Author is in private practice, Essen, Germany. Translation of the German edition: Endodontologie, c1997. Atlas covers endodontic cases through to completion. Abundant high-quality color and halftone images and illustrations are included. A step-by-step presentation is used. For practitioners. DNLM: Dental Pulp Diseases Atlases.
This workbook uses an integrated approach to learning sectional anatomy and applying it to diagnostic imaging. It facilitates comprehension, learning, and retention of the material presented in Kelley's Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 2nd Edition. In addition to fill-in-the-blank, matching, multiple-choice, true/false, puzzles, fill-in-the-table, and short-answer questions, this new edition includes over 250 illustrations from the main text for labeling practice. Three post tests cover neurologic, body, and extremity content, offering additional opportunities for readers to test their comprehension. Chapter objectives provide lists of important concepts that readers should be expected to master by the end of the chapter. A variety of engaging activities assist in retention of material, such as matching, multiple-choice, short answer,true/false, fill in the blank, fill in the table, crossword puzzles, and labeling exercises. Multiple-choice post tests review material from g
The strange new disease SARS erupted apparently out of nowhere and has spread at an astonishing rate. Scary as SARS itself is, the disease is also a warning of many possible such outbreaks to come. Featuring the disturbing story of SARS—where it came from, what it is, and how to protect yourself from it—as well as those of many other recently evolved deadly scourges, The New Killer Diseases is a shocking call to arms. All around us—in our homes, workplaces, and public spaces—bacteria and viruses are evolving at a feverish rate, and our best defenses against them are in danger of being overwhelmed. The threat posed by emerging infectious diseases is as formidable as any challenge the human race has ever faced, and the evolutionary scales may be tipping in favor of the microbes. In The New Killer Diseases, a respected immunologist and a veteran science author introduce the vital facts the public must know about the astonishing range of killer microbes we are up against. From the SARS and We
COVERS ALL ORTHOPAEDIC REHABILITATION NEEDS IN ONE BOOK This textbook offers a breadth and quality of coverage not previously available to therapists。 Orthopaedic Examination,Evaluation,and Intervention provides students and practitioners with a valuable resource。 A Unique Combination of Assets *Examination,evaluation,and intervention in one book *Differential diagnosis,an in-depth chapter essential for evaluating direct-access patients *Evidence-based focus — examination techniques and interventions clearly supported by published clinical studies *Integration of APTA Guide to Physical Therapist Practice *Variety of treatment strategies reflecting the leading philosophies and the latest research *In-depth coverage of therapeutic exercise, manual techniques, and functional training *Intervention implications of the various stages of healing, plus postsurgical rehabilitation *Concepts and assessment of function—full ch
The Secrets Series[registered]" is breaking new ground again. This volume in the very popular "Secrets Series[registered]" is back in an exciting, updated, and completely redesigned third edition. A new, two-color page layout, a more portable size, and a list of the Top 100 Secrets in obstetrics and gynecology help readers to better meet the challenges they face today. And, at no extra charge, purchasers also receive online access to the complete contents of the text via Elseviers innovative website. Readers will still find all of the features they rely on the "Secret Series[registered]" for a question- and -answer format, lists, mnemonics, and tables and an informal tone that make reference fast and easy. No matter what questions arise in practice or while preparing for boards, this updated third edition has the answers in print and online.
Der Lehrbuchklassiker in 3. Auflage - vo11ig iiberarbeitet und |m neuen, attraktiven Gewand ! Dieses Werk setzt den Erfolg seiner Vorginger fort und definiert den Standard neu. Mit der bekannten Kompetenz ietzt kompromisslos leserfreundlich: Durchgehend vierfarbig gedruckt, daher naturgetreue klinische Befunde und schnell erfassbare Grafiken. So macht Lernen Spain! Die umfassende inhaltliche Neukonzeption garantiert Aktualitit, klare Gliederung und Pr/ifungsrelevanz. Ein ausgefeiltes didaktisches Konzept macht das Lernen leicht: Starterjeweils am Kapitelanfang verschaffen Ihnen einen Kurziberblick. Grundlagen-Abschnitte bereiten Sie auf das vertiefende Wissen vor. Zusammenfassungen am Kapitelende rekapitulieren prignant. Folgende Rubrikentexte helfen Ihnen, das Wissen einzuordnen und zu gewichten: Merkstze vermitteln Ihnen die Essentials. Fehler und Gefahren weisen Sie auf mgliche Behandlungsfehler und Risiken oder sonstige Fallgruben bin. Praxistipp
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, MIAR 2004, held in Beijing, China, in August 2004. The 41 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 93 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on image processing, reconstruction, and coding; statistical and shape based segmentation; brain image analysis; cardiac modeling and segmentation; image registration; and surgical navigation and augmented reality.
