
  • 25-49元
  • 7折以上
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • 商业基础用语(练习册) Business Basics Workbook
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    • David Grant 著 /2004-12-01/ 牛津出版社
    • Business Basics is a complete first course in English for business. Care has been taken to ensure that the material is up-to-date and credible: real companies and business people are featured wherever possible, and the course's content will be relevant and interesting for everyone wanting their their language study to have a business focus. The main component of the course is the Student's Book, which includes a grammar summary, role-play notes, a glossary, and the tape*s. The Teacher's Book includes classroom notes, answers to the exercises, and an annotated version of the tape*.

    • ¥39.2 折扣:9.8折
    • The New Robert's Rules of Order(ISBN=9780451195173)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Mary A. De Vries 著 /1998-05-01/ Penguin
    • The bestselling reference title has been updated and revised.Expanding upon the original rules of the House of Representatives,put together by General Henry Roberts, this second edition featuresnew topics and improved existing topics for today's informationage!.

    • ¥35.6 折扣:7.9折
    • POP广告设计
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • 董景寰 编著 /2006-07-01/ 上海人民美术出版社
    • 本书是广告学科培养学生设计制作能力的基本教材。全书用较少的篇幅讲明POP广告的基本理论,重点在实际操作,包括POP的视觉要素设计、平面设计、色彩应用、手绘POP、立体POP、POP的电脑设计等。本书的主要特点是对POP广告的设计制作过程作了详细的表述,制作的步骤方法一一说明使读者能看图自会。本书藉经验丰富的高校教师之力.以及上海人民美术出版社的通力合作.才得以面世。 此书可作为广告学专业的基本教材。

    • ¥30 折扣:7.9折
    • HAND ME DOWN DREAMS(子从父业 - 家庭对职业规划的影响)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Mary H. Jacobsen 著 /1999-12-01/ Oxford University Press USA
    • We all know that hand-me-downs are often comfortable and easy to put on, but we are rarely happy in something--a jacket or a job--that we didn't choose. If you feel trapped or disappointed in your current career or job, or if you let your family's wishes, rather than your own natural talents, interests, and passions, guide your ultimate career choice, you are living someone else's dream. These "hand-me-down dreams" influence every aspect of our lives, including our work and how we do it.

    • ¥30.8 折扣:8.8折
    • How to Have A Big Life: Sharing Simple Secrets of Success 如何
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Rupert McKerron 著 /2009-02-01/
    • Founder of the McNab's Energy Tabs brand as well as his own publishing house, Pantsula Press, Rupert McKerron knows, as few do, how small dreams can morph into a big life. Not only is he a living example of the kind of success he espouses, his book How to Have a Big Life outlines the keys to that success, in a tone as frank and open as McKerron himself. Filled with clever and inspiring illustrations, as well as the hard-won wisdom and techniques that the author has used, and continues to use, to achieve success, this gem of a book will help people follow their bliss and lead the life they truly deserve.

    • ¥39.6 折扣:8.8折
    • Fortune Tellers:Inside Wall Streetis Game of Money,Media and
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    • Howard Kurtz 著 /1970-01-01/ Scribner
    • From the author of the New Your Times besseller Spin Cycle comes this engrossing,entertaining expose of how the media-from television to newspapers to the Internet-drive the financial markets today. The booming econmy and mass investing have produced and insatiable demand for financial news and given rise to a group of "fortune tellers"eager to scoop and spread the the latest intelligence.In this riveting,unsettling book,Howard Kurtz introduces the powerful journalists,commentators,and analysts whose reports-too often based on rumor,speculation,and misinormation-have a real-time inpact on the rise and fall of stocks and on the financial health of millions of investors. Focusing on shch well-known figures as cable TV's Ron reporters who specialize in exclusives;and superstar analysts Ralph Acampora and Henry Blodget,Th Fortune Tellers is an incisive,often amusing,and sometimes terrifying report by an journalish well known for his sharp-eyed observations and behind-the scenes access.In a time of head-sp

