growing levels of devastation associated with recent disasters. This book takes an organization interested in continuity planning through the processes needed to develop an effective plan. "Jim Barnes has succeeded in providing us a much-needed tool, with which we can condidently face many of the day-to-day challenges of business contingency planning ... With this book, he has taken an important step in removing much of the guesswork and frustration from the business continuity implementation project." From the Foreword by Philip Jan Rothstein, FBCI, President of Rothstein Associates Inc., Publisher of The Rothstein Catalog on Disaster Recovery, 2001.
Most managers coach employees by giving them feedback and evaluating their performance, right? Wrong. Coaching differs markedly from other managerial functions. With its wealth of tips, worksheets, and self-assessments, this handy guide shows managers how to use coaching—not only to strengthen direct reports’ skills but also to rev up their performance to unprecedented levels. The books in this series offer immediate solutions to the challenges managers face every day. Each book is packed with handy tools, checklists, and real life examples, including a Test Yourself section to help identify strengths and weaknesses. For all readers eager to address the daily demands of work, these books are ideal.
The new edition of, Auditing Assurance Handbook 2008 continues to provide students and educators with the latest Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards. Current as of 1 January 2008 the technical editor, Stephanie Kemp, continues the authoritative commentary that offers students an easy to use, and read, volume. NEW TO THE 2008 EDITION: Changes to the audit report required by the revised ASA 700, The Auditor's Report on a General Purpose Financial Report, and consequential amendments to other standards The new ASAE 3000, Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information. New Guidance Statements issued by the AUASB New material from the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board covering ethical and practice management issues.
Named one of the Best Business Books of 1997 by BusinessWeek , Inside Intel is the gripping business saga of acompany that rose to dominance through technological innovation,and maintained its leadership against competitors throughaggressive marketing, tough business tactics, and liberal use oflegal firepower. In his in-depth portrait of Intel, the firsthistory/expose of the company, Financial Times columnist Tim Jackson reveals that: * Intel's corporate culture isdeterminedly secretive and authoritarian. * The company retains itsown force of private investigators to prevent its employees fromgoing astray. * Intel routinely uses the threat of lawsuits againstworkers and rivals. At the center of this story is AndyGrove , Intel's high-profile CEO and chairman, once a pennilessimmigrant who waited tables to put himself through college. It isGrove who has made the unpopular decisions which have kept Intel atthe top of the chip market. Exhaustively researched from courtrecords, unpublished documents,