
  • 100~元以上
  • 7折以上
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • Thailand’s Islands&Beaches
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Joe Bindloss, Wendy Taylor 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Island ways,long days,late rays…relax to the blissful pace of Thailand's south.Feast in paradise,barter for a bungalow,join the party or escape entirely .Our definitive guide gives you detailed regional coverage for the perfect getaway. DINE OUT-with our food and drink chapter and comprehensive listings across the region. GO FOR BROKE-from market bargains to boutique fashion,we have shopping covered. GET AROUND-explore coastal jungles ,remote islands and blue lagoons. NAVIGATE-over 50 maps cover the city to the sea,including national parks and dive sites. HIT THE HUB-the lowdown on Bangkok,from banking to bar-hopping. 作者简介 Joe Bindloss, Joe updated the front and back ends of this book,as well as the Bangkok and South Andaman Coast chapters.Thailand was one of the first places Joe visited as a young backpacker and he still finds himself coming back every year or so.On past trips to Thailand,Joe has toyed with Buddhism,learned how to knock up a top-notch green curry,swum w

    • ¥166.6 ¥170 折扣:9.8折
    • 一双筷子吃四川 四川科学技术出版社
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2023-10-01/ 四川科学技术出版社
    • 《一双筷子吃四川》以作者九吃20多年吃遍四川的经历为主线,记录其用脚步丈量美食距离,用嘴巴品味餐桌风景,为读者介绍了四川各地的特色饮食、风土人情,展现四川美食的多样性。书中将寻味地点分为川西(成都、眉山、雅安),川东(达州、巴中)、川南(乐山、自贡、宜宾、内江、泸州)、川中(资阳、遂宁)、川北(德阳、绵阳、广元、南充)和攀西(凉山、攀枝花)五大板块,内容不以写店为主,而是突出四川美食的风味特色,探寻美食背后的故事,可以说这是一本涵盖了四川民间美食、物产与人文的图书,富有一定的研究和收藏价值。

    • ¥158.4 ¥198 折扣:8折
    • 【正版保证团购优惠】基于生态安全的漓江生态旅游可持续发展研究
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 段文军 著 /2014-05-01/ 科学出版社
    • 本书对国内外生态安全、生态旅游可持续发展的相关理论和研究成果 进行了总结分析,对漓江的生态旅游发展现状进行了详细调查,对漓江的 生态安全、生态旅游承载力、生态旅游容量、生态旅游景区认证等进行了 较为系统的研究,并从生态旅游产品可持续开发、生态旅游线路优化提 升、生态旅游环境保护、生态旅游可持续发展政策保障等方面提出漓江生 态旅游可持续发展对策。

    • ¥109 ¥138 折扣:7.9折
    • Wide Angle
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Ferdinand Protzman /2005-10-01/
    • Each of the 260 brilliant photographs in this marvelous collection is unique.Some are alive with bright colors and sparkling highlights,others evoke softer,quieter moods in muted hues and subtle gradations.Where one summons a vast,still landscape that fades into distant silence,the next vibrates with the energy of a charging bull or an exuberant child at play.But whether they show us crowded city streets or empty wilderness,all of these arresting pictures share one compelling quaility:a sure sense of place that ulls us into the frame and turns and image into an experience. Every great place hae its own special spirit,and every photographer represented here exhibits a rare gift for capturing it.Encompassing all seven continents and more than a century of superb photography,their work does more than see ,it perceives-and invites us to share the wonderful magic of discovery.

    • ¥215.6 ¥220 折扣:9.8折
    • River Town Two Years on the Yangtze
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /1970-01-01/
    • ‘To come across a Westerner Patient enough and tolerant enough to try to understand the immense,exasperating and ultimately lovable entity that is China is always a pleasure.To encounter one who is as literate and sensitive as Peter Hessler is a joy. This tender,intelligent account of two years spent teaching deep in the country’s heart is the work of a writer of rare talent:it deserves to become a classic.

