Praise for Emerging Real Estate Markets "In this book, you'll discover how to snatch real estate opportunities at low prices, before their value becomes common knowledge. Buy all the copies on the bookshelf before your competitor does!" —Frank McKinney, "The Maverick Daredevil Real Estate Entrepreneur" and author of Frank McKinney's Maverick Approach to Real Estate Success "I've never seen another real estate book even come close to laying out a profit road map the way this one does. If your local economy is too hot or too cold, Lindahl's guide will show you how to invest in the up-and-coming markets with the greatest profit potential." —Stacy Kellams, President, "Lindahl shows you how to look into the future and see where the next hot real estate markets will be. It's the closest thing I've found to a real estate crystal ball." —Jeff Adams, President, "The brilliant thing about this
This book details the leadership principles used by MotherTeresa in building one of the world’s largest and most successfulorganizations, with this as its central lesson: leaders mustarticulate a simple vision, and execute it with absolutepracticality. Bose—who spent eight months working with MotherTeresa in 1992-3—and Faust have distilled Mother Teresa’sleadership style into nine essential principles. Each principleshows readers how to apply Mother Teresa’s wisdom in their livesand businesses. Much has been written about Mother Teresa. She is an actualsaint, beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2003, as well as thewinner of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize, This book is the first toview her in another light—as a pragmatic, realistic leader who over47 years raised billions of dollars and helped millions of people.This often meant making tough decisions—such as accepting adonation from Saddam Hussein. This book has the principles thatguided those decisions. These are universal principles that
In clear, simple terms Leadership and the One Minute Manager teaches managers the art of Situational Leadership--a simple system that refutes the conventional management mandate of treating all employees equally, tlere, you'll learn why tailoring management styles to individual employees is so important; why knowing when to delegate, support, or direet is critieal; how to identify the leadership style suited to a partieular person; and how consistent use of the One Minute techniques will produce better management and enhanced motivation on all levels. This remarkable, easy-to-follow book is a priceless guide to creative,personalized leadership that elicits the bestperformance from your staff and the best bottom line for any business.
A wise manager knows that success only comes with operational excellence that is properly aligned with strategy. The challenge is knowing what actions to take and when to take them-navigating without knowing the impact of your actions on the bottom line is a risk you can't afford to take. Profit Mapping delivers a forward-looking management decision tool that allows you to proactively navigate business strategy and execution. The authors' exclusive ProFITMAP method is a navigation system for operations that has been used successfully with leading businesses such as Ford Motor Company and General Motors. It enables you to test the impact of any number of factors on operational execution-from product demand and mix changes to process and technology changes to resource limitations-prior to taking any action. ProFIT-MAP helps you make informed process and product decisions and reach your operational and product objectives by answering the following questions: Can it be done? Is it possible? If not, then wha
Companies have long engaged in head-to-head competition insearch of sustained, profitable growth. They have fought forcompetitive advantage, battled over market share, and struggled fordifferentiation. Yet in today’s overcrowded industries, competing head-on resultsin nothing but a bloody “red ocean” of rivals fighting over ashrinking profit pool. In a book that challenges everything youthought you knew about the requirements fro strategic success, W.Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne contend that while most companiescompete within such red oceans, this strategy is increasinglyunlikely to create profitable growth in the future. Based on a study of 150 strategic moves spanning more then ahundred years and thirty industries, Kim and Mauborgne argue thattomorrow’s leading companies will succeed not by battlingcompetitors, but by creating “blue ocean” of uncontested marketspace ripe for growth. Such strategies moves—termed “valueinnovation”-create powerful leaps in value for both th
The seven essential tools for keeping projects on time andunder budget You're executing risk management, leadership, and planning--allhallmarks of outstanding project management. And yet you're stillhaving trouble keeping your projects on schedule. Creative Project Management adds two new elements to the mix:creativity and innovation. Internationally renowned project management consultants MichaelDobson and Ted Leemann combine traditional project managementskills, such as risk evaluation, decision-making, and humandynamics, with outside-the-box thinking and business creativity.They provide seven new tools and approaches you can apply to anyproject. The methods discussed inside Creative Project Management show youhow to: Realistically imagine the outcome of your decisions Work with--and around--the realities and constraints that affectyour decisions Read and predict trends Manage the long- and short-term ramifications of yourdecisions Evaluate the im