This comprehensive new look at the hormonal roller coaster that rules women's lives down to the cellular level, "a user's guide to new research about the female brain and the neurobehavioral systems that make us women," offers a trove of information, as well as some stunning insights. Though referenced like a work of research, Brizedine's writing style is fully accessible. Brizendine provides a fascinating look at the life cycle of the female brain from birth ("baby girls will connect emotionally in ways that baby boys don't") to birthing ("Motherhood changes you because it literally alters a woman's brain-structurally, functionally, and in many ways, irreversibly") to menopause (when "the female brain is nowhere near ready to retire") and beyond. At the same time, Brizedine is not above reviewing the basics: "We may think we're a lot more sophisticated than Fred or Wilma Flintstone, but our basic mental outlook and equipment are the same." While this book will be of interest to anyone who wonders why m
In many cases, MRI is the last and decisive step in diagnostic imaging of the musculoskeletal system. The knowledge necessary to understand normal anatomy and pathological findings has increased exponentially in recent years. In 850 images, with many MR_images supported by explanatory color graphs, this book addresses this issue and the main problems the examining physician encounters, including the de*ion of all relevant techniques of MRI suggestions for tabular protocols the comprehensive presentation of normal sectional anatomy, tables for differential diagnosis, and de*ion of state_of_the_art imaging methods.
Vital information for discovering and optimizing new drugs "Understanding the data and the experimental details that support it has always been at the heart of good science and the assumption challenging process that leads from good science to drug discovery. This book helps medicinal chemists and pharmacologists to do exactly that in the realm of enzyme inhibitors." -Paul S. Anderson, PhD This publication provides readers with a thorough understanding of enzyme-inhibitor evaluation to assist them in their efforts to discover and optimize novel drug therapies. Key topics such as competitive, noncompetitive, and uncompetitive inhibition, slow binding, tight binding, and the use of Hill coefficients to study reaction stoichiometry are all presented. Examples of key concepts are presented with an emphasis on clinical relevance and practical applications. Targeted to medicinal chemists and pharmacologists, Evaluation of Enzyme Inhibitors in Drug Discovery focuses on the questions that they
Neuroscience has dramatically increased understanding of how mental states and processes are realized by the brain, thus opening doors for treating the multitude of ways in which minds become dysfunctional. This book explores questions such as when is it permissible to alter a person's memories, influence personality traits or read minds? What can neuroscience tell us about free will, self-control, self-deception and the foundations of morality? The view of neuroethics offered here argues that many of our new powers to read ,alter and control minds are not entirely unparalleled with older ones. They have, however, expanded to include almost all our social, political and ethical decisions. Written primarily for graduate students, this book will appeal to anyone with an interest in the more philosophical and ethical aspects of the neurosciences.
Emergency Medicine Handbook: Critical Concepts for Clinical Practice provides essential information and practical advice for use in the emergency department. The book covers the general approach to patients with various medical complaints, tables of differential diagnoses, and brief discussions of the most common disease processesall in an easy-to-read, bulleted format. Essential information for use in the busy ED. Templated chapters written in bulleted format makes finding information fast and easy! Includes algorithms and text boxes that help you comprehend information faster.
Diagnostik pur Befunde abh ngig vom Alter interpretieren Beschreibung aller normalen Ver nderungen der Sonoanatomie der weiblichen Brustdrüse von der Kindheit bis zum Senium ausführliche Bild-Dokumentation Dignit t von auff lligen Befunden?! sonographische Kriterien zur Interpretation und Differenzialdiagnose Stellenwert der Mammasonographie innerhalb der modernen Diagnostik von Mammatumoren Stellenwert der MR-Mammographie zur Detektion von Mammatumoren sonographische Durchblutungsdiagnostik; 3D-Sonographie Rasche Orientierung logische Gliederung und systematischer Aufbau konkrete Angaben zur rationellen Diagnostik kurzgefasste Informationen für den schnellen berblick über 360 Abbildungen
Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine is a comprehensive and authoritative single-volume textbook of internal medicine that is consulted by students and doctors throughout the world. Its aim is to explain the management of disease, based on an understanding of scientific principles and including the latest developments in treatment. It is written for medical students and doctors preparing for specialist exams, and is an ideal general reference text for all practising doctors. The new edition is part of Elsevier's new STUDENT CONSULT electronic community. STUDENT CONSULT titles comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, questions and answers, online note-taking, and integration links to content in other disciplines - ideal for problem-based learning. Colour-coded chapters are attractive and make the book easy to navigate Comprehensive index, clearly displayed, pinpoints information rapidly Boxes and tables pull out and display important information Drawings and phot
Updated and revised to reflect recent diagnostic and therapeutic advances, this popular quick reference guide provides the practical knowledge needed to diagnose and manage children with congenital and acquired heart disease. It explains whether the patient should be referred to a pediatric cardiologist or managed by the primary care practitioner. It also features the latest blood pressure measuring techniques, new recommendations by the National Committee on infective endocarditis prophylaxis, cardiovascular manifestations of HIV infection, and includes pediatric drug dosage tables.
