    • 房地产金牌销售百万年薪不是梦【可开电子发票】
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    • 徽湖 等编著 /2011-05-01/ 机械工业出版社
    • 成为出色的销售人员,实现百万年薪的梦想,是每一个从事房地产销售人员的梦想。阅读完《房地产销售:百万年薪不是梦》后,将使你的梦想成为可能。全书共九章,章房地产知识全掌握让你从一名销售的门外汉,成为销售人员,第二章塑造自我、第三章认识产品和第四章认识客户让你从一名销售人员成为合格销售人员,第五章销售人员十大必杀技、第六章编制一套十全十美“销讲词”和第七章做好售后服务让你从一名合格的销售人员成为销售人员,第八章刁难问题如何对答如流以及第九章舒缓压力让你完成从到的过程。《房地产销售:百万年薪不是梦》立足房地产销售市场,以理论知识为基础,以技能训练为重点,结合职业标准实施,给广大房地产销售人员提供一条提高销售技巧,实现梦想的捷径。书中的销讲词和刁难问题的对答是你们在房地产销售中每天都会

    • ¥19.43 ¥51 折扣:3.8折
    • 证券技术分析市场结构价格行为和交易策略【正版】
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • [美]亚当·格瑞姆斯Ada450mGrimes) /2018-09-01/ 人民邮电出版社
    • 突破传统技术分析理念,升级你的交易系统! ??技术分析是当今用来判断金融市场走势和交易时机的有效工具。作为一名专业交易员,亚当在书中所阐述的观点在一定程度上突破了传统技术分析的方法,为交易者讲解了如何在随机性的市场中应用技术分析来做出判断。 ??亚当在书中详细介绍了用道氏理论进行趋势判断的方法、交易形态的识别、止损位的设置、进场点和出场点的判断、仓位管理、风险管理、情绪管理,以及相对强弱分析、均值回归分析、波动率分析、价格波动分析、测试分析、时间周期分析、验证分析等。 ??本书几乎涵盖了技术分析一百多年发展历程中所有被市场和投资者验证过的有效工具和方法,是证券从业人员、普通散户、机构投资者成功交易的实战指南。

    • ¥65 ¥181.27 折扣:3.6折
    • 管理多大点儿事【放心购买】
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    • 李世化著 /2014-01-01/ 中国商业出版社
    • 你会不会觉得,管理是门很玄奥的学问,不是普通人能掌握的?其实,管理没多大点事儿!从实践中来,向细节中去,很多管理概念一点就破。有人说,人生就是在做一道道试题。这些试题有容易的,也有难的;有做对的时候,也有做错的时候。有的时候,根本就没有标准答案,只是看你如何抉择,选取一种你认为的答案。其实,管理何尝不是如此。我们在管理中,也会碰到各种各样的试题。如何去解答这些试题,使你的管理方式更趋完善,是每一个管理者应该思考的问题。

    • ¥19.09 ¥46 折扣:4.2折
    • 美容化妆品销售金口才【达额立减】
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    • 龚震波著;王颂舒著;肖晓春编 /2016-08-01/ 中国经济出版社
    • 本书选取88个极具代表性的美容化妆品销售情景,是销售人员每天都会遇到,却又难以应对的问题。每个销售情景均以客户需求为出发点,以美容化妆品销售人员的沟通技能为线索,按“常见应对”“引导策略”“话术范例”“方法技巧”和“举一反三”共五个部分逐一讲述,简洁易懂,即学即用!? 本书是美容化妆品企业及门店销售人员及其主管、经销商的实战宝典,更是馈员工及经销商的礼物。美容化妆品销售人员每天只需花上几分钟学3句销售妙语,30天即可达到妙语连珠、业绩飙升的效果!? ? ?

    • ¥26.22 ¥63 折扣:4.2折
    • 爆品思维【可开电子发票】
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    • 徐荣华著 /2016-09-01/ 化学工业出版社
    • 在移动互联网时代,爆品代表着专注某一类用户,代表着以用户思维为导向的设计、研发、生产与销售,代表着真的找到了用户的痛点,代表着一款产品可以干到几个亿甚至几十亿。爆品思维不仅是老徐和团队对互联网思维在认知基础上的升华,更是总结出来的打造并孵化爆品的方法论。? 本书沉淀作者15年传统营销策划和3年多移动互联网微营销精华,重点讲解打造爆品的五大基础、六大要素、七个工具,以及分析了互联网的四大趋势与爆品的关系。作者通过大量实践案例,系统地向读者介绍打造爆品的方法和技巧,帮助传统企业转型、小微创业者理顺属于自己的爆品路径。

    • ¥31.99 ¥65 折扣:4.9折
    • 用流程解放管理者2:中小企业规范化管理【售后无忧】
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    • 张国祥著 /2013-09-01/ 电子工业出版社
    • 规范化管理不再是大企业的专利,随着市场环境的不断变化,规范化管理的思路也被广大中小企业接受。?张国祥老师经过多年的规范化管理培训实践,分别从战略管理、员工管理、流程管理、生产管理、营销管理的角度,对企业规范化管理进行了系统的阐述,并介绍了大量的实用工具,为中小企业的规范化管理提供了清晰的思路,值得广大中小企业借鉴。