    • ¥127.4 ¥130 折扣:9.8折
    • Korea
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Martin Robinson 等著 /1970-01-01/
    • Densely forested mountains, colourful Buddhist temples and sleek modern cities - discover all this and much more with this bestselling guidebook. Korea's welcoming people, unique culture and incomparable cuisine make it one of the great destinations of Northeast Asia. Whatever your pleasure, we cover it all: North, South, eats, the works! * BE INSPIRED by our new highlights and itineraries sections * GET AROUND with the help of over 100 detailed maps, including a full-colour map of Seoul * DINE OUT in the best restaurants with our Korean menu decoder * UNDERSTAND - from religion to politics and war, our history and culture chapters will put you in the picture * GO NORTH! Check out our North Korea chapter - even stranger and more sinister than the plot of the Ian Fleming novel you bought at the airport

    • ¥223.4 ¥228 折扣:9.8折
    • Hong Kong&Macau
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • STEVE FALLON 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Hong Kong has something for everyone.you can join the gastronomes at ritzy restaurants or slup noodles at neighbourhood food-stands;marvel at the bright lights on a harbour ferry cruise or explore the higgledy-piggledy laneways where the locals hang out.It's a golrious,crazy Chinese banpuet;let this smart,stylish and streetwise guide show you the menu. 作者简介 STEVE FALLON,A native of Boston,Massachusetts,Steve graduated from Georgetown University wish a Bachelor of Science in modern languaegs and then taught English at the University of Silesia near Kato wice in Poland.After working for several years for an American daily newspaper and earnig a master's degree in journalism,his fascination with the new Asia led him to Hong Kong,where he lived for over a dozen years,working for a travel bookshop.Steve lived in Budapest for 21/2 years before moving to London in 1994,and retrrns to his 'metown'of Hong Kong regularly.He has written or contributed to more than two dozen Lonely Planet titles,including

    • ¥160.7 ¥164 折扣:9.8折
    • South East Asia on a Shoestring
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Kristin KimballChina Williams 著 /2004-03-01/
    • Hit the Southeast Asia hippy trail in a rickety bus packed with chickens. You’ll find your nirvana at a Buddhist temple, on a perfect beach, or in a bowl of noodle soup. Written for backpackers by backpackers, this guide to 11 countries lets you go further, stay longer and pay less for an adventure of a lifetime. This guide covers: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. DISCOVER idyllic islands, the smell of incense, crazy markets, friendly hill-tribes, elephant trekking and more; GET THE SCOOP on current events, history and culture in our new Snapshots chapter; CHEAP EATS AND COOL NIGHTS - over 3000 listings of the best local eateries, bars and accommodation; FIND IT YOURSELF - over 170 user-friendly maps; TALK THE TALK - language tips for Thai, Vietnamese, Malay and more。 作者简介: Kristin Kimball Kristin got her very first paying gig writing about Southeast Asia at the

    • ¥223.4 ¥228 折扣:9.8折
    • Shanghai
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Bradley Mayhew 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Shanghai fuses the faded glamour of its colonial past with China's dreams for the future. It's the world's fastest-changing city: blink and it's different. Use this definitive guide to keep up with the frenetic pace. ·special sections: Shanghai's diverse architecture, from Art Deco to 21st-century, and the magnificent Bund ·excursions to Hangzhou, Suzhou, Putuoshan and other sites around Shanghai ·the latest word on the rebirth of Shanghai nightlife - from the best bars to where to dance the tango ·eat your heat out: Shanghai's famous snack food and world-class restaurants ·walking tours that bring the city's colourful past alive 作者简介 Bradley Mayhew,Bradley stared his travels in Southwest China,Tibet and northern Pakistan while still studying Chinese at Oxford University.After th graduated,Bradley fled to Central America to forget his Chinese and now regularly travels to China's borderlands in a futile attempt to get it back. Author or coauthor of severa

