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    • Pocket Spotters Wild Flowers袖珍野花
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Pamela Forey 著 /2003-06-01/
    • Close-up, full-colour illustrations of wild plants and flowers. Detailed facts about size, flowering season and growing conditions to helpyou identify each plant. Discover more than 180 plants, including garden flowers, snowdrops and other woodland flowers, wild herbs and pond plants,such as water-lilies and watercress.

    • ¥29.4 折扣:9.8折
    • 野营秘笈:晕车/Hank Zipzer: Barfing in the Backseat
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    • Henry Winkler 著 /2007-12-01/ Pengiun Group (USA)
    • Hank’s dad has decided to enter a crossword-puzzle tournament, and he wants to make a family road trip of it! So the family piles into the car—along with Frankie and Katherine the iguana (Hank and Emily each get to bring a “friend”). When they reach their destination, they’ll get to spend the day at a roller-coaster park during Hank’s dad’s tournament! The only caveat is that Hank has a homework packet to finish before they get there . . . which he somehow manages to lose at a stop along the way. Suddenly, Hank doesn’t feel so good . . . Can Hank and Frankie rescue the lost packet and get Hank on a roller coaster?

    • ¥27.7 折扣:7.9折
    • 法国印象/French Impressions
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • John S. LittellMary W. Littell 著 /2002-03-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • One steamy morning in the summer of 1950, Mary and Frank Littell-with their two young sons in tow-left America for a small working-class town in the South of France, where they spent one hilarious, unforgettable year. Filled with fascinating details of expatriate life, French Impressions is a riveting account of their (mis)adventures abroad.

    • ¥15.8 折扣:8.8折