    • ¥29 ¥64 折扣:4.5折
    • HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leadership 哈佛商学院领导力精要 当当网5星级英文学习产品
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    • Harvard Business Review 著 /2011-01-01/ Perseus
    • Go from being a good manager to an extraordinary leader. If you read nothing else on leadership, read these 10 articles.We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articleson leadership and selected the most important ones to help youmaximize your own and your organization's performance. HBR's 10 Must Reads On Leadership will inspire you to: - Motivate others to excel - Build your team's self-confidence in others - Provoke positive change - Set direction - Encourage smart risk-taking - Manage with tough empathy - Credit others for your success - Increase self-awareness - Draw strength from adversity

    • ¥107.9 折扣:5折
    • MONEY BOOK FOR FREELANCERS, PA(ISBN=9780307453662) 英文原版
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    • Joseph D Agnese 著 /2010-03-01/ Random House US
    • This is a book for people like us, and we all know who weare. We make our own hours, keep our own profits, chart our own way.We have things like gigs, contracts, clients, andassignments. All of us are working toward our dreams: doingour own work, on our own time, on our own terms. We have no realboss, no corporate nameplate, no cubicle of our very own.Unfortunately, we also have no 401(k)s and no one matching them, nobenefits package, and no one collecting our taxes until April15th. It’s time to take stock of where you are and where you want tobe. Ask yourself: Who is planning for your retirement? Who coversyour expenses when clients flake out and checks are late? Who issetting money aside for your taxes? Who is responsible for yourhealth insurance? Take a good look in the mirror: You are. The Money Book for Freelancers, Part-Timers, and theSelf-Employed describes a completely new, comprehensive system forearning, spending, saving, and surviving as an independent worker.From

    • ¥45.5 折扣:3.5折
    • HEART OF BUSINESS, THE(ISBN=9781400054626) 英文原版
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    • Liz Mohn 著 /2005-05-01/ Random House US
    • In The Heart of Business Liz Mohn describes her experiences asa woman and an entrepreneur at Bertelsmann, Europe’s largest mediacorporation, in a powerful call to action for organizations ofevery size and purpose to adapt to the evolving criteria of successin the twenty-first century. With the new millennium being shapedby the forces of internationalization and globalization, Mohn asksan important question: Will humane values take their rightful andnecessary place as a vital factor in the equations that measureachievement and prosperity in the world we will hand over to ourchildren and grandchildren? Making a plea for a new paradigm of business and personalachievement that combines material rewards with those of friendshipand social consciousness, Mohn writes passionately and eloquentlyabout her beliefs as a woman, a philanthropist, and a corporateleader. At their heart is a deep concern about frightening trendsin our society: the loss of direction, the increase in bothselfishness and lonelines

    • ¥36.7 折扣:3.5折
    • HARD LANDING(ISBN=9780812928358) 英文原版
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    • Thomas Petzinger Jr. 著 /1996-12-01/
    • In this updated paperback edition of a "rich, readable, andauthoritative" Fortune) book, Wall Street Journal reporterPetzinger tells the dramatic story of how a dozen men, includingRobert Crandall of American Airlines, Frank Borman of Eastern, andRichard Ferris of United, battled for control of the world'sairlines Radio drive-time pubilcity.

    • ¥86 折扣:5折
    • CROWDSOURCING(ISBN=9780307396211)
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    • Jeff Howe 著 /2009-09-01/ Random House US
    • Why does Procter Gamble repeatedly call on enthusiasticamateurs to solve scientific and technical challenges? How cancompanies as diverse as iStockphoto and Threadless employ just ahandful of people, yet generate millions of dollars in revenueevery year? "Crowdsourcing" is how the power of the many can be leveraged toaccomplish feats that were once the responsibility of a specializedfew. Jeff Howe reveals that the crowd is more than wise–it’stalented, creative, and stunningly productive. It’s also a perfectmeritocracy, where age, gender, race, education, and job history nolonger matter; the quality of the work is all that counts. If youcan perform the service, design the product, or solve the problem,you’ve got the job. But crowdsourcing has also triggered a dramatic shift in the waywork is organized, talent is employed, research is conducted, andproducts are made and marketed. As the crowd comes to supplanttraditional forms of labor, pain and disruption are inevitable, andHowe de

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • (面试7步赢) THE INTERVIEW REHEARSALDeb Gottesman远峰音像【现货实拍 可开发票 下
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    • Deb Gottesman /1999-12-01/ 远峰音像
    • Actors specialize in the skills you need to excel at interviews: self-confidence, verbal communication and body language, and knowing how to project the desired image. Here, the directors of a consulting firm that applies acting techniques to success in the business world share a step-by-step training program to help you ace your own "audition." You'll learn trade secrets for conquering stage fright, how to research the "role" you're applying for, how to look the part, how to deal with job-hunting stress--and how to use simple exercises for effective verbal and physical communication. With each interview, the curtain rises on a new opportunity. With the seven steps in this book, you can get ready to take a bow!

