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    • EMPIRES OF LIGHT(ISBN=9780375758843)
    •   ( 17 条评论 )
    • Jill Jonnes 著 /2004-10-01/ Random House US
    • In the final decades of the nineteenth century, threebrilliant and visionary titans of America’s Gilded Age—ThomasEdison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse—battled bitterly aseach vied to create a vast and powerful electrical empire. InEmpires of Light, historian Jill Jonnes portrays this extraordinarytrio and their riveting and ruthless world of cutting-edge science,invention, intrigue, money, death, and hard-eyed Wall Streetmillionaires. At the heart of the story are Thomas Alva Edison, thenation’s most famous and folksy inventor, creator of theincandescent light bulb and mastermind of the world’s first directcurrent electrical light networks; the Serbian wizard of inventionNikola Tesla, elegant, highly eccentric, a dreamer whorevolutionized the generation and delivery of electricity; and thecharismatic George Westinghouse, Pittsburgh inventor and toughcorporate entrepreneur, an industrial idealist who in the era ofgaslight imagined a world powered by cheap and plentifulelectricity and

    • ¥73.5 折扣:5折
    • AT THE DEVIL'S TABLE(ISBN=9781400068371)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • William C. Rempel 著 /2011-06-01/ Random House US
    • In this riveting and relentless nonfiction thriller,award-winning investigative reporter William C. Rempel tells theharrowing story of former Cali cartel insider Jorge Salcedo, anordinary man facing an extraordinary dilemma—a man forced to riskeverything to escape the powerful and treacherous Cali crimesyndicate. Colombia in the 1990s is a country in chaos, as a weak governmentbattles guerrilla movements and narco-traffickers, including thenotorious Pablo Escobar and his rivals in the Cali cartel. EnterJorge Salcedo, a part-time soldier, a gifted engineer, a respectedbusinessman and family man—and a man who despises Pablo Escobar forpatriotic and deeply personal reasons. He is introduced to thegodfathers of the Cali cartel, who are at war with Escobar anddesperately want their foe dead. With mixed feelings, Jorge agreesto help them. Once inside, Jorge rises to become head of security for MiguelRodríguez Orejuela, principal godfather of the $7-billion-a-yearCali drug cartel. Jorge tries

    • ¥116.5 折扣:5折
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • La Leche League International 著 /2010-07-01/ Random House US
    • The long-awaited revised edition! It’s no secret that breastfeeding is the normal, healthy way tonourish and nurture your baby. Dedicated to supporting nursing andexpectant mothers, the internationally respected La Leche Leaguehas set the standard for educating and empowering mothers in thisnatural art for generations. Now their classic bestselling guidehas been retooled, refocused, and updated for today’s mothers andlifestyles. Working mothers, stay-at-home moms, single moms, andmothers of multiples will all benefit from the book’s range ofnursing advice, stories, and information—from preparing forbreastfeeding during pregnancy to feeding cues, from nursingpositions to expressing and storing breast milk. With all-newphotos and illustrations, this ultimate support bible offers ? real-mom wisdom on breastfeeding comfortably—from avoiding sorenipples to simply enjoying the amazing bonding experience ? new insights into old approaches toward latching and attaching,ages and stag

    • ¥86.5 折扣:5折
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    • Marc Weissbluth M.D. 著 /2009-06-01/ Random House US
    • From one of the nation’s most trusted experts on children’sbedtime and nap time comes a new guide for sleep-training twins sothat everybody (including Mom and Dad) will be rested andhappy! As parents of twins and multiples know, double the fun can bedouble the sleep deprivation. Now, in Healthy Sleep Habits, HappyTwins, beloved pediatrician and renowned sleep authority Dr. MarcWeissbluth combines specialized advice for parents of twins withhis tried-and-true sleep-training methods to show exhausted momsand dads how to get their babies to sleep on their own, stayasleep, and sleep regularly. This essential step-by-step guide toestablishing good sleep patterns reveals how to build healthyhabits in twins’ natural slumber cycles, including · how healthy sleep differs from “junk” sleep, plus a helpfultutorial on the techniques of sleep training for new parents · the five ingredients of healthy sleep, and why daytime sleep isdifferent from nighttime sleep but equally important to