How to implement social technology in business, spurcollaborative innovation and drive winning programs to improveproducts, services, and long-term profits and growth. The road to social media marketing is now well paved: A July2009 Anderson Analytics study found 60% of the Internet populationuses social networks and social media sites such as Facebook,MySpace, and Twitter. Collaboration and innovation, driven bysocial technology, are “what’s next.” Written by the author of the bestselling Social MediaMarketing: An Hour a Day in collaboration with Jake McKee, SocialMedia Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagementtakesmarketers, product managers, small business owners, seniorexecutives and organizational leaders on to the next step in socialtechnology and its application in business. In particular, thisbook explains how to successfully implement a variety tools, how toensure higher levels of customer engagement, and how to build onthe lessons learned and information gleaned f
Now in a striking new hardcover edition, Fooled by Randomnessis the word-of-mouth sensation that will change the way you thinkabout business and the world. Nassim Nicholas Taleb–veteran trader,renowned risk expert, polymathic scholar, erudite raconteur, andNew York Times bestselling author of The Black Swan–has written amodern classic that turns on its head what we believe about luckand skill. This book is about luck–or more precisely, about how we perceiveand deal with luck in life and business. Set against the backdropof the most conspicuous forum in which luck is mistaken forskill–the world of trading–Fooled by Randomness providescaptivating insight into one of the least understood factors in allour lives. Writing in an entertaining narrative style, the authortackles major intellectual issues related to the underestimation ofthe influence of happenstance on our lives. The book is populated with an array of characters, some of whomhave grasped, in their own way, the significance
In factories around the world, Toyota consistently makes the highest-quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer, while using fewer man-hours, less on-hand inventory, and half the floor space of its competitors. The Toyota Way is the first book for a general audience that explains the management principles and business philosophy behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability. Complete with profiles of organizations that have successfully adopted Toyota's principles, this book shows managers in every industry how to improve business processes by: Eliminating wasted time and resources; Building quality into workplace systems; Finding low-cost but reliable alternatives to expensive new technology; Producing in small quantities; Turning every employee into a qualitycontrol inspector.
Go from being a good manager to an extraordinary leader. If you read nothing else on leadership, read these 10 articles.We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articleson leadership and selected the most important ones to help youmaximize your own and your organization's performance. HBR's 10 Must Reads On Leadership will inspire you to: - Motivate others to excel - Build your team's self-confidence in others - Provoke positive change - Set direction - Encourage smart risk-taking - Manage with tough empathy - Credit others for your success - Increase self-awareness - Draw strength from adversity
Want to reach consumers in innovative ways? Guerilla Marketing For Dummies is packed with guerilla tactics and trade secrets for marketing your products or services like never before. From re-imagining existing marketing platforms to mastering trailblazing methods, you’ll create a cost-effective game plan for getting your customers’ attention and keeping it! This savvy, hands-on guide explains what guerilla marketing is, who does it, and why. You’ll learn how it can take your brand to new heights as you start thinking like a guerilla, brainstorming, collaborating, and refining ideas for an exciting, non-traditional marketing program. The real fun starts when you build a winning team and take your message to the streets, executing attention-grabbing publicity stunts and creating unforgettable events. You’ll find out when it pays to work with the big-gun guerilla-marketing firms and how to launch your own low-cost campaign. Discover how to: Reach customers wherever they are Develop a cohe
Through impressive results, Six Sigma has proven to hundreds of organizations around the globe that settling for “good enough” won't work. Now Peter S. Pande, foremost expert on change leadership and coauthor of the bestselling The Six Sigma Way, challenges leaders to seek a new standard of leadership excllence and apply principles inspired by Six Sigma to take their companies to a new level. The Six Sigma Leader defines successful leadership in the 21st Century. With illustrative examples and proven strategies such as “The 10 Second Rule” (taking that extra time to make sure you're asking the right questions to get the information you need), the book offers techniques that link leadership improvement to real business results, and explores Six Sigma Leadership: the core principles of Six Sigma leadership and the 21st-century challenges of balance and flexibility Change and Constancy: the role of change in leadership and how to achieve greater return on your change portfolio
In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity -- principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.
