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    • BESIDE EVERY SUCCESSFUL MAN(ISBN=9780307393647) 英文原版
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    • Megan Basham 著 /2009-09-01/ Random House US
    • "This is a provocative, persuasive and important book. Eventhose who passionately disagree with its conclusions will come awayenriched and enlightened from the process of confronting itsarguments." —Michael Medved, Nationally Syndicated Talk Radio Host andColumnist, USA Today “In the 21st century 'stay-at-home mom' is neither a complimentnor an epithet, but the latest chapter in the ongoing stories ofwomen, marriage, and careers in America. Megan Basham's fascinatingstudy of women in the oldest and most challenging workplace ofall–the home--is the owner's manual for women and men who look uponmarriage as a genuine partnership, and the key to success.” —Philip Terzian, Literary Editor, The Weekly Standard “Megan Basham offers wise and eloquent counsel for those willingto ignore popular opinion as they pursue family happiness.” —Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief, World “Meghan Barsham’s book tells us three timely truths you will no

    • ¥46.2 折扣:3.6折
    • AMERICAN LIGHTNING(ISBN=9780307346957) 英文原版
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    • Howard Blum 著 /2009-10-01/ Random House US
    • In this masterpiece of narrative history, acclaimed authorHoward Blum evokes the original "crime of the century" and anaftermath even more dramatic than the crime itself–a seminalepisode in America’s history that would spark national debate anddraw into its orbit master sleuth William J. Burns, crusadinglawyer Clarence Darrow, and industry-shaping filmmaker D. W.Griffith. "Hugely engaging . . . has tremendous verve . . . AmericanLightning throws valuable new light on an episode that seems, forus today, particularly pertinent. Terrorism happened here." –LosAngeles Times "A fast-moving, skillfully constructed account . . . Blum’s styleis cinematic." –Chicago Sun-Times "Compelling . . . a tense detective story." –Seattle Times "A thumping-good drumroll of narrative history . . . thecross-country manhunt reads like a great mystery novel . . . Blumblows the dust off a page of America’s own incendiary past andbrings it to pulsating life." –Dallas Morning News

    • ¥45.8 折扣:3.5折
    • Setting Goals
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    • Harvard Business School Press哈佛商学院出版社) 著 /2009-12-01/ Perseus
    • Every day on the job, you face common challenges. And you needimmediate solutions to those challenges. The Pocket Mentor Seriescan help. Each book in the series is packed with handy tools,self-tests, and real-life examples to help you identify yourstrengths and weaknesses and hone critical skills. Whether you'reat your desk, in a meeting, or on the road, these portable, conciseguides enable you to tackle the daily demands of your work withspeed, savvy, and effectiveness. The latest volume in the series: Setting Goals Setting goals is a key part of any manager's job. Through goalsetting, you define business outcomes that you and your team willaccomplish collectively and individually. Managed effectively, thegoal-setting process creates a long-term vision that motivates youand your employees to reach even the most challengingobjectives. Use this book to start setting goals more skillfully in yourgroup. You?ll find a wealth of suggestions to help you: -Define unit and individual go

    • ¥43 折扣:5折
    • How to Find the Work You Love(ISBN=9780142196298) 英文原版
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    • Laurence G. Boldt 著 /2004-02-01/ Penguin
    • Technological advances and the global marketplace are changingthe way we live and work. Doing the work you love is the critical factor to personal fulfillment and economic success. Noone understands this more than Laurence G. Boldt, whose Zen andthe Art of Making a Living helped many carve out new andrewarding career paths. But how do you find the courage to startthe search for a new career? And how do you tap into your own bestresources to discover what you want to do and what you’re good at?This remarkable guide offers simple yet profound strategies to helpyou answer those questions by focusing on four key elements to besought in any life’s work: Integrity, Service, Enjoyment, andExcellence. Boldt has reduced the quest for meaningful work to itsessence and will lead you to an understanding of what you could andshould be doing with your life.