    • ¥166.6 ¥170 折扣:9.8折
    • 壮丽中华(英文版)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 常振国 等编纂 /1999-01-01/ 中国旅游出版社
    • 13世纪中叶,一位英俊的西方少年历尽艰辛从威尼斯来到太平洋西岸、亚洲东方的中国,他的目光里充满了对这片迷人土地的好奇和挚爱。他以客座官员身份在这里逗留了17年之后,回到了他的故乡,撰写了4卷229章的《马可·波罗行纪》, 轰动了整个欧洲,脍炙人口,经久流传,编织着几百年来西方友人的东方之梦。 现代人几乎难以想象,马可·波罗在那个没有汽车、火车和飞机的年代里游历中国的艰难,因为这个国家的幅员是如此的辽阔,土地是如此的广袤。但是,现代人却可以想象得到,当年马可·波罗面对中国时的那份惊奇和感叹。中国,是个神奇的国家,在这一点上,现代人肯定能和他达成共识。 18世纪的大哲学家黑格尔曾经写到:“太阳-光明-从东方升起来”,而“中国是特别东方的”,所以,他认为,世界的历史始于中国。这当然只是他的理念。

    • ¥212.4 ¥295 折扣:7.2折
    • Malaysia,Singapore&Brunei
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Simon RichmondMarie Cambon 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Experience the jungle-frontier excitement of Malaysian Borneo or the sleek sophistication of Kuala Lumpur,sip gin slings amid colonial grandeur in Singapore of hot tea at a hill station in the Cameron Highlands,watch light playing on the domes of a stunning mosque in Brunei or the sun rippling on the water at Pulau Perhentian-this comprehensive guide covers all this and much more. DISCOVER THE OUTDOORS with our coverage of trekking the magnificent Taman Negara,climbing the majestic Mt Kinabalu or rafting the mighty Batang Rejang. SLURP NOODLES at bustling Penang hawker stalls or brightly lit night markets in Singapore using our authoritative Food—Drink chapter. GET AROUND with our 122 detailed maps-including customised itineraries and walking tor maps. GET THE BACK GROUND on the region's environmental,political and economic issues using our expert chapters. TALK THE TALK with the help of our Malay language chapter. 作者简介: Marie Cambon,Born and raised in Vancouver,Canada,

    • ¥183.3 ¥187 折扣:9.8折
    • Mediterranean Europe
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Joe Bindloss 等著 /1970-01-01/
    • Who can resist the lure of the Mediterranean?The brilliant hues of sun,sea and sand in the lonians,sangria sipped under the stars in Barcelona or the gastronomic delights of the cote d'Azur.Sample the Mediterranean lifestyle with this inspirational guide to southern Europe. PLAN YOUR ROUTE-compelling highlights,itineraries and over 120 easy-to-use maps. WINE&DINE-the best places to eat and drink from trendy tapas bars in Madrid to travernas in Athens. LIVE IT UP-dominate the dance floor or secure tickets to an outdoor opera with detailed listing of entertainment options from clubs to high culture. BREAK THE ICE-our language chapter helps you to mingle with the locals. GET OUT THERE-whether you want to wander the walled cities of Croatia or explore Roman ruins in Cyprus,our comprehensive coverage has is covered. 作者简介: Joe was born in Famagusta and took refuge in Lefkosia during the conflict in 1974.He now lives in the UK,but he still makes regular trips to Cyprus to see

    • ¥233.2 ¥238 折扣:9.8折
    • Singapoore
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Simon Richmond 著 /1970-01-01/
    • This comprehensive guide taps into the heart of Singapore to uncover a spicy blend of cultures,exotic indulgences from street food to day spas,and endless opportunities for fun. ·Walking tours through colonial Singapore,Little India and Chinatown ·special section on Sinaporean food-every gourmand's dream come true ·unique accommodation optionsrestored"shophouses"and boutique hotels ·excursions to Malaysia and indonesia-it's jungle out there ·19 detailed maps,including nine full-colour maps