    • ¥148.1 ¥444.3 折扣:3.3折
    • High Performance with High Integrity(ISBN=9781422122952)
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    • Ben W. Heineman Jr 著 /2008-05-01/ Perseus
    • Our free-market capitalist system is the world's greatestdriver of prosperity, but it has a dark side. Under intensepressure to make the numbers, executives and employees facetemptation to cut corners, fudge accounts, or worse. And in today'sunforgiving environment, such lapses can be catastrophic. Fines andsettlements have amounted to billions of dollars. Careers andcompanies have imploded. In High Performance with High Integrity, Ben Heineman argues thatthere is only one way for companies to avoid such failures: CEOsmust create a culture of integrity through exemplary leadership,transparency, incentives, and processes, not just rules andpenalties. Heineman, GE's chief legal officer and a member of bothJack Welch's and Jeff Immelt's senior management teams for nearlytwenty years, reveals crucial "performance with integrity"principles and practices that you can begin applying immediately,and shows how you can drive performance by integrating integritysystems and processes deep into company operat

    • ¥86 折扣:5折
    • WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW YOU KNOW(ISBN=9781590512616)
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    • Ken Eisold 著 /2010-01-01/ Random House US
    • The unconscious sprang to the attention of the West a hundredyears ago, and we are still struggling to absorb its full impact.It was one thing to understand the concept, to see it and believeit, but another to live with it, to take in fully its challenge toour deepest cultural assumptions. Today, as we expand ourunderstanding of its reach, we are still coming to grips with whatit means. This “new unconscious” is driven by the identities weassume, the groups we belong to, the ideas we inherit, thelanguages we use–all the elements that provide meaning andstructure to our world. What You Don’t Know You Know is about this emergentunderstanding, and how it forces us to rethink our relationshipswith each other as well as our beliefs about what it means to be aperson, to have a self. It is for all those who want a betterunderstanding of the complexity of human motivation, whether as anexecutive faced with employees resisting change, an electedofficial trying to forge agreements among competing i

    • ¥103.5 折扣:5折
    • Organize Your Start-Up!
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    • Ronni Eisenberg 著 /2001-04-01/
    • In this dot.com age, more and more people are striking out on their own to create the businesses they always dreamed of having. But starting a company can feel like an overwhelming amount of work: juggling multiple tasks, keeping track of expenditures, finding customers and keeping them happy. Now Ronni Eisenberg, a nationally recognized time management and organization expert and author of the enormously successful Organize! series, can help with an easy-to-follow plan that makes starting a business seem less like a venture, and more like an adventure. Organize Your Start-UP!will show you ·How to take an organized approach to financing and struturing a business ·The whys and wherefores of location ·What to do about money ·How to promote your business

    • ¥44 折扣:5折
    • 爆品思维
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    • 徐荣华著 /2016-09-01/ 化学工业出版社
    • 在移动互联网时代,爆品代表着专注某一类用户,代表着以用户思维为导向的设计、研发、生产与销售,代表着真的找到了用户的痛点,代表着一款产品可以干到几个亿甚至几十亿。爆品思维不仅是老徐和团队对互联网思维在认知基础上的升华,更是总结出来的打造并孵化爆品的方法论。? 本书沉淀作者15年传统营销策划和3年多移动互联网微营销精华,重点讲解打造爆品的五大基础、六大要素、七个工具,以及分析了互联网的四大趋势与爆品的关系。作者通过大量实践案例,系统地向读者介绍打造爆品的方法和技巧,帮助传统企业转型、小微创业者理顺属于自己的爆品路径。

    • ¥30.35 ¥63.7 折扣:4.8折
    • ESSAYS THAT WORKED/BUSINESS(ISBN=9780345450432) 英文原版
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    • Boykin Curry 著 /2003-07-01/ Random House US
    • “Applicants looking for the competitive edge in gettingaccepted at the business school of their choice may want to perusethis book.” –Security Traders Handbook Every year, thousands apply for a finite number of places inbusiness schools. With similar grades, backgrounds, and goals,sometimes the only thing that can make an applicant stand out isthe application essay. It’s the best chance you have to shine andtip the balance in your favor. Essays That Worked for Business Schools shows that the bestessays are brief, sincere, and personal. Some are off the wall,some are bold, all are unique to their creator. One applicantwrites about starting his own airline. Another tells about thecorruption in his job as a defense contractor. And a third reflectson his license plate. From the thousands submitted each year, theforty essays in this book were considered some of the best byadmissions officers at the nation’s top business schools. As thiscollection demonstrates, with creativity and effor

    • ¥43 折扣:3.6折