《罗浮宫10大艺术杰作》:从古代埃及、罗马,到东方各国的艺术品;从古希腊,到现代的雕塑建筑作品,万宝之宫的精华都在这里。卢浮宫金字塔有两座?蒙娜丽莎的对面是卢浮宫*的画?来一趟美术馆小旅行,感受艺术的魅力与震撼。 《达芬奇10大艺术名作》 :他是天才!是语言学家、植物学家、动物学家、解剖学家、音乐家、雕塑家、绘画家、建筑学家、发明家和工程师 没错!他就是达芬奇蒙娜丽莎到底笑没笑?直升机的鼻祖是达芬奇?*后的晚餐还是一副3D画?让孩子们在书中探索,激发好奇心与想象力。 《全球10大著名建筑》 :建筑就是凝固的艺术。圣家族大教堂,帕特农神庙、狮身人面像、故宫 开始一场环球旅行,满足孩子对艺术天马行空的想象! 《世界10大*美名画》 :梵高、莫奈、毕加索 每一位都是艺术历史上无与伦比的大师。在和煦的微风中欣
Beginning with his early days in Syracuse, N.Y., and hischildhood in wartime Germany, this autobiography gives readers aglimpse at what shaped the artist's life, including essays on hiswork by his editors, a speech for the Library of Congress, and morethan sixty full-color illustrations.
(Praise for the Art Book for Children Volume One) 'A Perfectintroduction to art for parents and children to enjoy together' TheGuardian 'Parents will find this a wonderful book to share withtheir child' Junior 'Stylish and exciting without being silly' TheSunday Times