Cerebral hemodynamics - what are they? How can I use MRI to measure cerebral perfusion in a clinical setting? What tumors have high blood volume? Can perfusion imaging help define the ischemic penumbra? What should I do if I want to image perfusion in the presence of a leaky BBB? From the basic principles of perfusion MR imaging to present clinical applications in the assessment of cerebrovascular diseases and intra-cranial tumors this book provides practical information for newcomers to this technique as well as experienced radiologists.
Pharmacists are required to make certain kinds of calculations that determine the quantities of materials required for filling pre*ions and making up formulas. The new and expanded topics introduced in the fourth edition teach pharmacists and pharmacy students how to do the calculations required in current practice, covering important areas such as handling injectibles, including those used in parenteral nutrition and radiopharmaceuticals. The book also includes new chapters on isotonicity, intravenous fluids, and nutritional calculations. Features: New concepts introduced in sequence, encouraging the student to master each concept before moving ahead Many examples and practice problems, all with answers and the availability of rapid feedback build confidence Filled with practical instruction relevant to the problems pharmacist face in their practice
Now completely up-to-date, this in-depth casebook takes mental disorders from the realm of theory into the complex reality of human lives. The new seventh edition explores the full range of psychopathologies and types of patients. The 23 cases focus on symptoms, the client's history, treatment, and the outcome to provide detailed de*ions of a wide range of clinical problems that readers may face in the field. These problems span from childhood disorders to psychotic and personality disorders.
This title is a section extracted from the standard work on radiographic diagnosis - Burgener and Kormano's "Differential Diagnosis in Conventional Radiology". It focuses on the radiographic diagnosis of the skeletal system, allowing the professional to access and make use of the vital information they need for this area of diagnosis in a targeted and, therefore, time- and cost-effective way. By presenting original illustrations of almost all the conditions mentioned in the text alongside tables showing the most important additional differential diagnostic information, the book points to the correct diagnosis even in difficult cases.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium on Medical Simulation, ISMS 2004, held in Cambridge, MA, USA in June 2004. The 32 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 50 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on soft tissue properties and modeling, real-time deformable models, haptic rendering, anatomical modeling, and applications and development frameworks.
Univ. of California, San Diego. Quick reference to clinical presentation, pre-hospital, diagnosis, treatment, disposition, and miscellaneous information for the emergency medicine setting. For practitioners and students beginning rotations in the emergency department. Arranged alphabetically by topics, in two-page presentations. DNLM: Emergency Medical Services Handbooks.
This new reference covers the top 80 pearls in cutaneous oncologic, nail and cosmetic dermatologic surgery, giving you at-a-glance access to some of the best know-how in the field. Organized in a consistent format, and illustrated with full color photographs and explanatory line drawings, this is the perfect tool to help you improve the level of care you offer your patients. Whether you’re new to the field or you’ve been practicing dermatologic surgery for years, you’ll consider this book one of your most valuable resources
This comprehensive yet concise pocket reference offers a systematic approach to the analysis and interpretation of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound images. For ease of use, it is divided into 2 distinct sections: Part I addresses the diagnostic information that ultrasound reveals about early pregnancy, fetal well-being and growth, and structural fetal anomalies. Part II helps the practitioner sonographically evaluate pediatric and adolescent patients, as well as fertile and postmenopausal women.
Imperial College, London, UK. Textbook has been updated and reflects the changes in the understanding and treatment of psychiatric disorders since the previous edition, c1996, was published. For undergraduate medical students. Includes case histories, boxed information, diagrams, and summary tables. DSM-IV categories are now included. Softcover.