    • ¥72.6 折扣:6折
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    • Tracy Kidder 著 /2004-08-01/ Random House US
    • Tracy Kidder is a winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the authorof the bestsellers The Soul of a New Machine, House, AmongSchoolchildren, and Home Town. He has been described by theBaltimore Sun as the “master of the non-fiction narrative.” Thispowerful and inspiring new book shows how one person can make adifference, as Kidder tells the true story of a gifted man who isin love with the world and has set out to do all he can to cureit. At the center of Mountains Beyond Mountains stands Paul Farmer.Doctor, Harvard professor, renowned infectious-disease specialist,anthropologist, the recipient of a MacArthur “genius” grant,world-class Robin Hood, Farmer was brought up in a bus and on aboat, and in medical school found his life’s calling: to diagnoseand cure infectious diseases and to bring the lifesaving tools ofmodern medicine to those who need them most. This magnificent bookshows how radical change can be fostered in situations that seeminsurmountable, and it also shows how a meaningful l

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • On the Road: The Original Scroll(ISBN=9780143105466)
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • Jack Kerouac 著 /2012-01-01/ Penguin
    • The legendary 1951 scroll draft of "On the Road," published asKerouac originally composed it IN THREE WEEKS in April of 1951,Jack Kerouac wrote his first full draft of "On the Road"atyped as asingle-spaced paragraph on eight long sheets of tracing paper,which he later taped together to form a 120-foot scroll. A majorliterary event when it was published in Viking hardcover in 2007,this is the uncut version of an American classicarougher, wilder,and more provocative than the official work that appeared, heavilyedited, in 1957. This version, capturing a moment in creativehistory, represents the first full expression of Kerouacasrevolutionary aesthetic.

    • ¥81.6 折扣:6折
    • WONDERFUL TONIGHT(ISBN=9780307407832)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Pattie Boyd 等著 /2008-05-01/ Random House US
    • Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller For the first time, rock music’s most famous muse tells herincredible story Pattie Boyd, former wife of both George Harrison and Eric Clapton,finally breaks a forty-year silence and tells the story of how shefound herself bound to two of the most addictive, promiscuousmusical geniuses of the twentieth century and became the mostlegendary muse in the history of rock and roll. The woman whoinspired Harrison’s song “Something” and Clapton’s anthem “Layla,”Pattie Boyd has written a book that is rich and raw, funny andheartbreaking–and totally honest.

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • THE 48 LAWS OF POWER 权力的48条法则
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Robert Greene 著 /2010-12-01/ Penguin
    • Book De*ion Amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive, this piercing work distills three thousand years of the history of power in to forty-eight well explicated laws. As attention--grabbing in its design as it is in its content, this bold volume outlines the laws of power in their unvarnished essence, synthesizing the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun-tzu, Carl von Clausewitz, and other great thinkers. Some laws teach the need for prudence ("Law 1: Never Outshine the Master"), the virtue of stealth ("Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions"), and many demand the total absence of mercy ("Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally"), but like it or not, all have applications in real life. Illustrated through the tactics of Queen Elizabeth I, Henry Kissinger, P. T. Barnum, and other famous figures who have wielded--or been victimized by--power, these laws will fascinate any reader interested in gaining, observing, or defending against ultimate control.

    • ¥84 折扣:6折
    • PLANETWALKER(ISBN=9781426204050)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • John Francis Ph.D. 著 /2009-04-01/ Random House US
    • When the struggle to save oil-soaked birds and restoreblackened beaches left him feeling frustrated and helpless, JohnFrancis decided to take a more fundamental and personal stand—hestopped using all forms of motorized transportation. Soon afterembarking on this quest that would span two decades and twocontinents, he took a vow of silence that endured for 17 years. Itbegan as a silent environmental protest, but as a youngAfrican-American man, walking across the country in the early1970s, his idea of "the environment" expanded beyond concern aboutpollution and loss of habitat to include how we humans treat eachother and how we can better communicate and work together tobenefit the earth. Through his silence and walking, he learned to listen, and alongthe way, earned college and graduate degrees in science andenvironmental studies. An amazing human-interest story with a vitalmessage, Planetwalker is also an engaging coming-of-agepilgrimage.

    • ¥73 折扣:5折
    • OUR TOWN(ISBN=9780307341884)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Cynthia Carr 著 /2007-03-01/ Random House US
    • The brutal lynching of two young black men in Marion, Indiana,on August 7, 1930, cast a shadow over the town that still lingers.It is only one event in the long and complicated history of racerelations in Marion, a history much ignored and considered by manyto be best forgotten. But the lynching cannot be forgotten. It istoo much a part of the fabric of Marion, too much ingrained evennow in the minds of those who live there. In Our Town journalist Cynthia Carr explores the issues of race, loyalty, andmemory in America through the lens of a specific hate crime thatoccurred in Marion but could have happened anywhere. Marion is our town, America’s town, and its legacy is ourlegacy. Like everyone in Marion, Carr knew the basic details of thelynching even as a child: three black men were arrested forattempted murder and rape, and two of them were hanged in thecourthouse square, a fate the third miraculously escaped. MeetingJames Cameron–the man who’d survived–led her to examine how thequiet Midwestern