    • ¥33.2 折扣:7.5折
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    • Philip B. Crosby 著 /1992-12-01/ 广东顶峰文化传播有限公司
    • As America's premier management consultant, Philip Crosby has made "quality" the corporate buzz word in America's top-tier firms. Now, as he has before, this bold, brilliant, and very practical mover-and-shaker has set out to disturb the complacency and stir the creative capacity of American management. The result is a book that raises the credo of quality to a higher level--the level demanded in the fiercely competitive marketplaces of today and tomorrow. Crosby's message to management is as powerful as it is plainspoken. Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, no com- pany can afford to ignore any part of its operation--whether it is the goods and services it offers, the needs of the customers it serves, the loyalty and nitiative of the people who work for it, or the bottom-line results on inex- orable computer printouts. Success in attaining quality in all these areas iswhat the author means by Completeness. It's the whole picture. And this valuable book shows how to put it clearly into focu

    • ¥26.4 折扣:8.8折
    • (微软之道) The Microsoft Way
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    • Randall E. Stross 著 /1997-12-01/ 天津人民出版社
    • To critics, Bill Gates's Microsoft Inc. is the apotheosis of brute-force ruthless marketing, but in this lively, independent-minded report, Stross (Steve Jobs and the Next Big Thing) finds a different explanation for Microsoft's success: Gates's strategy of hiring the smartest software developers, keeping their allegiance with lucrative stock options, fostering an egalitarian creative atmosphere and perpetuating the identity of small working groups. A business professor at San Jose State University in California, Stross had unfettered access to Gates, his employees and the company's internal files, making this a privileged, revealing window on Microsoft's inner workings. He charts the firm's long, rocky struggle to win broad consumer acceptance of CD-ROMs, as well as the saga of Microsoft's bestselling multimedia encyclopedia, Encarta. Microsoft was caught unprepared by the advent of the Internet, and its failed attempt to outdo a small but feisty rival, Intuit, in the personal finance software market, demons

    • ¥44 折扣:8.8折
    • 太多琐事要做!Too Many Kangaroo Things to Do!
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    • Stuart J. Murphy 著 /1996-07-01/ 音像供货
    • It’s Kangaroo’s birthday, but no one will play with him: not the emu, the platypuses, the koalas, or even the dingos. They all have too many things to do. What exactly are they doing? They’re using multiplication to figure out just how many things they have to do to plan a big surprise for Kangaroo!

    • ¥28.6 折扣:7.7折
    • Critical 14 Yrs of your Professional Life
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    • Robert L. Dilenschneider 著 /1970-01-01/ 广东南方日报出版社
    • In todqy's ultracompetitive,lean-and-mean workplace,your professional success won'tbe determined by your family background,college affiliation,or educational major.Yoru intelli-gence,talent,drive,and ambition don't matter,either.Yoru success will depend on one thing only :learning the ropes of the working world-and figuring out how to be happy within it-during the first fourteen years of your professional life. Why fourteen years?Because once you aproach your mid-to-late thirties,you won't be easily forgiven fou business mistakes-for power struggles with the boss or cluelessness about marketing yourself,for mishandling office politics of for the megative attitude that comes from feeling "stuck"in an ill-fitting career. If you don't fit in,you're liable to be considered"work illiterate,"and your oportunities will be limited accordingly.It's imperative to know the ways of the work world. Based on personal experience,interviews with experts,and extensive research,The Critical 14Years of Your Professional Lif

    • ¥28.2 折扣:8.8折
    • (灵的升华:超越挑战的八大策略)Soul Beginnings:Eight Strategies for Overcom
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Shellie Anderson-Tazi 著 /2004-12-01/ 远峰音像
    • At 29, Shellie Anderson-Tazi lost her baby to premature labor. Nine months later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and given less than five years to live. And just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, her husband walked out on her. But rather than admit defeat, Shellie decided to take matters into her own hands. Through hard work and perseverance, a little exercise and a lot of prayer, she was able to overcome her sorrows-and her cancer. Today, she's happily married with a beautiful son. Everyone goes through hard times. What's easy to forget is that the experiences we call tragedies can lead to unexpected blessings-if we know how to overcome them. In Soul Beginnings, Shellie uses her own experiences to show readers how to triumph over tough times and emerge victorious. She outlines an eight-step program that will teach people how to put winning strategies into play, including: - Step 1: P.U.S.H.-Pray Until Something Happens - Step 2: Rally up support - Step 3: Give it up, tu