    • ¥149.9 ¥153 折扣:9.8折
    • Egypt
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Andrew Humphreys 等著 /2004-01-01/
    • Music and sheesha smoke wafting from the open doorway of a Cairo coffeehouse, the rippling dunes and blinding white sand of the Western Desert, and the awe-inspiring temples of Abu Simbel and Karnak - our bestselling guide to the ancient land of the Pharaohs covers every corner of this inspiring country. TAKE A CRUISE with our dedicated Nile Cruises chapter - we'll give you the low-down on everything that floats, from local feluccas to luxurious cruise ships GET AROUND with our 128 detailed maps - including customized itineraries and a walking tour map to help you discover the medieval alleyways of Islamic Cairo GET THE BACKGROUND on everything from pyramids to papyrus with our special sections on Pharaonic Egypt and the Egyptian Museum DISCOVER THE OUTDOORS with our comprehensive coverage of Red Sea diving and desert safaris - we know every shipwreck and oasis! TALK THE TALK with the help of our Egyptian Arabic language chapter 作者简介:Andrew Humphreys,Coordinating Aut

    • ¥199.9 ¥204 折扣:9.8折
    • Bhutan
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Stan Armington 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Trek remote regions and experience spectacular tsechu festivals. Behold sublime mountain monasteries and imposing dzongs. This guide opens the door to the last Himalayan Buddhist kingdom. ·37 detailed maps, including a colour country map ·illustrated sections on architecture, festivals and textiles ·comprehensive cultural, historical and religious commentary ·coverage of the world's only yeti reserve ·notes on a range of trekking options

    • ¥177.7 ¥187 折扣:9.5折
    • India
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Saruba Singh 等著 /1970-01-01/
    • India is as spectacular and as diverse as a Bollywood movie-colouful,exuberant,exciting and loud.This top-selling guide is better than any blockbuster at conjuring up the highlights,be it soaring Himalayan peaks or sun-soaked Keralan beaches. ·feast your eyes on the sights in our 16-page colour highlights section. ·tease your tastebuds with reviews of thousands of restaurants and cafes ·meet and greet the locals using our handy language chapter ·find your way with 218maps,including a full-colour country map ·follow the satest path with our vital information on health risks,scams and regions in conflict. 作者简介: Sarina Singh,After finishing a Business degree in Melbourne,Sarina did a corporate trainaeeship with the sheratio in Delhi but later ditched hotels for news-papers,working as a freelance journalist and foreign correpondent.After four years in lndia she returned to Australia,Pursued postgradu-ate journalism qualifications and co-wrote/directed a television do

    • ¥249.9 ¥255 折扣:9.8折
    • 【正版保证团购优惠】旅游业生态效率
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 李鹏 /2013-10-01/ 科学出版社
    • 生态效率旨在环境保护和经济发展之间寻找一个平衡点,力求在经济发展的同时,使其环境影响最小,充分体现了科学发展、和谐发展的思想内涵,也是生态文明的践行途径。将生态效率引入旅游研究,以旅游业运营系统为切入点,运用生态经济学原理和生态效率分析框架,针对不同尺度和不同类型的旅游业运营系统单元的生态效率开展了比较深入的理论探讨和定量实证研究,提出旅游业生态效率改善途径和管理建议,为旅游环境影响研究提供了新视角,在探索与建立旅游业生态效率理论框架的同时,丰富了旅游环境影响理论体系。 《旅游业生态效率》对旅游研究机构、旅游管理部门、高层次的相关旅游教学人员、研究生、本科生及广大的生态旅游爱好者均具有重要的指导意义;同时对生态学和环境科学研究机构、环保管理部门的相关教学人员、研究生、

    • ¥126.4 ¥160 折扣:7.9折
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Robert D. Ballard, Michael Sweeney 著 /2004-11-01/
    • Mearly 20 YEARS AFTER MAKING THE world's most famous underwater discovery,Robert D.Ballard retruns to Titanic to record the most dramatic images of the wreek yet seen-and to expose evidence of new dangers that impericl the legndary ship. As Ballard prepares for the expedition,he takes us back to the clear,starry night of April 14,1912,when tons of icy water inundated the huge vessel and dragged it and 1,523 souls to a deep-sea grave.He explores the natrual events and human mis-judgments that eld to catastrophe,the drama that contributes to the mythology,and the people who make Titanic's story live on,from confident Captain E.J.Smith,who perished with the ship eh ardently proclaimed safe,to a retired London justice of the peace who recalled playing with her teddy bear on Titanic's sunny decks-then pulling away in a lifeboat,leaving her father on the dying vessel. Ballard chronicles early attempts to find Titanic,including a 1953 mission using echolocation,a precuror to the sonar imaging of today.Then,a