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • JIVAMUKTI YOGA(ISBN=9780345442086)
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    • Sharon Gannon 著 /2002-04-01/ Random House US
    • The long-awaited, complete guide to the popular, vigorousAmerican method of yoga that is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and*ures “In this day and age of health and fitness trends, it is assuringto know that Sharon and David encourage their students to drawinspiration from the classical texts of Yoga and timeless*ural sources. What I appreciate so much about David andSharon is how they help their Yoga students to understand andappreciate the wisdom of all the great saints and jivamuktas whohave contributed to raising consciousness. Ultimately, it isSelf-Realization, that is the true goal of Yoga.” –SRI SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA Creators of the extremely popular Jivamukti Yoga method andcofounders of the New York City studios where it is taught, SharonGannon and David Life present their unique style of yoga for thefirst time in book form. As they explain their intensely physicaland spiritual system of flowing postures, they provide inspiringexpert instruction to guide you

    • ¥86.5 折扣:5折
    • FIGHTING CANCER(ISBN=9781583942482)
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    • Robert Gorter M.D. Ph.DErik Peper Ph.D. 编 /2011-05-01/
    • Fighting Cancer describes the Gorter Model, anintegrative, nontoxic approach to cancer treatment that mobilizesthe immune system. It was developed by Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, whoin 1976 recovered from Stage IV testicular cancer by using nontoxictreatment and no chemotherapy or radiation. Based onself-experience, extensive research, and decades of clinicalpractice, the treatment consists of supporting the immune systemusing fever therapy (hyperthermia), inoculation with immune cells,the use of the botanical mistletoe ( Viscum album )—the singlemost commonly prescribed anti-cancer medication in much ofEurope—supportive nutrients, and diet and lifestyle changes. Organized into three parts, Fighting Cancer presents a clearoverview of the model, the research behind it, and strategies forstrengthening natural immunity. Emphasizing stress reduction andminimizing toxic exposure, the authors provide practical guidancefor patients: questions to ask doctors after diagnosis and advicefor evaluating options, gat

    • ¥99 折扣:5折
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    • Rajiv Chandrasekaran 著 /2006-09-01/ Random House US
    • An unprecedented account of life in Baghdad’s Green Zone, awalled-off enclave of towering plants, posh villas, and sparklingswimming pools that was the headquarters for the Americanoccupation of Iraq. The Washington Post’s former Baghdad bureau chief RajivChandrasekaran takes us with him into the Zone: into a bubble, cutoff from wartime realities, where the task of reconstructing adevastated nation competed with the distractions of a LittleAmerica—a half-dozen bars stocked with cold beer, a disco wherewomen showed up in hot pants, a movie theater that screenedshoot-’em-up films, an all-you-could-eat buffet piled high withpork, a shopping mall that sold pornographic movies, a parking lotfilled with shiny new SUVs, and a snappy dry-cleaning service—muchof it run by Halliburton. Most Iraqis were barred from entering theEmerald City for fear they would blow it up. Drawing on hundreds of interviews and internal documents,Chandrasekaran tells the story of the people and id

    • ¥112 折扣:5折
    • FOR YOURSELF(ISBN=9780385112451)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Lonnie Garfield Barbach 编 /1975-01-01/ Random House US
    • An excellent,reassuring book for women and their partners. It carries the womanalong step-by-step in the rediscovery of her own sexuality and thepleasure it will bring her. Liberated or not, single or married,young or old, all women will find this book accessible andsupportive.

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • HEALING WITH WHOLE FOODS(ISBN=9781556434716)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Paul Pitchford 著 /2003-02-01/ Random House US
    • Used as a reference by students of acupuncture, Healing withWhole Foods is an invaluable guide to the theory and practice ofChinese medicine. With facts about green foods such as spirulinaand blue-green algae and information about the "regeneration diets"used by cancer patients and arthritics, it is also an accessibleprimer on nutrition—and a inspiring cookbook with more t... (展开全部) Used as a reference by students of acupuncture, Healing withWhole Foods is an invaluable guide to the theory and practice ofChinese medicine. With facts about green foods such as spirulinaand blue-green algae and information about the "regeneration diets"used by cancer patients and arthritics, it is also an accessibleprimer on nutrition—and a inspiring cookbook with more than 300mostly vegetarian, nutrient-packed recipes. The information on Chinese medicine is useful for helping todiagnose health imbalances, especially nascent illnesses. It'ssmartly paired with the whole-foods program: because