    • ¥43 折扣:3.9折
    • FRED FACTOR, THE(ISBN=9780385513517) 英文原版
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • Mark Sanborn 著 /2004-04-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion In this parable for a modern age, motivational speaker Sanbornrecounts the true story of Fred, the mail carrier who passionatelyloves his work and who genuinely cares about the people he serves.Sanborn illuminates the simple steps each person can to transformtheir lives from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • AGE OF SPEED, THE(ISBN=9780345506191) 英文原版
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    • Vince Poscente 著 /2008-08-01/ Random House US
    • To succeed in today’s ever-accelerating world, speed is the nameof the game. Forget “slow and steady wins the race.” The key togetting ahead is not fighting or hiding from speed, but embracingspeed and using its power to your advantage. As Vince Poscentedemonstrates in this rewarding and, yes, fast-paced book, speed hasa unique ability to enrich your life. He empowers you to takecontrol of your time, your tasks, your priorities, and yourtalents, and start making life everything you want it to be. Twentynew tips–exclusive to this paperback edition–show you how to:?recognize the difference between repetitive chores and passionatepursuits, and assign the appropriate amount of time and energy toeach? mentally shatter the outdated idea that work, home, andleisure should be completely separate, and create a new,purpose-driven model of organizing your time? discover how tocontrol interruptions, including how and when to accept them–bylearning when to multitask and when to focusSpeed provides amazingbene

    • ¥42.7 折扣:3.5折
    • LIFE WOULD BE PERFECT IF I LIV(ISBN=9780307454843) 英文原版
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    • Meghan Daum 著 /2011-06-01/ Random House US
    • In this laugh-out-loud personal journey , acclaimed authorMeghan Daum explores the perils and pleasures of believing thatonly a house can make you whole. From her teenage apartmentfantasies and her mother’s decorating manias to her own “hiddenroom” dreams and the bungalow she eventually buys on her own, Life Would Be Perfect If I Lived in That House is the truestory of one woman’s quest for the four perfect walls to callhome.

    • ¥45.5 折扣:3.5折
    • 用流程解放管理者2:中小企业规范化管理
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    • /2013-09-01/ 电子工业出版社
    • 规范化管理不再是大企业的专利,随着市场环境的不断变化,规范化管理的思路也被广大中小企业接受。?张国祥老师经过多年的规范化管理培训实践,分别从战略管理、员工管理、流程管理、生产管理、营销管理的角度,对企业规范化管理进行了系统的阐述,并介绍了大量的实用工具,为中小企业的规范化管理提供了清晰的思路,值得广大中小企业借鉴。

    • ¥35.94 ¥72.92 折扣:4.9折
    • ENCORE EFFECT, THE(ISBN=9780385519052) 英文原版
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    • Mark Sanborn 著 /2008-09-01/ Random House US
    • Whether you want to win that new account or inspire yourfamily and friends, bestselling author and acclaimed speaker MarkSanborn shows us how to make every performance count. Every day, we are called to perform— at work, at home, in ourcommunities. But is it possible to make every performanceoutstanding, the kind that leaves people applauding for anencore? Mark Sanborn, leadership expert and bestselling author of TheFred Factor, says that anyone can achieve remarkable performancetime after time—no matter what their personality, strengths, orweaknesses. In The Encore Effect Sanborn demonstrates, through hisown experiences as well as those of the people he’s worked with inhis career, how you can cultivate the traits shared by remarkableperformers and achieve extraordinary results in all aspects of yourlife. The secrets lie in five steps: Passion: The fuel for remarkable performance Prepare: How remarkable performance begins Practice: It won’t make you perfect, but it

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • FGT DREAMS(ISBN=9781594740190) 英文原版
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    • Kelly Regan 著 /2006-09-01/ Random House US
    • So you're standing naked in front of a classroom. Or you'rebeing chased by a one-legged man. Or maybe you're standing naked infront of a classroom and kissing a one-legged man. Dreams can be mysterious, exhilarating, and terrifying but theydon't have to be confusing. With Field Guide to Dreams, you'llunravel the hidden meanings behind these mysterious subconsciousmessages. Organized by dominant symbol (animal, falling, flying,mother, and so on), each section provides helpful interpretationsfrom Freud, Jung, and other psychologists and dream experts. You'llalso learn when you're most likely to have these specific dreams,and whether you should interpret them positively or negatively.With Field Guide to Dreams at your bedside, you'll never wonder ifthat cigar was just a cigar!

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • 美容化妆品销售金口才
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    • 龚震波著;王颂舒著;肖晓春编 /2016-08-01/ 中国经济出版社
    • 本书选取88个极具代表性的美容化妆品销售情景,是销售人员每天都会遇到,却又难以应对的问题。每个销售情景均以客户需求为出发点,以美容化妆品销售人员的沟通技能为线索,按“常见应对”“引导策略”“话术范例”“方法技巧”和“举一反三”共五个部分逐一讲述,简洁易懂,即学即用!?本书是美容化妆品企业及门店销售人员及其主管、经销商的实战宝典,更是馈员工及经销商的礼物。美容化妆品销售人员每天只需花上几分钟学3句销售妙语,30天即可达到妙语连珠、业绩飙升的效果!???