    • ¥224.4 ¥229 折扣:9.8折
    • PhilipPines
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Chris Rowthorn 等著 /1970-01-01/
    • The Philippines' extraordinary diversity and beauty in one comprehensive guidebook: kaleidoscopic local festivals, bustling cities, deserted islands, awe-inspiring rice terraces, erupting volcanoes, and great adventures under sea and in the hills. ·over 100 easy-to-read maps ·Wcompletely revised by a new team of authors ·culturally sensitive and insightful information on the country's political, economic and environmental scene ·essential language chapter, with handy phrases in Pilipino --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

    • ¥208.7 ¥213 折扣:9.8折
    • 【正版保证团购优惠】巴东红庙岭
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 国务院三峡工程建设委员会办公室等 /2010-07-16/ 科学出版社
    • 本书全面系统地介绍了湖北省巴东县红庙岭遗址在大溪文化时期、夏商时期、周代时期、秦、西汉时期的文化遗存,以及东汉至唐宋时期的一批墓葬,为研究三峡地区古代文化和古代巴人的来龙去脉提供了一批重要的考古资料。内容涉及考古学、历史学、民族学等学科,是配合三峡水利枢纽工程建设的一部考古发掘报告。

    • ¥211.7 ¥268 折扣:7.9折
    • Australia
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Paul SmitzSusie Ashworth 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Sun-kissed beaches, the dramatic Red Centre, the spectacular beauty of over 500 national parks, and some of the friendliest people in the world--discover all this and much more with this bestselling guide to the Land Down Under. We know Australia better than anyone--uncover its secrets with us. BE INSPIRED by our new highlights, itineraries and planning sections; GET AROUND with the help of over 180 detailed maps, including a full-colour road map section; DINE OUT using restaurant recommendations from one of the country's most authoritative food critics; WATCH WILDLIFE and understand the unique environment with the help of our full-colour environment chapter, written by Australia's most prominent commentator in the field; HANG OUT WITH THE LOCALS after reading our insiders' tips on the best bars, cafes and entertainment spots in the country。 作者简介: Susie Ashworth,A childhood of hohidays spent in a family caravan and long weekend drives gave Susie a yearning for

    • ¥258.7 ¥264 折扣:9.8折
    • Longely Planet Nepal
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Bradley Mayhew 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Looking for the birthplace of the Buddha,the most exciting elephant ride in the subcontinent,the world's highest bungy jump,the best palace restaurant or just the nearest bus stop?Whether you're seeking spirituality of are moved by the sopirit of acventure.this essential guidebook to the abodes of Snow will take you to a higher place. ger aclive-trekking,raftion and mountain-biking chapters get into it-special section on Nepal' s colourful festivals get what you need-advice on where to stay,what to eat and how to get around getsmart-responsibole tourismsection get chatty-useful language chapter and glossary don't get lost-53 detailed maps

    • ¥183.3 ¥187 折扣:9.8折
    • Best Of HongKong
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Steve Fallon 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Sample dim sum fresh from the bamboo steamer as the mah jong chips rustle down a nearby alleyway.Delight in endless shopping sprees,soak up glittering harbour views from the Peak,and party in Soho till sunrise.In Hong Kong you'll be spoiled for choice,so we're selected the gems for you.Best of Hong Kong puts the whole city in you pocket. FEAST LIKE AN EMPEROR-discover the true tastes of Canton,from streetside snacks to seafood banquets. SHOP UP A STORM in bustling night markets,quirky boutiques and designer shopping malls-the choices are endless. STAY IN STYLE with our discerning accommodation options,hand-picked from the city's best. FIND THE HAUNTS with the local lowdown on glamorous bars ,English-style pubs and ultra-slick Clubs. ESCAPE TO MACAU-our day-trip itinerary takes you through cobblestone streets to Protuguese treats. 作者简介 Steve Fallon,a native of Boston,Massachusetts,He graduated from Georgetown University with a Bachelor of Science in modern languages ,includ

    • ¥125.4 ¥128 折扣:9.8折