The global financial crisis has made it painfully clear that powerful psychological forces are imperiling the wealth of nations today. From blind faith in ever-rising housing prices to plummeting confidence in capital markets, "animal spirits" are driving financial events worldwide. In this book, acclaimed economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller challenge the economic wisdom that got us into this mess, and put forward a bold new vision that will transform economics and restore prosperity. Akerlof and Shiller reassert the necessity of an active government role in economic policymaking by recovering the idea of animal spirits, a term John Maynard Keynes used to describe the gloom and despondence that led to the Great Depression and the changing psychology that accompanied recovery. Like Keynes, Akerlof and Shiller know that managing these animal spirits requires the steady hand of government--simply allowing markets to work won't do it. In rebuilding the case for a more robust, behaviorally informed Keynes
Persuade others to do what you want--for their ownreasons. If you need the best practices and ideas for making dealsthat work--but don't have time to find them--this book is foryou. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in oneplace. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Seal or sweeten a bargain by uncovering the other side'smotives - Conquer faulty assumptions to make the right deals - Forge deals only when they support your strategy - Set the stage for a healthy relationship long after the ink hasdried - Make promises you can keep - Gain your adversaries' trust in high-stakes talks - Know when to walk away
An updated and revisedversionof the bestselling The LeadershipPipeline – the critical resource for how companies can growleadersfrom the inside. In business,leadership at every level is a requisite for companysurvival. Yet the leadership pipeline –the internal strategy togrowleaders – in many companies is dry or nonexistent. Drawing on theirexperiences at many Fortune 500 companies, the authors show howorganizations can develop leadership at every level by identifyingfuture leaders, assessing their corporate confidence, planningtheir development, and measuring their results. New to this edition is 65 pages of new material toupdate themodel, share new stories and add new advice based on the ten moreyears of experience. The authors have also added a "FrequentlyAsked Questions" section to the end of each chapter.
What do Bill Gates, Henry Ford, J. P. Morgan, Mary Kay Ash, and Walt Disney all have in common? Uncompromising vision, a willingness to take risks, and exceptional business acumen. Not only did these individuals amass great fortunes, they revolutionized the business world and helped shape society as we know it. Theirs are just a few of the stories collected in this anthology of commercial ingenuity. Drawing on a wealth of sources, this priceless collection brings to life extraordinary achievements, many of them forgotten or little known: how Robert Morris, the preeminent merchant of the eighteenth century, financed the American Revolution with his personal credit; how Ray Kroc used a shrewd real estate strategy to turn a faltering hamburger franchise operation into the McDonald's fast food empire; and how Mary Kay Ash built a billion-dollar direct sales cosmetics company by preaching a message of economic empowerment to women. Enlightening and fascinating, Forbes(r) Greatest Business Stories
Harvard Business Essentials The Reliable Source for Busy Managers The Harvard Business Essentials series is designed to provide comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Drawing on rich content from Harvard Business School Publishing and other sources, these concise guides are carefully crafted to provide a highly practical resource for readers with all levels of experience. To assure quality and accuracy, each volume is closely reviewed by a specialized content adviser from a world class business school. Whether you are a new manager interested in expanding your skills or an experienced executive looking for a personal resource, these solution-oriented books offer reliable answers at your fingertips. Effective marketing can mean the difference between runaway successes and costly flops. Covering everything from customer programs to ad campaigns to sales promotions, this is every marketer’s hands-on guide to turning opportuniti
"As a manager, my purpose is to serve the greater goodby bringing people and resources together to create value that nosingle individual can create alone..." So begins the MBA Oath, conceived in early 2009 byMax Anderson, Peter Escher, and a team of Harvard Business Schoolstudents. They saw that in the wake of the financial crisis, theMadoff scandal, and other headlines, MBAs were being vilified.People were angry because business leaders, many of whom were MBAs,seemed not to care about anything beyond their own privateinterests. Many began to question the worth of business schools andthe MBA degree. The oath quickly spread beyond Harvard, becoming a worldwidemovement for a new generation of leaders who care about society aswell as the bottom line. Thousands of graduating MBAs have nowpledged to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity, just asmedical students swear by the Hippocratic oath before they canpractice. This book is the manifesto for the movement. It provides not only astrong case for wh