    • ¥45.66 ¥92.36 折扣:4.9折
    • 101 GRT MAIL-ORDER BUSINESSES2(ISBN=9780761521303) 英文原版
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    • Tyler G. Hicks 编 /2000-01-01/ Random House US
    • Make a Mint by Mail Order! Sellcomputers, vitamins, clothing, or gourmet foods. Create and sellnewsletters on almost any topic. Make and sell your favorite artsand crafts. Would you like to join the booming mail-order business?You can! Bestselling author Ty Hicks shows you how. Youdon’t need a lot of money, years of experience, or a collegeeducation—just a mailing address and the desire to deliver productsand services quickly for the best value your customers can get. TyHicks explains in clear, easy steps how to start your mail-orderbusiness today, including: ·Getting started quickly and easily ·Creating an e-commerce Web site to promote and sell yourproducts or services directly ·Using proven marketing and promotion strategies ·Carving niche markets with unusual products and services ·Expanding your business for maximum profitability ·And much, much more!

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • OTHER 90%, THE(ISBN=9780609808801) 英文原版
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • Robert K. Cooper 著 /2002-10-01/ Random House US
    • For centuries, it has been assumed that there are vast limitsto human capacity. Now, although a host of scientific discoveriesprove this wrong, a mindset of limits persists, blocking us fromour greatest possibilities and leaving us feeling bombarded bystress, change, and uncertainty. No matter how hard we work, nomatter how much we give, we're still not getting what we hoped for.There is another way. Dr. Robert Cooper, a neuroscience pioneer and leadership advisor,urges us to take a radically different view of human capacity. Weare mostly unused potential, he says, employing less than 10percent of our brilliance or hidden talents. In easy-to-followsteps, he explains how to develop and apply the art and science ofyour hidden capacity. The art is the motivation and inspiration coming from thewonderful stories that are the heart of The Other 90%. Dr. Cooperdraws on his wide-ranging insights and experiences to show how it'spossible to make a difference in yourself and others. However, ins

    • ¥45.8 折扣:3.5折
    • Trump Think Like a Billionaire Everything You Need to Know A
    •   ( 86 条评论 )
    • Donald J. TrumpMeredith Mciver 著 /2005-09-01/ Random House US
    • It’s not good enough to want it. You’ve got to know how to get it. Real estate titan, bestselling author, and TV star Donald J. Trump is the man to teach you the billionaire mind-set–how to think about money, career skills, and life. Here is crucial advice on investing in real estate from the expert, everything from dealing with brokers to renovating to assessing the value of property, buying and selling, and securing a mortgage. Trump will show you how to cut costs, decide how much risk to assume in your investments, and divide up your portfolio. He’ll also teach you how to impress anyone, how to correct or criticize someone effectively, and how to know if your friends are loyal–everything you need to know to get ahead. And once you’ve earned your money, you’ve got to learn to spend it well. Trump presents his consumer guide to the best things in life, from wine to golf clubs to engagement rings. Check out the billionaire lifestyle–how they shop and what they buy. Even if you’re not s

    • ¥30.1 折扣:4.6折
    • High Tech High Touch高科技 高思维
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    • John Naisbitt 著 /1999-10-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • What do Martha Stewart, genetically cloned sheep and the scandalous Piss Christ artist Andres Serrano have in common? They're all manifestations of "high tech/high touch," an unwieldy concept pulled from Naisbitt's bestselling 1982 Megatrends and here dusted off as a cautionary paradigm for the technologically addled 1990s. Written collaboratively with Naisbitt's daughter, Nana, with additional help from artist Douglas Philips, the book draws on Naisbitt's indefatigable research techniques to spot trends in newspapers, television shows, magazines and the Internet. Naisbitt is concerned with the conundrums that technology has presented to American culture. Children soak up violence from video games like Redneck Rampage, while the specter of eugenics looms over the burgeoning biotech industry. A final section lightens the cautionary tone of much of this book, delivering an eloquent survey of artists who are probing the ethical questions raised by evolving medical practices. Naisbitt sees Americans trapped in wh