    • ¥259 折扣:5折
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    • Victoria Boutenko 著 /2009-08-01/ Random House US
    • Thanks to processed and fast foods, being overworked, andfeeling stressed while eating on the fly, it is increasinglydifficult for most of us to eat anywhere near a balanced diet. Wemay not be obviously sick, but may suffer from lack of focus,insomnia, sluggishness, or any host of symptoms caused bynutritional deficiency. Green Smoothie Revolution takes aim at thissilent epidemic by restoring balance to our diets. Combining nutrition and know-how with recipes that pack apowerhouse punch, Victoria Boutenko reintroduces long neglectedfruits, vegetables, and greens in the most persuasive style for ourbusy lives: with fast prep and delicious results. Featuring 200recipes, Green Smoothie Revolution offers both simplicity (4 ripepears, 1 bunch parsley, 2 cups water; blend well) and enoughvariety to keep taste buds happy and nutrients coming from a wealthof options.

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • ART OF ROUGHHOUSING, THE(ISBN=9781594744877)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Lawrence Cohen 等著 /2011-05-01/ Random House US
    • Physical play - what some might call roughhousing - is beingmarginalized. Gym classes are getting shorter. Recess periods arebeing eliminated. Some new schools don't even have playgrounds. ButDrs. Anthony T. DeBenedet and Lawrence Cohen are here to shakethings up-literally! "The Art of Roughhousing" teaches parents howrough - and -tumble play can nurture close connections, solvebehavior problems, boost confidence, and more. Drawing fromgymnastics, martial arts, ballet, traditional sports, and evenanimal behavior, the authors present fifty illustrated activitiesfor children and parents to enjoy together - everything from theSumo Deadlift to the Rogue Dumbo. Arriving just in time forFather's Day, "The Art of Roughhousing" is the perfect gift forrowdy dads everywhere.

    • ¥77.4 折扣:6折
    • LOST CITY OF Z, THE(ISBN=9781400078455)
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • David Grann 著 /2010-01-01/ Random House US
    • A New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, WashingtonPost, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, andDenver Post Bestseller In 1925, the legendary British explorer Percy Fawcett venturedinto the Amazon jungle, in search of a fabled civilization. Henever returned. Over the years countless perished trying to findevidence of his party and the place he called “The Lost City of Z.”In this masterpiece of narrative nonfiction, journalist David Granninterweaves the spellbinding stories of Fawcett’s quest for “Z” andhis own journey into the deadly jungle, as he unravels the greatestexploration mystery of the twentieth century.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Gangs Of New York, The(ISBN=9780307388988)
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Herbert Asbury 著 /2008-07-01/ Random House US
    • First published in 1928, Herbert Asbury's whirlwind tourthrough the low-life of nineteenth-century New York has become anindispensible classic of urban history. Focusing on the saloon halls, gambling dens, and windingalleys of the Bowery and the notorious Five Points district, TheGangs of New York dramatically evokes the destitution and shockingviolence of a turbulent era, when colorfully named criminals likeDandy John Dolan, Bill the Butcher, and Hell-Cat Maggie lurked inthe shadows, and infamous gangs like the Plug Uglies, the DeadRabbits, and the Bowery Boys ruled the streets. A rogues gallery ofprostitutes, pimps, poisoners, pickpockets, murderers, and thieves,The Gangs of New York is a dramatic and entertaining glimpse at acity's dark past.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • KATHARINE GRAHAM'S WASHINGTON(ISBN=9781400030590) 英文原版
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    • Katharine Graham 编 /2003-11-01/ Random House US
    • As a fitting epilogue to a life intimately linked toWashington, D.C., Pulitzer Prize winner Katharine Graham, the womanwho transformed The Washington Post into a paper ofrecord, left behind this lovingly collected anthology of writingsabout the city she knew and loved, a moving tribute to the nation’scapital. To Russell Banks, it is a place where “no one is in charge and noone, therefore, can be held responsible for the mess.” To John DosPassos, it is “essentially a town of lonely people.” Whatever yourimpressions of Washington, D.C., you will likely find themchallenged here. Experience Christmas with the Roosevelts, as seenthrough the eyes of a White House housekeeper. Learn why DavidMcCullough is happy to declare “I love Washington,” while TheWashington Post ’s Sally Quinn wonders, “Why Do They HateWashington?” Glimpse David Brinkley’s depiction of the capitalduring World War II, then experience Henry Kissinger’s thoughts on“Peace at Last,” post-Vietnam. Written

    • ¥73 折扣:5折