How to use Strategic Learning to rapidly respond to change andgain a sustainable advantage over your competitors What's evenharder than creating a breakthrough strategy? Making it stick. Ascompanies are fighting to survive in a tough economy, this new bookby Willie Pietersen demonstrates the power of the StrategicLearning process, a four-step dynamic cycle guaranteed to createand sustain winning performance. Adopted by a wide range ofcorporations and not-for-profit organizations, the StrategicLearning process builds on eight years of practicing, adapting andhoning the original concepts Pietersen first introduced in"Reinventing Strategy "to explain how organizations can generatesuperior insights about their customers and competitors, craft aWinning Proposition, focus on a vital few key priorities, createbuy-in throughout the organization and achieve success - again andagain. Teaches organizations to make smarter decisions that helpthem win customers and earn superior profits Explains how toinstill a cul
Join forces to solve your toughest problems. If you need the best practices and ideas for putting headstogether··but don't have time to find them··this book is for you.Here are nine inspiring and useful perspectives, all in oneplace. This collection of HBR articles will help you: · Forge strong relationships up, down, and across the orgchart · Build collaborative teams · Know when not to collaborate · Pick the right type of collaboration for your business · Harness employees' informal knowledge sharing · Manage conflict wisely · Make smart trade·offs · Put social media technologies to work for your organization
If you’re enrolled in an executive education or MBA program, you’ve probably encountered a powerful learning tool: the business case. But if you’re like many people, you may find analyzing cases and writing about them challenging or frustrating. That’s not surprising—cases are not simple narratives, and good ones are typically nonlinear and can even be purposefully misleading. Apply the conventional approach to understanding business cases, and you may waste time (at best) and arrive at weak or meager conclusions (at worst). The Case Study Handbook presents a powerful new approach for analyzing, discussing, and writing about cases. By using sample Harvard Business School cases, you’ll master a number of useful topics, including: How to recognize case situations and apply appropriate tools to solve problems, make decisions, or develop evaluations How to quickly establish a base of knowledge about a case How to write persuasive case-based essays How to talk about c
Stop pushing products--and start cultivating customerrelationships. If you need the best practices and ideas for marketing today--butdon't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 10inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Figure out what business you're really in - Collaborate with customers to meet current and futureneeds - Create products that perform the jobs people need to getdone - Get a bird's-eye view of your brands' strengths andweaknesses - Tap a market that's larger than China and India combined - Deliver superior value to your B2B customers - End the war between sales and marketing
Based on the best-seller Phonics Pathways, a complete approachto teaching phonics and early reading Dolores Hiskes has developed a wealth of helpful teachingaides based on her best-selling book Phonics Pathways. This boosterpack includes 46 double-sided flash cards that illustrate thesounds and spelling patterns of the English language; SpeakingPathways, a lively 35-minute audio CD that demonstrates the soundsof spoken English; and three fun phonics games: WordWorks, whichreviews and reinforces phonics reading skills, Blendlt, whichreinforces knowledge of beginning spelling patterns, and The TrainGame, which features individual "train car" cards that kids puttogether to make longer words. Companion CD demonstrates the sounds of spoken English Contains games that have been classroom-tested and proveneffective Offers aides that are at once challenging and a fun way to learnreading skills These powerful phonics teaching tools can be used with beginningreaders, English language learners, d
In this first new and totally revised edition of the over two million copy bestseller, The E-Myth, Michael Gerber dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running a business. Next, he walks you through the steps in the life of a business -- from entrepreneurial infancy through adolescent growing pains to the mature entrepreneurial perspective: the guiding light of all businesses that succeed -- and shows how to apply the lessons of franchising to any business, whether it is a franchise or not. Finally, Gerber draws the vital, often overlooked distinction between working on your business and working in your business. After you have read The E-Myth Revisited, you will truly be able to grow your business in a predictable and productive way.