    • ¥31.5 折扣:4.5折
    • 赢WINNING
    •   ( 73 条评论 )
    • Jack Welch 著 /1970-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career atGeneral Electric, he led the company to year-after-year successaround the globe, in multiple markets, against brutdl competition.His honest, be-the-best style of management b ame the goldstandard in business, with his relentless focus on people,teamwork, and profits. And now he has written a book that clearlylays out the answers to the most difficult questions people faceboth on and offthe job. Winning is destined to become the bible ofbusiness for generations to come. Anyone who has a passion for success will find Welch'soptimistic, no excuses, getqt-done mind-set riveting. Packed withpersonal anecdotes and written in Jack's distinctive no b.s. voice,Winning offers deep insights, original thinking, and solutions tonuts-and-bolts problems that will change forever the way peoplethink about work. "There is a lifetime of wisdom about business, and life, packedinto Jack Welch's Winning. It is unquestionably the best managementbook to come along in

    • ¥42.5 折扣:5折
    • 用流程解放管理者2:中小企业规范化管理【可开电子发票】
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    • 张国祥著 /2013-09-01/ 电子工业出版社
    • 规范化管理不再是大企业的专利,随着市场环境的不断变化,规范化管理的思路也被广大中小企业接受。?张国祥老师经过多年的规范化管理培训实践,分别从战略管理、员工管理、流程管理、生产管理、营销管理的角度,对企业规范化管理进行了系统的阐述,并介绍了大量的实用工具,为中小企业的规范化管理提供了清晰的思路,值得广大中小企业借鉴。

    • ¥29 ¥64 折扣:4.5折
    • LIFE WORK(ISBN=9780807071335) 英文原版
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Donald Hall 著 /2003-04-01/ Random House US
    • Distinguished poet Donald Hall reflects on the meaning ofwork, solitude, and love “The best new book I have read this year, of extraordinarynobility and wisdom. It will remain with me always.” —Louis Begley,The New York Times “A sustained meditation on work as the key to personal happiness.. . . Life Work reads most of all like a first-person psychologicalnovel with a poet named Donald Hall as its protagonist. . . .Hall’s particular talents ultimately [are] for the memoir, a genrein which he has few living equals. In his hands the memoir is onlypartially an autobiographical genre. He pours both his fullcritical intelligence and poetic sensibility into the form.” —DanaGioia, Los Angeles Times “Hall . . . here offers a meditative look at his life as a writerin a spare and beautifully crafted memoir. Devoted to his art, Hallcan barely wait for the sun to rise each morning so that he canbegin the task of shaping words.” —Publishers Weekly (starredreview) “I [am

    • ¥45.8 折扣:3.5折
    • 男同事的心思:与男人共事的女士指南The Male Mind At Work: A Woman’s Guide to W
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Deborah Swiss 著 /2001-03-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • What could have been a breakthrough book for working women who want to hone their skills for success turns out to be little more than a lackluster attempt to interpret and explain men's attitudes toward women in the workplace, one that won't generate much word of mouth despite its compelling subject. Swiss (Women and the Work/Family Dilemma; Women Breaking Through) interviewed 52 successful men in a range of professions and influential positions to elicit candid opinions about their experiences with female colleagues. Most of this group assembled by Swiss, a management consultant on gender equity, are singularly unenlightened men who focus on women's lack of confidence and reluctance to take risks or make mistakes, and who emphasize the importance of competitive sports in making team players; these men also clearly feel (and resent) the need to be careful in their language and behavior. Although she does a fine job extracting and cogently organizing the essence of their thinking, the results will dishearten m

    • ¥27 折扣:4.5折
    • 博弈 The Game
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Diana Wynne Jones 著 /2007-03-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Grade 5–8—What if just outside of Earth's known atmosphere there sat another layer that was actually a different dimension? Such is the premise for this novel. For as long as she can remember, orphan Hayley has lived sequestered away with her strict grandmother and mysteriously busy grandfather. A chance meeting on an outing lands her in big trouble and she finds herself shipped off to stay with relatives in the country. Here Hayley meets dozens of cousins who invite her to play a strange game. Its object is to go to different places in the mythosphere and retrieve various items while dodging mythological creatures. The plot thickens when she meets her father and learns that he and her mother are both trapped in the mythosphere as punishment for their illicit marriage. Hayley frees them and discovers that she, like all of the other characters in the story, is really a mythological figure who can live in either realm. Meanwhile, the frightening family patriarch, Uncle Jolyon, finds out about the game and c

    • ¥39.2 折扣:4.5折