    • ¥41.4 折扣:8.8折
    • Ernest Hemingway:A Moveable Feast ISBN=9780099557029
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2011-07-01/ 外文出版社
    • Ernest Hemingway was born in Chicago in 1899, the second ofsix children. In 1917, he joined the Kansas City Star as a cubreporter. The following year, he volunteered as an ambulance driveron the Italian front, where he was badly wounded but decorated forhis services. He returned to America in 1919, and married in 1921.In 1922, he reported on the Greco-Turkish war before resigning fromjournalism to devote himself to fiction. He settled in Paris,associating with other expatriates like Ezra Pound and GertrudeStein. He was passionately involved with bullfighting, big-gamehunting and deep-sea fishing. Recognition of his position incontemporary literature came in 1954 when he was awarded the NobelPrize for Literature, following the publication of The Old Man andthe Sea. He died in 1961.

    • ¥45.8 折扣:7.9折
    • 丘比特有限公司/CUPID, INC.
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Michele Bardsley 著 /2002-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • It's not easy to fall in love-especially in Sin City. Nobody knows this better than Greek deities Psyche and Eros, who keep a watchful eye on the mortals in Las Vegas. With a little divine intervention from Aphrodite and the rest of the gods and goddesses, Psyche and Eros set out to fulfill the sexual fantasies of their clients, hoping to turn lust into love.

    • ¥42.2 折扣:8.8折
    • Con Tricks
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    • Martin Ashford 著 /2000-01-01/
    • CON TRICKS is a unpque insider's guide to this booming business which will appeal to anyone who is or has ever wished to be a consultant.Written by an ex-consultant,is lifts the veil on what consulting is really like and what you need to succeed with the major firems.It also asks why consultants are so expensive,why they can be so had at running their own businesses and whether the loss of mid-line expertise in our corporations is making them dangerously reliant on outside advisers.

    • ¥34.1 折扣:7.5折
    • Elizabeth in the Garden: A Story of Love, Rivalry and Specta
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • /1970-01-01/
    • Lord Robert Dudley, Queen Elizabeth I's lover, and Sir William Cecil, her chief political adviser, were the most powerful men in the country. As their rivalry intensified, they competed by creating ever more fabulous gardens for their queen. Dudley's aim was to woo her; Cecil's, to stop Dudley in his tracks. Dudley set out an intoxicatingly romantic garden, and threw spectacular outdoor parties for his queen; Cecil countered by building a sumptuous palace with amazing gardens overseen by the most famous gardener in the country, John Gerard. This is the beguiling story of a lifelong duel. For Elizabeth, these gardens were places for love and intrigue, power play and spectacular design.

    • ¥35.2 折扣:8.8折
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    • The Creative Team at My Chaotic Life 著 /2000-01-01/ 吉林大学出版社
    • “The tell-all register includes a wacky collection of … questions, to help you determine what you should be looking for。” “…you probably want to forget most of your dates。 But you’ll have more fun if you record the gory details…” They say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince。 Here’s a saucy self-discovery dating journal for savvy “swingles” to help them have fun along the way。 Kissing Frogs is an interactive journal that will continue to entertain for years to come。 From the “Rate the Date” questionnaires to the “Hit the Road, Toad” checklist, this journal provides plenty of space to record what women have learned about themselves and what they’ve gleaned about men。 It leaves no rock unturned, and no frog unexamined!

    • ¥41.4 折扣:8.8折
    • 成功女性的7大奥秘7 GREATEST TRUTHS ABOUT S
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Marion Luna Brem 著 /2001-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • In 1984, Brem diagnosed with two types of cancer kept knocking at the doors of car dealerships until someone hired her. Today, as president and CEO of Love Chrysler, she is one of the most successful Latinas in business in the U.S. She explains the principles that sustained her even at her lowest (e.g., know your self-worth; be creative; be passionate about your work), offering numerous anecdotes about women who succeeded against tremendous odds. Readers will empathize with Brem, who speaks frankly and sensitively. This eminently inspiring book, reminiscent of Deborah Rosado Shaw's Dream Big, will find a wide audience.

    • ¥25.5 折扣:8.8折
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    • Michael Kaplan 著 /2005-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The best time to clean up a murder scene? Sooner rather than later with a shooting in bed, to keep blood from leaching into the floor. The best time to write a scathing tell-all about your boss? After he’s dead. Best time to pose nude for Playboy? Between the ages of 18 and 25, though they have photographed women over 40. Did you need to know any of this? Probably not. Kaplan’s volume carries self-help to absurdity—it’s designed more for an occasional idle browse than as a compendium of truly useful information. That said, there are some good tips here: fish at your local fish market is freshest on Tuesdays and Fridays, according to a fish distributor in New York. Appliances are cheapest after January 1, but electronics should be bought before Thanksgiving, according to a former online retailer. Kaplan, the gambling columnist for Cigar Aficionado, has consulted experts in each area, from Donald Trump on deal-making to the stars of Car Talk for car repairs. There’s no table of contents, and the tips

    • ¥47.5 折扣:8.8折
    • Star Cocktails: Classic Drinks from Classic Movies
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    • Oliver Hamilton 著 /2009-10-01/
    • A good Martini when I'm planning a scene helps the mind fi)cus and the body Max, and then the scene just hangs into place .. ; Elia Kazan Some might argue the art o~ mixing cocktailsrequires as much skill as a fine performance. Eachrequires tile perf~-ct basic ingredients, fine tunedto perfection at exactly thc right tcmpcraturc. This is a brand new collection of- the best classiccocktail recipes, with a twist. Drawing on wit andinspiration lqToln Hollywood classics, it bringstogethcr some of the greats of the silver screenwith those olc the silver shaker. Perfect ~t anevening, cocktail hour, part}; breakfhst or brunch,the recipes are stylish yet simple to make. Takingits cue fi+om some of+ the starriest sippers in moviehistor}; from Bette Davis, Laurcn Bacall andMarilyn Monroe to Clark Gable, Alec Guinncssand Richard Burton, from champagne cocktailsm Casal, lanca to vodka martinis in My Man Godfirv,the recipes contained here arc stars in themselves.

    • ¥35.2 折扣:8.8折
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    • Adam Horowitz 著 /2004-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Business 2.0 magazine publishes an annual cover story called "The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business." Featuring 101 hilarious items about the year’s most unbelievably stupid business blunders, it’s hugely popular with its more than half a million print subscribers—and with the two million people who read it on the Web this year. In The Dumbest Moments in Business History, the editors of Business 2.0 have compiled the best of their first four annual issues plus great (or not so great, if you happen to be responsible) moments from the past. From New Coke to the Edsel, from Rosie magazine to Burger King’s "Herb the Nerd," the book’s highlights include: a Romanian car plant whose workers banded together to eliminate the company’s debt by donating sperm and giving the proceeds to their employer the Heidelberg Electric Belt, a sort of low-voltage jockstrap sold in 1900 to cure impotence, kidney disorders, insomnia, and many other complaints the time Beech-Nut sold "100% pure apple juice"

    • ¥47.5 折扣:8.8折
    • 走进法学院(策略指南)Get Into Law School : A Strategic Approach
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    • Kaplan 著 /2003-12-01/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • Choosing and getting into the right school is crucial to getting the most out of your law school years -- and your career as a lawyer. Kaplan has assembled an invaluable collection of expert advice in this practical guide to getting into law school. This excellent resource includes: Advice from admissions officers on writing persuasive personal statements, obtaining the best recommendations, preparing your application, and more. Expert guidance on choosing the best options for financing law school, including tips for financing law school, including tips on financial aid borrowing, and managing expenses. Specialized information for every student, information for every student, including minorities, women, gays and lesbians, the disabled, and others. Kaplan has helped more the 3 million people achieve their educational and career goals, With 185 centers and more the 1200 classroom locations throughout the United States and abroad, Kaplan provides a full range of services, including test pre

    • ¥48.4 折扣:8.8折